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Repository files navigation Launching March 2023

This is a website dedicated to managing Humans Vs Zombies games. Originally created by the computer science department of UNCC's Charlotte Outdoor Gaming club, this project supports both a standalone website and optional discord integration.

Supported features:

  • Organiazations

    • User created orgs can create and host games.
    • Orgs have administrators and moderators to manage users throughout the game.
  • Games

    • Games may be started, paused, and stopped by org admins.
    • Users will have an unique ID randomly generated for them.
    • Users joining will be set to human or zombie based on the game settings.
    • OZ support
      • Users can decide if they want to be an OZ, and when the game starts a few of these users will be selected and notified. The amount of users is configurable, and can be entirely disabled by org admins.
      • OZ tags do not show who the OZ is.
      • The OZ can choose to be a zombie or human after getting a set number of tags.
  • Discord integration



Create a discord bot and add it to your server (Instructions here)
Add an OAuth2 redirect URL with the endpoint /discord/logincallback (E.G. https://localhost:7284/discord/logincallback for development)

Configure your DiscordIntegrationSettings. The recommended way is to use dotnet user-secrets:
dotnet user-secrets set "DiscordIntegrationSettings.Token" "<your token here>"
If you choose to store your credentials unsecurely in appsettings.json, DO NOT CHECK THEM INTO GIT.

Once all of the DiscordIntegrationSettings are set, the bot will be active along with the webserver.


HVZ game management system written using .NET







No releases published

Contributors 4

