This a cryptocurrency app powered by the CoinMarketCap API:
- axios
- prop-types
- react
- react-native
- react-native-indicators
- react-native-onboarding-swiper
- react-native-splash-screen
- react-native-vector-icons
- react-navigation
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-devtools-extension
- redux-logger
- redux-thunk
brew install node
brew install watchman
sudo npm install -g react-native-cli
And also install Xcode for iOS simulator + Android Studio / Genymotion for Android simulator. Alternatively connect up a hardware device.
Clone the repo:
git clone
Change to the project folder:
cd CryptoApp
Add dependencies:
npm install
or yarn
Run on ios:
react-native run-ios
Run on android:
react-native run-android