PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"piksel-nl/kigo-pro-api-client": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = Piksel\KigoPro\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new Piksel\KigoPro\Api\BookingApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$start_date = new \DateTime("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // \DateTime | Start Date
$channel_connection_id = 56; // int | Channel Connection ID
$end_date = new \DateTime("2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00"); // \DateTime | End Date
try {
$result = $apiInstance->channelsV2BookingsDiffGet($start_date, $channel_connection_id, $end_date);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling BookingApi->channelsV2BookingsDiffGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsDiffGet | GET /channels/v2/bookings/diff | Get ID and Date Last Updated of all Bookings that were created/modified within the specified date range |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsIdCancelPut | PUT /channels/v2/bookings/{id}/cancel | Cancel a Booking |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsIdCreditcardsPost | POST /channels/v2/bookings/{id}/creditcards | Save and try to authorize/charge a Credit Card for a Booking |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsIdEventsPost | POST /channels/v2/bookings/{id}/events | Create a Booking Event |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsIdGet | GET /channels/v2/bookings/{id} | Get a Booking |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsIdPut | PUT /channels/v2/bookings/{id} | Update a Booking |
BookingApi | channelsV2BookingsPost | POST /channels/v2/bookings | Create a new Booking |
BookingApi | proV1BookingsGet | GET /pro/v1/bookings | |
BookingApi | proV1BookingsIdGet | GET /pro/v1/bookings/{id} | |
ChannelConnectionApi | channelsV2ConnectionsGet | GET /channels/v2/connections | Get Channel Connection |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsDiffGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/diff | Get all the Listings where Price, Availability or Content has changed, after a given time |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsGet | GET /channels/v2/listings | Get all listings associated to a requested channel |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsIdAvailabilityGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/{id}/availability | Get Availability Feed |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsIdCheckavailabilityGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/{id}/checkavailability | Check if a Listing is available |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsIdGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/{id} | Get a listing |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsIdLospricingCsvGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/{id}/lospricing.csv | |
ListingApi | channelsV2ListingsIdRatesGet | GET /channels/v2/listings/{id}/rates | Get contract-aware Rates Feed |
MessagingApi | channelsV2MessagingMessagesGet | GET /channels/v2/messaging/messages | Get Messages |
MessagingApi | channelsV2MessagingThreadsPost | POST /channels/v2/messaging/threads | Create a new Thread |
MessagingApi | channelsV2MessagingThreadsTidMessagesIdPut | PUT /channels/v2/messaging/threads/{tid}/messages/{id} | Update a Message |
MessagingApi | channelsV2MessagingThreadsTidMessagesPost | POST /channels/v2/messaging/threads/{tid}/messages | Create a new Message |
MessagingApi | channelsV2MessagingThreadsTidPut | PUT /channels/v2/messaging/threads/{tid} | Update a Thread |
PromotionApi | channelsV2PromotionsAssignmentGet | GET /channels/v2/promotions/assignment | Get Promotions with assigned listing ids for active and shared listings on a given channel. |
PropertyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties | |
PropertyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdPropertysummaryGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/propertysummary | |
PropertyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesPagedPageNumGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/paged/{pageNum} | |
PropertyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesPagedPageNumPageSizeGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/paged/{pageNum}/{pageSize} | |
PropertyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesPost | POST /pro/v1/content/properties | |
PropertyAmenityApi | proV1ContentPropertiesAmenitiesGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/amenities | |
PropertyAmenityApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdAmenitiesGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/amenities | |
PropertyAmenityApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdAmenitiesPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/amenities | |
PropertyCheckInPolicyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdCheckinpolicyGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/checkinpolicy | |
PropertyCheckInPolicyApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdCheckinpolicyPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/checkinpolicy | |
PropertyDescriptionsApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdDescriptionsGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/descriptions | |
PropertyDescriptionsApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdDescriptionsPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/descriptions | |
PropertyGeneralInformationApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdAddressGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/address | |
PropertyGeneralInformationApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdAddressPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/address | |
PropertyGeneralInformationApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdDetailsGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/details | |
PropertyGeneralInformationApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdDetailsPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/details | |
PropertyHouseRulesApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdHouserulesGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/houserules | |
PropertyHouseRulesApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdHouserulesPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/houserules | |
PropertyLegalInfoApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdLegalinfoGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/legalinfo | |
PropertyLegalInfoApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdLegalinfoPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/legalinfo | |
PropertyMediaApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdMediasGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/medias | |
PropertyMediaApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdMediasImagesPost | POST /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/medias/images | |
PropertyMediaApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdMediasMediaIdDelete | DELETE /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/medias/{mediaId} | |
PropertyMediaApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdMediasMediaIdPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/medias/{mediaId} | |
PropertyMediaApi | proV1ContentPropertiesMediatagsGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/mediatags | |
PropertyRoomApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdRoomsGet | GET /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/rooms | |
PropertyRoomApi | proV1ContentPropertiesIdRoomsPut | PUT /pro/v1/content/properties/{id}/rooms | |
QuoteApi | channelsV2QuotesPost | POST /channels/v2/quotes | Generate a quote given a desired QuoteContext |
QuoteApi | channelsV2QuotesQuoteGuidBookPost | POST /channels/v2/quotes/{quoteGuid}/book | Convert a Quote into a Booking |
RateApi | proV1PropertiesIdRatesGet | GET /pro/v1/properties/{id}/rates | |
RateApi | proV1PropertiesIdRatesPost | POST /pro/v1/properties/{id}/rates | |
ReferenceDataApi | channelsV2AmenitiesGet | GET /channels/v2/amenities | Get supported amenities |
ReferenceDataApi | channelsV2CountriesGet | GET /channels/v2/countries | Get supported countries |
ReferenceDataApi | channelsV2MediatagsGet | GET /channels/v2/mediatags | Get supported tags |
- Account
- Address
- AggregatedChannelConnection
- Amenity
- AmenityListResourceList
- ApiError
- ApiErrorModel
- Availability
- AvailabilityDay
- AvailabilityDayUnitCount
- AvailabilityResource
- BlockedOutNightsSettings
- Booking
- BookingDiffOutput
- BookingDiffOutputListResourceList
- BookingEvent
- BookingResource
- BooleanCommandOkEnvelope
- CancellationPolicy
- CancellationPolicyDto
- ChannelConnection
- ChannelConnectionListing
- ChannelConnectionResource
- CheckAvailabilityOutput
- CheckAvailabilityOutputResource
- CheckInInstruction
- CheckInLocation
- CheckInPolicy
- ContractSettings
- ContractVersion
- ContractualTerms
- Country
- CountryListResourceList
- CreatePropertyCommand
- CreatePropertyResponseVm
- CreatePropertyResponseVmCommandOkEnvelope
- CreditCard
- CreditCardAuthorizationError
- CreditCardAuthorizationResponse
- CreditCardResponse
- DepositStatement
- FeeSettings
- GetAmenitiesMainAmenityVm
- GetAmenitiesMainAmenityVmListResourceList
- GetBookingVm
- GetCheckInPolicyInstructions
- GetCheckInPolicyLocationDto
- GetCheckInPolicyVm
- GetDiffResult
- GetHouseRulesVm
- GetLegalInfoVm
- GetListingsResult
- GetListingsResultListResourceList
- GetMediaTagsTagVm
- GetPropertyAddressVm
- GetPropertyAmentiesVm
- GetPropertyDescriptionsDescriptionVm
- GetPropertyDescriptionsVm
- GetPropertyDetailsPublicNameDto
- GetPropertyDetailsVm
- GetPropertyMediaVm
- GetPropertyMediasMediaDto
- GetPropertyRateVm
- GetPropertyRoomsBedDto
- GetPropertyRoomsRoomDto
- GetPropertyRoomsVm
- GetPropertySummaryAddressDto
- GetPropertySummaryVm
- GetUserMessageResponse
- GetUserMessageResponseResource
- GuestStatement
- GuestStatementDetail
- Int32CommandOkEnvelope
- Listing
- ListingBlockedOutNightRule
- ListingBookingWindowRule
- ListingDiffImpact
- ListingFeeRule
- ListingImpact
- ListingMaxStayRule
- ListingRateAdjustment
- ListingResource
- Location
- Media
- OptionalFee
- PackedStatement
- PaymentGateway
- PaymentPlanSetting
- PaymentResponse
- PaymentSchedule
- PaymentScheduleRequest
- Person
- PostBookingCreditCardResponse
- PostBookingFromQuoteRequest
- PostBookingRequest
- PostBookingResponse
- PostPersonRequest
- PostPropertyMediaCommand
- PostThreadRequest
- PostThreadResponse
- PostThreadResponseResource
- PostUserMessageRequest
- PostUserMessageResponse
- PostUserMessageResponseResource
- PromotionCoupon
- PromotionSetting
- PromotionSettingWithAssociatedListings
- PromotionSettingWithAssociatedListingsListResourceList
- PropertyAddress
- PropertyDescription
- PutBookingRequest
- PutBookingResponse
- PutCheckInPolicyCheckInInstructionsDto
- PutCheckInPolicyCommand
- PutCheckInPolicyLocationDto
- PutHouseRulesCommand
- PutLegalInfoCommand
- PutPropertyAddressCommand
- PutPropertyAmenitiesCommand
- PutPropertyDescriptionsCommand
- PutPropertyDescriptionsDescriptionDto
- PutPropertyDetailsCommand
- PutPropertyDetailsPublicNameDto
- PutPropertyMediaTagsAndOrderCommand
- PutPropertyRoomsBedDto
- PutPropertyRoomsCommand
- PutPropertyRoomsRoomDto
- PutUserMessageRequest
- PutUserMessageResponse
- PutUserMessageResponseResource
- Quote
- QuotePlan
- QuoteRequest
- QuoteResource
- Rate
- RateAdjustmentRule
- RateAdjustmentRuleOverride
- RateSchedule
- RateScheduleNight
- RateScheduleResource
- Review
- Room
- RoomAmenity
- RoomList
- ScheduledTransaction
- ScheduledTransactionRequest
- SetPropertyRateDto
- StatementDetail
- StaySettings
- Tag
- TagListResourceList
- ThreadModelResponse
- TimeBetweenReservationsRule
- Transaction
- UserMessage
- UserMessageAttachment
- UserMessageDetail
- ValidationErrorException
- ValidationErrorItem
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- cm.api: Kigo Pro - Channel Manager API Access
- automation.api: Kigo Pro - Automation API Access
- developer.api: Kigo Pro - Developer API Access
- pro.api: (deprecated) Kigo Pro API Access