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This sample shows how to extend the Tekton Dashboard using the extension mechanism.

This sample extension is intended just to illustrate the mechanism. See the 'experimental' repository ( for more extensions.

This example assumes you've installed the Tekton Dashboard into the tekton-pipelines namespace and you're pushing the sample image to Dockerhub.

Build sample extension image

cd docs/samples/extension
docker build -t <dockerhubusername>/sample-extension:latest .
docker push <dockerhubusername>/sample-extension:latest

Deploy the sample extension

Edit config/tekton-extension-sample.yaml replacing the Dockerhub username value

kubectl apply -f config

Port-forward the Tekton Dashboard pod

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pod -l app=tekton-dashboard -o name) 9097

Access the Tekton Dashboard REST API to view a list of known extensions



  "name": "dashboard-extension",
  "url": "sample",
  "port": "3000",
  "displayname": "tekton_dashboard_extension",
  "bundlelocation": "/bundle"

Access the extension



Hello Tekton Dashboard! Here is the extension sample.


kubectl delete -f config

Kubernetes resources extension

The sample here adds Kubernetes deployments as an extension resource.

Once applied the Tekton Dashboard will include k8s deployments as an option on the left nav.

Note: This sample does not include RBAC and Service Service Account bindings.

This example reuses access to deployment resources which the Tekton Dashboard service account already has - for different resource types a role binding may need to be applied.