The LaunchDarkly Options Generator generates boilerplate code for setting options for a configuration struct using varargs syntax. You write this:
//go:generate go run config
type config struct {
howMany int
Then run go generate and you can write this:
cfg, err := newConfig(OptionHowMany(100))
or, more interestingly, this:
type Collection {
func NewCollection(options... Option) (Foo, err) {
cfg, err := newConfig(options...)
return Collection{cfg}, nil
You can also specify default values and override the option name as follows:
//go:generate go run config
type config struct {
howMany int `options:"number,5"
This would create OptionNumber
with a default value of 5. Entering the the tag options:",5"
would keep the default OptionHowMany
You can also specify documentation using docstrings or line strings, so:
//go:generate go run config
type config struct {
// indicates the number of items
howMany int // no more than 10
would generate code that looks like this:
// OptionHowMany indicates the number of items
// no more than ten
func WithHowMany(o int) applyOptionFunc {
// ...
You can use nested structures to create multi-field options, so:
type config struct {
number struct {
a, b int
would yield:
func WithNumber(a int, b int) applyOptionFunc {
// ...
You can use also use "..." at the end of a name in options
tag to create variadic arguments, so:
type config struct {
numbers []int `options:"..."`
nums []int `options:"ints..."`
would yield:
func WithNumbers(numbers applyOptionFunc {
// ...
func WithInts(nums applyOptionFunc {
// ...
You can use also use "*" at the beginning of a name in options
tag to record whether an option was set, so:
type config struct {
value *int `options:"*"`
v *int `options:"*myValue"`
would yield:
func WithValue(o applyOptionFunc {
// ...
func WithMyValue(o applyOptionFunc {
// ...
Generated options are interoperable with any other user-created options that support the option interface:
type Option interface {
apply(config *c) error
The name Option
can be customized along with various method names as shown under Options below.
Install with go get -u
The syntax for a tag is:
<alternateName or blank>,[optional default value]
can be customized with several command-line arguments:
disable running gofmt-func <string>
sets the name of function created to apply options to (default is apply<Type>Options)-new=false
controls generation of the function that returns a new config (default true)-imports=[<path>|<alias>=<path>],...
add imports to generated file-option <string>
sets name of the interface to use for options (default "Option")-output <string>
sets the name of the output file (default is _options.go)-prefix <string>
sets prefix to be used for options (defaults to the value ofoption
disables default quoting of default values for string-suffix <string>
sets suffix to be used for options (instead of prefix, cannot be used withprefix
option)-type <string>
name of struct type to create options for (original syntax before multiple types on command-line were supported)