The following is a collection of class materials that were created for the Philly Girl Develop It Introduction to iOS workshop. The initial materials were created my Mike Zornek (@zorn) and are available here under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All the slides are written in Markdown and were presented using Deckset. PDF exports are available, though do keep in mind some slides are of looping mp4 video files.
Stanford publishes it's iOS / Swift class on iTunes U.
Philly CocoaHeads hosted a Swift Workshop. Its materials and links are available on GitHub as well.
Philly CocoaHeads in general is a great place to meet other developers and socialize. If you are looking to get 1-on-1 help be sure to check out their Side Project Saturday events.
Apple's own Swift website has tons of info and outgoing links.
Big Nerd Ranch has some great classes and some of the most popular instruction books for the platform. Yes, there are updated versions focusing on Swift and iOS 8 in the works (the current version uses Objective-C on iOS 7) but that said I still recommend the current edition as a great starting point for people to new to iOS.