This is an API developed as a recruitment exercise. It serves as an internal API that recieves subscription requestes and processes them through an external payment gateway. Once the payment is succesfull, the subscrption & customer can be created. The API renders messages that can be used to build a frontend of the subsription system.
ruby 2.5.3p
Rails 5.2.2
The default rails database - Sqlite, to avoid any complications while cloning.
Additional gems used:
gem 'dotenv-rails' to encrypt the API token
gem 'attr_encrypted' to encrypt the customers tokens
gems: 'rspec-rails', 'factory_bot_rails','shoulda-matchers', 'faker', 'database_cleaner' for testing.
Clone respected git repository
Install all dependencies
bundle install
Create db and migrate schema
Run db seeds for the plans to be present in the db
set your API key (token) in the .env file (please see .env-example).
run the server
send JSON request
- example request with curl:
curl -X POST
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"subscription_request": {"name": "test", "address": "TestAdress", "zipcode": "10045", "card_num": "4242424242424242", "expiration": "2021-03-03 00:58:14 +0100", "cvv": "123", "billing_zip": "10045", "plan_id": "4"}}'
- You will get a response with JSON informing whether the request was succesful & the subscripion was created or an error explaining what went wrong on the way.
For better security, the customers tokens recieved from the payment gateway are encrypted before saving in db. Credit Card numbers are not stored and they are filtered from showing in the logs as well.
Requests specs
Moving the creation of a subscription to a Service Object
Allowing multiple subscriptions for one user
Add transaction to avoid charging while not making subscription