Red Hat
- Czech Republic
- zlosynth.com
Starred repositories
Simple utility module, vessel for Daisy Patch SM, to run pure data patches.
Cleans dependencies and build artifacts from your projects.
A pytest plugin designed to enhance the efficiency of automated testing processes by leveraging the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) for intelligent test failure analysis.
Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC) framework for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers
Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
Příručka pro děti a rodiče o výuce programování dětí na prvním stupni (tj. věk 6 až 11 let).
InstructLab Command-Line Interface. Use this to chat with a model and execute the InstructLab workflow to train a model using custom taxonomy data.
Modern embedded framework, using Rust and async.
A kubernetes-based FRR daemon to be used by metallb or standalone
A list of awesome KubeVirt projects and other things
Graph-oriented live coding language and music/audio DSP library written in Rust
A ground-up rebuild of the stock gridfinity bins in OpenSCAD
Can I turn piles of boxes and baggies into something better?
🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
A handy shell script that enables you to write repeatable demos in a bash environment.
A custom view build with Obsidian-Dataview to display tasks from Obsidian-Tasks and from your daily notes in a highly customisable timeline