- PHP 7.1+
- Composer
- Node JS
- Redis
- VS Code
- Laravel Valet (NGINX) or use Laradock or Homestead
git clone https://github.com/codeitlikemiley/vuetified YOURPROJECTNAME
composer install
cp env.example .env
php artisan passport:install
- set your
- If you want to use Laravel echo then change this to true
- Make sure you uncomment this on your config/app.php
// App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
node websocket
Serve Your Site
- laravel valet - valet link YOURSITE
- laradock - docker-compose up -d nginx redis mysql
- homestead - homestead up yourprojectname.test/
- added pre-commit hook file use this type :
cp pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
to use this. - make sure it is executable on your system
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
- Laravel
- Vue
- Laravel Passport for Oauth and authentication
- Vuetified for UI
- Laravel Echo for real-time broadcasting
- Laravel Horizon for queueing jobs
- Laravel Socialite for integration of third-party OAuth
- VS Code plugins for intelligent code fixing and linting
Here you can add extra plugins to your app:
//! Order is important if other services depend on it */
//! Primary Services add here
import './services/vuetify' //! Configuring Themes and Components
import './services/vue-axios' //! For making API calls
import './services/bus' //! Global event bus
import './services/vuex' //! State management
import './services/echo' //! Websocket
import './services/initial-state' //! Seed initial data to your app
//! @ Vuetified/Configuration/ProvidesScriptVariables.php
import('./services/forms') //! Declare your global form objects here
import './services/vee-validate' //! Form validation
import './services/youtube' //! YouTube component
//! Secondary services that depend on the primary services
//! i.e: Vuex in our ACL service
import './services/acl'
Open resources/assets/js/services/vuetify.js
and the edit theme object:
theme: {
primary: '#ef9a9a',
secondary: '#607d8b',
accent: '#4db6ac',
error: '#b71c1c',
info: '#bbdefb',
success: '#a5d6a7',
warning: '#ffc107'
Open Vuetified/Configuration/ProvidesScriptVariables.php
Add your initial data as an array:
public static function scriptVariables()
return [
'csrfToken' => csrf_token(),
'env' => config('app.env'),
'api_endpoint' => config('app.api'),
'sponsor' => self::getSponsor()
- install Vs code plugin "Settings Sync" or
ctrl + shift + x
- press:
ctrl + shift + P
- search/type:
Sync: Advance Option
- Choose:
Download Settings From Public Gist
- Enter Gist ID:
Install VS Code, then install this plugin Settings Sync.
If you want to add components to be part of vuetified please make a pull request.