TransformControls does not work (flicker on hover, not draggable) when setting state in useFrame() #2226
Codesandbox to reproduce:
version: 0.170.0@react-three/fiber
version: 8.17.10@react-three/drei
version: 9.117.0node
version: n/anpm
) version: n/a
Problem description:
TransformControls don't work when you call setState
in useFrame
, including both react and zustand setters.
Hovering over the transform controls results in flickering, and they aren't draggable.
Relevant code:
import React from "react";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useFrame } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { TransformControls } from "@react-three/drei";
const Box = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState();
useFrame(() => {
return (
<TransformControls mode="translate" translationSnap={0.5}>
<mesh position={[0, 1, 0]}>
<boxGeometry attach="geometry" />
<meshBasicMaterial attach="material" wireframe="true" color="hotpink" />
Suggested solution:
This should(?) work out of the box? Removing the setState
causes it to work, but that is not an acceptable solution.
I note this does work if you move the useFrame()
to the Plane.js
component in the scene above - aka if it's in a sibling component.
This does not work if the parent component of the one containing the <TransformControls />
contains the useFrame/setState.
This also does not work if you add a key={0}
prop to the TransformControls, which I tried to see if it's from mounting/unmounting.