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Make PipeCD control plane support plugin-arched piped #5252




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This issue tracks the progress for deprecating Platform Provider and Kind toward piped plugin architecture in pipedv1.

The purpose is to manage application kind and platform providers on the PipeCD plugin side in the future.

Considering the impact on users, pay attention to the following points:

  • In Pipedv1, platform providers, kind remain on the data and do not create logic with them. Use the value you define instead.
  • minify the migration for users.

current update process

  1. Update data for the pipedv1
  • Add the label kind based on the current Application Kind to the Application.
  • Add deployTarget based on the current Application Platform Provider to the Application.
  1. update to pipedv1 (users can use existing application at the time)

Details (under planning)

For Platform Provider

Instead of Platform Provider, we plan to introduce the config for the plugin and define deployTargets.

piped config

kind: Piped
    - name: k8s_plugin
      port: 8081
        - name: dev
            env: dev
          config: # depends on plugins
            masterURL: http://cluster-dev
            kubeConfigPath: ./kubeconfig-dev
type PipedDeployTarget struct {
	Name   string                     `json:"name"`
	Labels map[string]string          `json:"labels,omitempty"`
	Config json.RawMessage            `json:"config"`

We also plan to deploy the app to multiple targets at once in a multicluster feature for k8s.
So, we define DeployTargets as an array in Application and Deployment.


message Application {
    reserved 3;
    // TODO: Add validation for this field.
    string platform_provider = 15;
    repeated string deploy_targets = 16;


message Deployment {
    reserved 4;
    // The name of platform provider where to deploy this application.
    // This must be one of the provider names registered in the piped.
    string platform_provider = 11;
    repeated string deploy_targets = 12;

For the backward compatibility

Before updating the piped, users should migrate the current data on DB.

Former idea

During the migration, there might be both platform providers and deploy targets in the piped config.
So we need to convert the platform providers to deploy targets internally.

Refer the Platform Provider or Deploy Target

  • If the ApplicationKind is Application, just use DeployTarget
  • If the ApplicationKind is old one, convert PlatformProvider to DeployTarget
func (s *PipedSpec) FindDeployTarget(name string, t model.ApplicationKind) (*PipedDeployTarget, bool) {
	// First, check the application is supported by the plugin architecture. It means that the kind is set to "Application".
	// If not, the deploy target is the platform provider.
	// For backward compatibility, the deploy target is the platform provider.
	if t != model.ApplicationKind_APPLICATION {
		p, found := s.FindPlatformProvider(name, t)
		if !found {
			return &PipedDeployTarget{}, false
		return &PipedDeployTarget{
				Name:   p.Name,
				Labels: p.Labels,
				Config: p.Config,
			}, true

	// If the application is supported by the plugin architecture, the deploy target is the deploy target.
	for _, dt := range s.DeployTargets {
		if dt.Name == name {
			return dt, true

	return &PipedDeployTarget{}, false

For Kind

Instead of Kind, we plan to introduce the label to represent the application kind.

kind: Application
    kind: KUBERNETES # <- like this
  name: myApp

For the builtin plugins, we define 5 labels as string.

  • ECS

For the backward compatibility

Before updating the piped, users should migrate the current data on DB.

Former idea

We need to support both before and after creating plugin architecture for now.
So, I propose the way to decide the application kind like this.

  • Define APPLICATION as ApplicationKind
  • Add new method to decide the actual kind for Application and Deployment.
enum ApplicationKind {
    TERRAFORM = 1;
    LAMBDA = 3;
    CLOUDRUN = 4;
    ECS = 5;
    APPLICATION = 6; <- new! 
func (a * Application) GetKind() string {
	// First, check the application is supported by the plugin architecture. It means that the kind is set to "Application".
	// If so, return the kind from the labels.
	if a.Kind == ApplicationKind_Application {
		return a.Labels["kind"]

	// For backward compatibility, return the kind as string
	return a.Kind.String()
func (d *Deployment) GetKind() string {
	// First, check the application is supported by the plugin architecture. It means that the kind is set to "Application".
	// If so, return the kind from the labels.
	if d.Kind == ApplicationKind_Application {
		return d.Labels["kind"]

	// For backward compatibility, return the kind as string
	return d.Kind.String()


Firstly, I listed the target features to require some modifications.
We need to further investigation to decide the way to fix.



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