Business-Go Framework.
- High-performance router, base on httprouter
- Pretty middewares
- Uniform logger, base on logrus
- Opentracing, integrate jaeger-client
- Graphql, base on graph-gophers/graphql-go
- CORS, base on rs/cors
// main.go
package main
import (
dbr ""
httprouter ""
b ""
bd ""
func main() {
r := b.New()
r.GET("/:name", func(ctx context.Context) {
w := b.Response(ctx) // http.ResponseWriter
name := b.Param(ctx, "name") // httprouter.Params.ByName("name")
w.Write([]byte("hello "+name+"!"))
// comment out these code if you don't use dbr
rWithDbr := r.Prefix("/dbr").Middlewares(bd.Middleware(nil))
rWithDbr.GET("/empty", func(ctx context.Context) {
w := b.Response(ctx) // http.ResponseWriter
db := bd.Dbr(ctx) // *dbr.Session
var test struct{}
err := db.Select(`"empty"`).LoadOneContext(ctx, &test)
if err != nil {
w.Write([]byte(`dbr: SELECT "empty"`))
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// do something
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// do something
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// do something
func(ctx context.Context) {
// do something
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// context with a key & value
next(b.WithValue(ctx, "key", value))
func(ctx context.Context) {
// get a value from context by a key
value := b.Value(ctx, "key").(type) // "type" means a type assertion here
r.GET("/:name", func(ctx context.Context) {
r := b.Request(ctx) // *http.Request
w := b.Response(ctx) // http.ResponseWriter
ps := b.Params(ctx) // httprouter.Params
value := b.Param(ctx, "key") // httprouter.Params.ByName("key")
subRoute1 := r.Prefix("/sub1")
subRoute2 := r.Prefix("/sub1").Middlewares(
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// do something
func(ctx context.Context, next bgo.Handle) {
// do something
type resolver struct{}
var g = b.NewGraphql(&resolver{})
func init() {
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
greeting(name: String): String!
func (r *resolver) Greeting(
ctx context.Context,
args struct {
Name *string
) string {
if args.Name == nil {
name := "world"
args.Name = &name
return "hello " + args.Name
func main() {
r := b.New()
r.Graphql("/graphql", g)
package main
import (
b ""
config ""
func main() {
r := b.New()
closer := b.Jaeger(&config.Configuration{
ServiceName: "bgo-example",
Sampler: &config.SamplerConfig{
Type: "const",
Param: 1,
Reporter: &config.ReporterConfig{
LogSpans: true,
defer closer.Close()
package main
import (
b ""
func main() {
r := b.New()
r.CORS(cors.AllowAll()).GET("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
// do something
package main
import (
b ""
func main() {
logger := b.Log // logger is a *logrus.Logger
// log everything as logrus
package main
import (
b ""
be ""
func main() {
r := b.New()
r.GET("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
// Throw will trigger a panic, which internal recover middleware
// will catch and unmarshal to the response content as
// `{"code":10001,"msg":"passwd error"}`
be.Throw(10001, "passwd error")
// create a file named logger.go in your package
// (for a convention, you should create this file in every package,
// so you can simplely call in every package)
package main
import (
bl ""
var log = bl.New("component's name, like a namespace, for example, bgo.main")
// main.go with the logger.go above in the same package
package main
import (
b ""
func main() {
r := b.New()
r.GET("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
log.Info().Msg("request access")
// yes, the logger based on zerolog
// more documents are [here](
- [bgo-example] - An example to show how to play with bgo.