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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Breaks backwards compatibility and users need to act
preCICE does not behave the way we want and we should look into it (and fix it if possible)
Improves or extends the building or packaging of preCICE
Related to the preCICE configuration
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue improves or extends documentation for developers
This issue is identical or very close to another one
A new feature, a new functionality of preCICE (from user perspective)
Everybody is invited to help: students, users, externals, ...
I have opened this issue and/or I am assigned to it, but I don't know how to solve it
Working on this will make our lives easier in the long run as preCICE gets easier to maintain.
Issues related to PETSc RBF mappings
Everybody is invited to answer this question or give any hint.
This issue could be a student thesis / project, i.e. it has some scientific value and a certain size
This issue will make preCICE easier for non-expert users
We won't solve this issue because we technically can't or because the it does not fit our vision
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