A simple job worker that uses RabbitMQ for job management. Full doc and explanation here.
Use one of the following commands to start all three processes:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.cpu.yml up -d # CPU
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.cuda.yml up -d # GPU
Starting rabbitmq-job-worker_worker_1 ... done
Starting rabbitmq-job-worker_rabbitmq_1 ... done
Starting rabbitmq-job-worker_server_1 ... done
To see all of this in action, just hit the /add-job/hey or /add-job/hello end-point on your localhost and you will see the messages flowing through.
$ curl localhost:5002/add-job/hey
[x] Sent: hey
The worker container logs should show the job being executed:
% docker logs rabbitmq-job-worker_worker_1
[*] Sleeping for 10 seconds.
[*] Connecting to server ...
[*] Waiting for messages.
[x] Received b'hey'
hey there
[x] Done