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Important Note - English

Click on the buttons inside the tabbed menu:

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Text 6 Text 7 Text 8 Text 9 Text 10 Text 11 Text 12 Text 13 Text 14 Text 15 Text 16 Text 17 Text 18 Text 19 Text 20 Text 21 Text 22 Text 23 Text 24 Text 25 Text 26 Text 27 Text 28 Text 29 Text 30 Text 31 Text 32 Text 33 Text 34 Text 35 Text 36 Text 37 Text 38 Text 39 Text 40 Text 41 Text 42 Text 43 Text 44 Text 45 Text 46 Text 47 Text 48 Text 49 Text 50 Text 51 Text 52 Text 53 Text 54 Text 55 Text 56 Text 57 Text 58 Text 59 Text 60 Text 61 Text 62 Text 63 Text 64 Text 65 Text 66 Text 67 Text 68 Text 69 Text 70 Text 71 Text 72 Text 73 Text 74 Text 75 Text 76 Text 77 Text 78 Text 79 Text 80 Text 81 Text 82 Text 83 Text 84 Text 85 Text 86 Text 87 Text 88 Text 89 Text 90 Text 91 Text 92 Text 93 Text 94 Text 95 Text 96 Text 97 Text 98 Text 99 Text 100

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Ms. Dawson, I need you to take a dictation for me.
  • #Person2#: Yes, sir...
  • #Person1#: This should go out as an intra-office memorandum to all employees by this afternoon. Are you ready?
  • #Person2#: Yes, sir. Go ahead.
  • #Person1#: Attention all staff... Effective immediately, all office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos. The use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited.
  • #Person2#: Sir, does this apply to intra-office communications only? Or will it also restrict external communications?
  • #Person1#: It should apply to all communications, not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communications.
  • #Person2#: But sir, many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients.
  • #Person1#: They will just have to change their communication methods. I don't want any - one using Instant Messaging in this office. It wastes too much time! Now, please continue with the memo. Where were we?
  • #Person2#: This applies to internal and external communications.
  • #Person1#: Yes. Any employee who persists in using Instant Messaging will first receive a warning and be placed on probation. At second offense, the employee will face termination. Any questions regarding this new policy may be directed to department heads.
  • #Person2#: Is that all?
  • #Person1#: Yes. Please get this memo typed up and distributed to all employees before 4 pm.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Ms Dawson helps #Person1# to write a memo to inform every employee that they have to change the communication method and should not use Instant Messaging anymore
  • In order to prevent employees from wasting time on Instant Message programs, #Person1# decides to terminate the use of those programs and asks Ms Dawson to send out a memo to all employees by the afternoon
  • MS Dawson takes a dictation for #Person1# about prohibiting the use of Instant Message programs in the office
  • They argue about its reasonability but #Person1# still insists

Sumy Summary

  • Effective immediately, all office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos
  • The use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited
  • Any employee who persists in using Instant Messaging will first receive a warning and be placed on probation

T5 base Summary

  • the use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited
  • #Person2#: sir, many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients
  • #Person2#: sir, many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients
  • #Person2#: sir

T5 large Summary

  • effective immediately, all office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos
  • the use of instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited
  • any employee who persists in using Instant Messaging will first receive a warning and be placed on probation
  • at second offense, the employee will face termination

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants Ms
  • Dawson to take dictation for him
  • #Person1: All office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos
  • #Person1: The use of Instant Message programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited
  • #Person1: Any employee who persists in using Instant

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Ms
  • Dawson, I need you to take a dictation for me
  • #Person1#: It should apply to all communications, not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communications
  • #Person2#: This applies to internal and external communications

Main Text

  • #Person1#: You're finally here! What took so long?
  • #Person2#: I got stuck in traffic again. There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection.
  • #Person1#: It's always rather congested down there during rush hour. Maybe you should try to find a different route to get home.
  • #Person2#: I don't think it can be avoided, to be honest.
  • #Person1#: perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport system to work.
  • #Person2#: I think it's something that I'll have to consider. The public transport system is pretty good.
  • #Person1#: It would be better for the environment, too.
  • #Person2#: I know. I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem in this city.
  • #Person1#: Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving as well.
  • #Person2#: The only problem is that I'm going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car.
  • #Person1#: Well, when it's nicer outside, you can start biking to work. That will give you just as much freedom as your car usually provides.
  • #Person2#: That's true. I could certainly use the exercise!
  • #Person1#: So, are you going to quit driving to work then?
  • #Person2#: Yes, it's not good for me or for the environment.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# arrives late because of traffic jam
  • #Person1# persuades #Person2# to use public transportations to keep healthy and to protect the environment
  • #Person2# decides to follow #Person1#'s suggestions on quitting driving to work and will try to use public transportations
  • #Person2# complains to #Person1# about the traffic jam, #Person1# suggests quitting driving and taking public transportation instead

Sumy Summary

  • There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection
  • #Person1#: perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport system to work
  • I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem in this city

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem
  • #Person2#: i'm going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car
  • #Person1#: when it's nicer outside, you can start biking to work

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: maybe it would be better if you started taking public transport system to work
  • #Person2#: I'm going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car
  • #Person1#: i feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 got stuck in traffic again
  • He's going to take public transport to work
  • He's going to quit driving to work as it's not good for him or for the environment
  • He's going to start biking to work when it's nicer outside
  • He's going to quit driving to work as it

Bert Summary

  • There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection
  • #Person2#: I think it's something that I'll have to consider
  • #Person2#: Yes, it's not good for me or for the environment

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Kate, you never believe what's happened.
  • #Person2#: What do you mean?
  • #Person1#: Masha and Hero are getting divorced.
  • #Person2#: You are kidding. What happened?
  • #Person1#: Well, I don't really know, but I heard that they are having a separation for 2 months, and filed for divorce.
  • #Person2#: That's really surprising. I always thought they are well matched. What about the kids? Who get custody?
  • #Person1#: Masha, it seems quiet and makable, no quarrelling about who get the house and stock and then contesting the divorce with other details worked out.
  • #Person2#: That's the change from all the back stepping we usually hear about. Well, I still can't believe it, Masha and Hero, the perfect couple. When would they divorce be final?
  • #Person1#: Early in the New Year I guess.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# tells Kate that Masha and Hero get divorced
  • Kate is surprised because she thought they are perfect couple
  • #Person1# tells Kate that Masha and Hero are getting a peaceful divorce
  • Kate feels surprised and asks about their kids
  • #Person1# and Kate talk about the divorce between Masha and Hero
  • Kate feels surprised because she thought they are well matched

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Well, I don't really know, but I heard that they are having a separation for 2 months, and filed for divorce
  • #Person1#: Masha, it seems quiet and makable, no quarrelling about who get the house and stock and then contesting the divorce with other details worked out
  • Well, I still can't believe it, Masha and Hero, the perfect couple

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Masha and Hero are having a separation for 2 months
  • #Person2#: that's really surprising
  • I always thought they are well matched
  • #Person1#: it seems quiet and makable, no quarrelling about who gets the house and stock

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i heard that they are having a separation for 2 months, and filed for divorce
  • #Person2#: that's really surprising
  • i always thought they are well matched
  • #Person2#: that's the change from all the back stepping we usually hear

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Masha and Hero are getting divorced
  • They are having a separation for 2 months, and filed for divorce
  • They will have custody of their children
  • They will divorce early in the New Year, Kate thinks
  • They will have custody of their children
  • They will have a separation for 2 months, and then file for divorce

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Kate, you never believe what's happened
  • #Person2#: That's the change from all the back stepping we usually hear about

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Happy Birthday, this is for you, Brian.
  • #Person2#: I'm so happy you remember, please come in and enjoy the party. Everyone's here, I'm sure you have a good time.
  • #Person1#: Brian, may I have a pleasure to have a dance with you?
  • #Person2#: Ok.
  • #Person1#: This is really wonderful party.
  • #Person2#: Yes, you are always popular with everyone. and you look very pretty today.
  • #Person1#: Thanks, that's very kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with my dress, and they both make me look good I feel.
  • #Person2#: You look great, you are absolutely glowing.
  • #Person1#: Thanks, this is a fine party. We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and Brian are at the birthday party of Brian
  • Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and is popular
  • #Person1# attends Brian's birthday party
  • Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and charming
  • #Person1# has a dance with Brian at Brian's birthday party
  • Brian thinks #Person1# looks great and is popular

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Happy Birthday, this is for you, Brian
  • #Person2#: I'm so happy you remember, please come in and enjoy the party
  • I hope my necklace goes with my dress, and they both make me look good I feel

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: Brian, may I have a pleasure to have a dance with you? #Person1#: Thanks, that's very kind of you to say
  • #Person2#: i hope my necklace goes with my dress, and they both make me look good
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: happy birthday, this is for you, Brian
  • please come in and enjoy the party
  • #Person2#: yes, you are always popular with everyone
  • and you look very pretty today
  • #Person1#: thanks, that's very kind of you to say
  • #Person2

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 are at a birthday party
  • #Person1 wants to have a dance with #Person2 at the party
  • #Person1 and #Person2 want to have a drink together to celebrate #Person1's birthday
  • #Person1 and #Person

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Happy Birthday, this is for you, Brian
  • #Person2#: I'm so happy you remember, please come in and enjoy the party

Main Text

  • #Person1#: This Olympic park is so big!
  • #Person2#: Yes. Now we are in the Olympic stadium, the center of this park.
  • #Person1#: Splendid! When is it gonna be finished?
  • #Person2#: The whole stadium is to be finished this June.
  • #Person1#: How many seats are there in the stand?
  • #Person2#: Oh, there are 5000 seats in total.
  • #Person1#: I didn ' t know it would be so big!
  • #Person2#: It is! Look there, those are the tracks. And the jumping pit is over there.
  • #Person1#: Ah... I see. Hey, look the sign here, No climbing.
  • #Person2#: We put many signs with English translations for foreign visitors.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is surprised at the Olympic Stadium'volume, capacity and interior setting to #Person1#
  • #Person2# shows #Person1# around the constructing Olympic stadium and introduces the stadium
  • #Person2# introduces the Olympic Stadium's finishing time, capacity and interior setting to #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: This Olympic park is so big! Now we are in the Olympic stadium, the center of this park
  • #Person2#: We put many signs with English translations for foreign visitors

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I didn't know it would be so big! #Person2#: Oh, there are 5000 seats in total
  • #Person1#: Look there, those are the tracks
  • And the jumping pit is over there
  • #Person2#: We put many signs

T5 large Summary

  • the whole stadium is to be finished this June
  • #Person1#: I didn't know it would be so big! #Person2#: We put many signs with english translations for foreign visitors
  • #Person1#: I don't know it would be so big! #

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are in the Olympic park
  • They are in the Olympic stadium
  • There are 5000 seats in the stadium
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are in the Olympic jumping pit
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are in English translations for foreign

Bert Summary

  • Now we are in the Olympic stadium, the center of this park
  • #Person2#: The whole stadium is to be finished this June

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I've had it! I am done working for a company that is taking me nowhere!
  • #Person2#: So what are you gonna do? Just quit?
  • #Person1#: That's exactly what I am going to do! I have decided to create my own company! I am going to write up a business plan, get some investors and start working for myself!
  • #Person2#: Have you ever written up a business plan before?
  • #Person1#: Well, no, it can't be that hard! I mean, all you have to do is explain your business, how you are going to do things and that's it, right?
  • #Person2#: You couldn't be more wrong! A well written business plan will include an executive summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less. Then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has, history, etc.
  • #Person1#: Well, that seems easy enough.
  • #Person2#: Wait, there is more! Then you need to introduce and describe your goods or services. What they are and how they are different from competitors? Then comes the hard part, a market analysis. You need to investigate and analyze hundreds of variables! You need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from GDP per capita to how many children on average the population has! All this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage, where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea.
  • #Person1#: Geez. Is that all?
  • #Person2#: Almost, the most important piece of information for your investors will be the financial analysis. Here you will calculate and estimate sales, cash flow and profits. After all, people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment!
  • #Person1#: Umm. I think I ' ll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to create a company and is going to write a business plan
  • #Person2# gives #Person1# suggestions on how to summarise business ideas, describe the service, differ from competitors and attract investment in a good business plan
  • #Person1# decides to stick to the old job
  • #Person1# abandons the idea of creating a company after #Person2# explains what a business plan includes
  • #Person2# specifies that a well-written business plan includes an executive summary, goods and service description, strategy and implementation, and financial analysis
  • #Person1# wants to start #Person1#'s own business, but #Person2# warns #Person1# of the hassle
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# what is needed in a business plan and #Person1# decides to stick to the old job for now

Sumy Summary

  • You need to take into consideration socioeconomic factors from GDP per capita to how many children on average the population has! All this information is useful so that you can move on to your strategy and implementation stage, where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute your idea
  • I think I ' ll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business!

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I am done working for a company that is taking me nowhere
  • #Person2#: I am going to write up a business plan, get some investors and start working for myself
  • #Person1#: I am going to write up a business plan, get some investors and

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i am done working for a company that is taking me nowhere! #Person2#: i am going to create my own company! #Person1#: i have decided to write up a business plan, get some investors and start working for myself! #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 is tired of working for a company that is taking him nowhere
  • #Person2 advises him to write up a business plan, get some investors and start working for himself
  • #Person1 decides to stick to his old job and save himself all the hassle of trying to start up a business

Bert Summary

  • I am done working for a company that is taking me nowhere! #Person1#: That's exactly what I am going to do! After all, people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment! I think I ' ll just stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What's wrong with you? Why are you scratching so much?
  • #Person2#: I feel itchy! I can't stand it anymore! I think I may be coming down with something. I feel lightheaded and weak.
  • #Person1#: Let me have a look. Whoa! Get away from me!
  • #Person2#: What's wrong?
  • #Person1#: I think you have chicken pox! You are contagious! Get away! Don't breathe on me!
  • #Person2#: Maybe it's just a rash or an allergy! We can't be sure until I see a doctor.
  • #Person1#: Well in the meantime you are a biohazard! I didn't get it when I was a kid and I've heard that you can even die if you get it as an adult!
  • #Person2#: Are you serious? You always blow things out of proportion. In any case, I think I'll go take an oatmeal bath.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# feels itchy
  • #Person1# doubts it is chicken pox and asks #Person2# to get away
  • #Person2# doesn't believe it
  • #Person1# suspects that #Person2# has chicken pox and wants to keep away from #Person2#
  • #Person2# thinks #Person1# is exaggerating
  • #Person1# thinks #Person2# has chicken pox and warns #Person2# about the possible hazards but #Person2# thinks it will be fine

Sumy Summary

  • I can't stand it anymore! I feel lightheaded and weak
  • I didn't get it when I was a kid and I've heard that you can even die if you get it as an adult!

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I think you have chicken pox! You are contagious! #Person2#: Maybe it's just a rash or an allergy! #Person1#: I didn't get it when I was a kid and you can even die if you get it as an

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i feel itchy! i can't stand it anymore! #Person2#: I feel lightheaded and weak
  • #Person1#: i think you have chicken pox! you are contagious! #Person2#: maybe it's just a

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is scratching a lot
  • He thinks he may have chicken pox
  • Person1 thinks he's a biohazard because he didn't get it when he was a kid and he can even die if he gets it as an adult
  • He thinks he

Bert Summary

  • I think I may be coming down with something
  • #Person1#: Well in the meantime you are a biohazard!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Good coming. What can I do for you?
  • #Person2#: I'm in Room 309. I'm checking out today. Can I have my bill now?
  • #Person1#: Certainly. Please wait a moment. Here you are.
  • #Person2#: Thanks. Wait... What's this? The 30 dollar for?
  • #Person1#: Excuse me... The charge for your laundry service on Nov. 20th.
  • #Person2#: But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here. I think you have added someone else's.
  • #Person1#: Ummmm...Sorry, would you mind waiting a moment? We check it with the department concerned.
  • #Person2#: No. As long as we get this straightened out.
  • #Person1#: I'm very sorry. There has been a mistake. We'll correct the bill. Please take a look.
  • #Person2#: Okay, here you are.
  • #Person1#: Goodbye.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# is checking out and asks #Person1# for the bill
  • #Person1# gives #Person2# a wrong bill at first then corrects it
  • #Person1# helps #Person2# correct a mischarged bill on laundry service and helps #Person2# check out
  • #Person2# finds #Person2# being mischarged
  • #Person1# corrects the bill and #Person2# pays for it

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here
  • #Person1#: Ummmm
  • Sorry, would you mind waiting a moment? We check it with the department concerned

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Certainly
  • Please wait a moment
  • #Person2#: Okay, here you are
  • #Person1#: I'm very sorry
  • There has been a mistake
  • We'll correct the bill
  • #Person2#: Okay, here you are
  • #Person1

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm in room 309
  • I'm checking out today
  • can I have my bill now? #Person2#: Okay, here you are
  • #Person1#: I'm very sorry
  • there has been a mistake
  • we'll correct the bill
  • please take a

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is checking out today in Room 309
  • He wants to see his hotel bill
  • He doesn't want to pay the 30 dollar for laundry service on Nov
  • 20th
  • The bill has been mistakenly added to someone else's
  • The bill has been corrected and Person2 can see the corrected bill
  • He is satisfied

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Excuse me
  • The charge for your laundry service on Nov
  • 20th
  • #Person2#: But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Steven, I need badly your help.
  • #Person2#: What's the matter?
  • #Person1#: My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary, and now she is going to divorce me.
  • #Person2#: How could you cheat on your wife? You have been married for ten years.
  • #Person1#: Yes, I know I'm wrong. But I swear that the affair lasts only for two months. And I still love my wife. I couldn't live without her.
  • #Person2#: I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce. But are you sure that from now on you will be faithful to her forever?
  • #Person1#: Yes, I swear.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is begging Steven to persuade his wife not to divorce him
  • Steven agrees
  • Steve will try to persuade #Person1#'s wife not to divorce #Person1# as #Person1# swears to remain faithful forever
  • #Person1# begs Steven's to persuade #Person1#'s wife not to divorce him, and Steven agrees

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary, and now she is going to divorce me
  • You have been married for ten years
  • But I swear that the affair lasts only for two months

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary
  • #Person2#: I swear that the affair lasts only for two months
  • #Person1#: I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: my wife has found that i have an affair with my secretary, and now she is going to divorce me
  • #Person2#: how could you cheat on your wife? you have been married for ten years
  • #Person1#: I swear that the affair lasts only for two

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1's wife has found out that he has an affair with his secretary, and she is going to divorce him
  • #Person2 will try to persuade her to reconsider the divorce
  • #Person1 swears that he will be faithful to his wife forever
  • #Person2 will try

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Steven, I need badly your help
  • #Person2#: I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Who stands out in your mind as a man or woman of sound character?
  • #Person2#: If I think of famous people, I think of Abraham Lincoln.
  • #Person1#: He's the US president, who walked five miles just to give a lady her change, isn't he?
  • #Person2#: That's the one. He also was famous for never giving up on his goals.
  • #Person1#: That's right. He ran for office quite a few times before he was finally elected.
  • #Person2#: And I also admire him for his courage in fighting for equal rights.
  • #Person1#: He had great vision, didn't he?
  • #Person2#: And humility. I would have liked to meet him personally.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Abraham Lincoln
  • They think he was a noble man
  • #Person2# admires Abraham Lincoln for his perseverance, courage and humility
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about Abraham Lincoln and his glorious history
  • They both admire him

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Who stands out in your mind as a man or woman of sound character? #Person1#: He's the US president, who walked five miles just to give a lady her change, isn't he? #Person2#: And I also admire him for his courage in fighting for equal rights

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: if i think of famous people, i think of Abraham Lincoln
  • #Person2#: that's the one
  • he was famous for never giving up on his goals
  • #Person1#: he had great vision, didn't he? #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: if i think of famous people, i think of abraham lincoln
  • #Person1#: he walked five miles just to give a lady her change
  • #Person2#: i admire him for his courage in fighting for equal

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1: Who stands out in your mind as a man or woman of sound character? #Person2: Abraham Lincoln
  • #Person1: He was famous for never giving up on his goals
  • #Person2: And he had great vision, didn't he? #Person1: And

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Who stands out in your mind as a man or woman of sound character? #Person2#: And I also admire him for his courage in fighting for equal rights

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Where are you going for your trip?
  • #Person2#: I think Hebei is a good place.
  • #Person1#: But I heard the north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms!
  • #Person2#: Really?
  • #Person1#: Yes, it's said that Hebes was experiencing six degree strong winds.
  • #Person2#: How do these storms affect the people who live in these areas?
  • #Person1#: The report said the number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorms. The sand gets into people's noses and throats and creates irritation.
  • #Person2#: It sounds that sandstorms are trouble for everybody!
  • #Person1#: You are quite right.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# plans to have a trip in Hebei but #Person1# says there are sandstorms in there
  • #Person1# tells #Person2# Hebei was experiencing severe sandstorms and sandstorms threaten people's health
  • #Person2# wants to travel to Hebei but #Person1# informs #Person2# of terrible sandstorms there

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: But I heard the north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms! #Person1#: The report said the number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorms
  • The sand gets into people's noses and throats and creates irritation

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I think the north of China is experiencing severe sandstorms
  • #Person1#: Yes, it's said that Hebes was experiencing six degree strong winds
  • #Person2#: the number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorm

T5 large Summary

  • the north of china are experiencing severe sandstorms! #Person2#: I think hebei is a good place
  • #Person1#: the number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorms
  • #Person2#: sand gets into people'

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • The north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms
  • The sand gets into people's noses and throats and creates irritation
  • The number of people with respiratory tract infections tended to rise after sandstorms
  • The sand gets into people's noses and throats and creates irritation

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Where are you going for your trip? #Person1#: But I heard the north of China are experiencing severe sandstorms!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Welcome to my birthday party, I am so happy you can come.
  • #Person2#: Thanks for inviting me. Here is the gift for you. Happy birthday, Francis! Many more happy and healthy years for you!
  • #Person1#: Thank you, shall I open it now?
  • #Person2#: Yes, please do.
  • #Person1#: Wow, a remote car model and my favorite brand. I really like it. That is so nice of you.
  • #Person2#: Yeah, I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car. It was the last one they had and I really like it so much myself.
  • #Person1#: Typical you, always wanting to keep the best things for yourself. The more I appreciate the gift now.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# comes to the birthday party of Francis and sends him a remote car model
  • #Person2# gives Francis a car model that both of them love as a birthday gift
  • #Person2# gives Francis a nice car model as a birthday gift and Francis appreciates it

Sumy Summary

  • Happy birthday, Francis! #Person1#: Wow, a remote car model and my favorite brand
  • #Person2#: Yeah, I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: a remote car model and my favorite brand
  • I really like it
  • #Person2#: Yeah, I was really struggling whether I should give you this nice little car
  • #Person1#: Typical you, always wanting to keep the best things for yourself
  • the more I appreciate the gift

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: welcome to my birthday party, I am so happy you can come
  • #Person2#: thanks for inviting me
  • here is the gift for you
  • #Person1#: wow, a remote car model and my favorite brand
  • that is so nice of you
  • #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 invites Person1 to his birthday party
  • Person1 is happy to receive a remote car model from Person2 as a birthday gift
  • Person2 likes the remote car model and wants to keep it for himself
  • The gift is appreciated by Person1 and he thanks Person2 for the thoughtful gift, which is a

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Welcome to my birthday party, I am so happy you can come
  • #Person1#: Wow, a remote car model and my favorite brand

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hi, Tony. You look unhappy. What's wrong?
  • #Person2#: Oh, Steven, I made a big mistake.
  • #Person1#: What happened?
  • #Person2#: I really wish I hadn't done it.
  • #Person1#: What on earth are you talking about?
  • #Person2#: I got caught cheating. I feel so ashamed. The teacher saw me and told me I failed.
  • #Person1#: What were you thinking?
  • #Person2#: You know my father. If I fail, he'll kill me. I have to do well.
  • #Person1#: But what you should do is study hard.
  • #Person2#: I know. . . I know. . . it's all my fault. I feel awful that I didn't study, and I cheated, and I got caught.
  • #Person1#: So long as you learn from your mistakes.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Tony got caught cheating and feels ashamed
  • Steven tells him to learn from it and study hard
  • Tony tells Steven that he failed a class because of cheating and he feels awful
  • Tony tells Steven that he cheated on the exam and realized his mistake

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: Oh, Steven, I made a big mistake
  • I feel awful that I didn't study, and I cheated, and I got caught
  • #Person1#: So long as you learn from your mistakes

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Oh, Steven, I made a big mistake
  • #Person2#: I feel so ashamed
  • the teacher saw me and told me I failed
  • #Person1#: You know my father
  • If I fail, he'll kill me
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: hi, Tony
  • what's wrong? #Person2#: i made a big mistake
  • #Person1#: what were you thinking? #Person2#: you know my father
  • if i fail, he'll kill me
  • #Person2

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 got caught cheating in a school test
  • He's ashamed of it
  • His father will kill him if he doesn't do well
  • He should study hard and learn from his mistakes, he is told by Person1 and his father, but he doesn't want to be punished for his mistake

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Oh, Steven, I made a big mistake
  • #Person1#: But what you should do is study hard

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What time is it, Tom?
  • #Person2#: Just a minute. It's ten to nine by my watch.
  • #Person1#: Is it? I had no idea it was so late. I must be off now.
  • #Person2#: What's the hurry?
  • #Person1#: I must catch the nine-thirty train.
  • #Person2#: You've plenty of time yet. The railway station is very close. It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is catching a train
  • Tom asks #Person1# not to hurry
  • #Person1# is in a hurry to catch a train
  • Tom tells #Person1# there is plenty of time
  • #Person1# is rushing to catch a train but Tom thinks it isn't necessary

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I must catch the nine-thirty train
  • The railway station is very close
  • It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I had no idea it was so late
  • I must be off now
  • #Person2#: It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there
  • #Person1#: I must catch the nine-thirty train
  • #Person2#: i

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: it's ten to nine by my watch
  • #Person1#: i must catch the nine-thirty train
  • #Person2#: you've plenty of time yet
  • the railway station is very close
  • it won't take more than twenty minutes to

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • It's ten to nine by Person2's watch
  • #Person1# is late for the train
  • #Person2: Don't worry
  • The railway station is very close
  • It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there
  • #Person1#: Thanks
  • #Person2#:

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I must catch the nine-thirty train
  • It won't take more than twenty minutes to get there

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I don't know how to adjust my life. Would you give me a piece of advice?
  • #Person2#: You look a bit pale, don't you?
  • #Person1#: Yes, I can't sleep well every night.
  • #Person2#: You should get plenty of sleep.
  • #Person1#: I drink a lot of wine.
  • #Person2#: If I were you, I wouldn't drink too much.
  • #Person1#: I often feel so tired.
  • #Person2#: You better do some exercise every morning.
  • #Person1#: I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me.
  • #Person2#: Why do you worry about your future? You're very young, and you'll make great contribution to the world. I hope you take my advice.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to adjust #Person1#'s life and #Person2# suggests #Person1# be positive and stay healthy
  • #Person1# has a bad lifestyle
  • #Person2# kindly advises #Person1# to be positive
  • #Person2# hopes #Person1# will become healthy and positive

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Yes, I can't sleep well every night
  • #Person1#: I sometimes find the shadow of death in front of me
  • You're very young, and you'll make great contribution to the world

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: You look a bit pale, don't you? #Person1#: Yes, I can't sleep well every night
  • #Person2#: If I were you, I wouldn't drink too much
  • #Person1#: I often feel so tired
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i can't sleep well every night
  • #Person2#: you should get plenty of sleep
  • #Person1#: i drink a lot of wine
  • #Person2#: if i were you, i wouldn't drink too much
  • #

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 doesn't know how to adjust his life
  • #Person2 gives him some advice
  • #Person1 doesn't know how to drink enough wine
  • #Person1 doesn't know how to get enough sleep
  • #Person1 doesn't know how to exercise
  • #Person1 doesn'

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I don't know how to adjust my life
  • #Person1#: Yes, I can't sleep well every night

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Would you like to go to the party tonight?
  • #Person2#: Whose party?
  • #Person1#: Ruojia's. Don't you know that? Ruojia has got married.
  • #Person2#: What! Is she really? I can't believe it!
  • #Person1#: Yes. Yesterday.
  • #Person2#: Good gracious. That's incredible! I feel so happy for her!
  • #Person1#: Yes, me too.
  • #Person2#: But how do you know that?
  • #Person1#: I saw the news from her twitter. And she sent an email about it.
  • #Person2#: What? I didn't receive it!
  • #Person1#: Maybe you should check your email.
  • #Person2#: Oh yes, I find it. Tonight at her home. Will you bring something?
  • #Person1#: Yes, a pair of wineglasses and a card to wish her happy marriage.
  • #Person2#: I will buy a tea set.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# tells #Person2# that Ruojia is married and will have a party tonight
  • #Person2#'s surprised to know that
  • They will bring their gifts to bless her
  • #Person2# is surprised to know from #Person1# that Ruojia is married
  • Then #Person2# finds Ruojia has sent an email about it
  • They will go to Ruojia's party and give their presents to her
  • #Person2# is surprised that Ruojia's married
  • #Person1# and #Person2# will go to her party and give their presents to wish her a happy marriage

Sumy Summary

  • Tonight at her home
  • #Person1#: Yes, a pair of wineglasses and a card to wish her happy marriage
  • #Person2#: I will buy a tea set

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Yes
  • Yesterday
  • I feel so happy for her! #Person2#: Oh yes, I find it
  • Tonight at her home
  • #Person1#: Yes, a pair of wineglasses and a card to wish her happy marriage
  • #Person2#: I will

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i saw the news from her twitter
  • and she sent an email about it
  • #Person2#: Oh yes, I find it
  • tonight at her home
  • will you bring something? #Person1#: a pair of wineglasses and a card to wish her happy marriage

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1 and Person2 are going to Ruojia's party tonight
  • They will bring a pair of wineglasses and a card to wish her happy marriage
  • They will also buy a tea set
  • Ruojia has got married yesterday and she sent an email about it
  • They will meet at her home tonight

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Would you like to go to the party tonight? #Person1#: I saw the news from her twitter

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Yeah. Just pull on this strip. Then peel off the back.
  • #Person2#: You might make a few enemies this way.
  • #Person1#: If they don't think this is fun, they're not meant to be our friends.
  • #Person2#: You mean your friends. I think it's cruel.
  • #Person1#: Yeah. But it's fun. Look at those two ugly old ladies. . . or are they men?
  • #Person2#: Hurry! Get a shot!. . . Hand it over!
  • #Person1#: I knew you'd come around. . .

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# at first thinks #Person1#'s behaviour cruel but finally joins #Person1#
  • #Person1# plans on playing a trick to others
  • #Person2# thinks it's cruel at first but then joins
  • #Person1# is about to make a prank
  • #Person2# thinks it's cruel at first but then joins

Sumy Summary

  • Just pull on this strip
  • Then peel off the back
  • #Person1#: If they don't think this is fun, they're not meant to be our friends

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Yeah
  • But it's fun
  • #Person2#: Hurry! Get a shot! #Person1#: Yeah
  • But it's fun
  • #Person2#: You mean your friends
  • I think it's cruel
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: if they don't think this is fun, they're not meant to be our friends
  • #Person2#: i think it's cruel
  • #Person1#: i knew you'd come around
  • #Person2

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to make some enemies
  • #Person2 thinks it's cruel
  • #Person1 wants to get a shot
  • #Person2: Hurry! Get a shot! #Person1: I knew you'd come around
  • #Person1: I knew you'd come

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: You might make a few enemies this way
  • #Person1#: If they don't think this is fun, they're not meant to be our friends

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What does your sister look like, Mike?
  • #Person2#: Well, she's tall and pretty.
  • #Person1#: Is she like you?
  • #Person2#: I suppose so. We're both friendly and easy-going.
  • #Person1#: Is she as clever as you?
  • #Person2#: No, she's not as clever as me.
  • #Person1#: Big head!

Ground-truth Summary

  • Mike is describing his sister to #Person1#
  • Mike describes to #Person1# his sister's characters and personality
  • #Person1# asks Mike about his sister

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: What does your sister look like, Mike? #Person2#: Well, she's tall and pretty
  • We're both friendly and easy-going

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Is she as clever as you? #Person2#: I suppose so
  • We're both friendly and easy-going
  • #Person1#: Big head! #Person2#: No, she's not as clever as me
  • #Person1#: Big head!

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: what does your sister look like? #Person2#: well, she's tall and pretty
  • #Person2#: we're both friendly and easy-going
  • #Person1#: Is she as clever as me? #Person2#: no, she

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Mike's sister is tall and pretty
  • She's friendly and easy-going
  • She's not as clever as Mike, but she's a lot smarter than him
  • Mike's sister is tall and pretty
  • She's friendly and easy-going
  • She's not as clever as Mike, but she'

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What does your sister look like, Mike? #Person2#: No, she's not as clever as me

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Is anybody in?
  • #Person2#: How can I help you?
  • #Person1#: I have a headache.
  • #Person2#: Let me take your temperature with a thermometer.
  • #Person1#: OK.
  • #Person2#: I think you have a small fever.
  • #Person1#: I thought so. I felt dizzy this morning.
  • #Person2#: You should've called in sick! Next time, have either of your parents call the school office.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# feels sick and #Person2# gives #Person1# a check-up
  • #Person2# finds that #Person1# has a fever and says #Person1# should've called in sick earlier
  • #Person2# checks #Person1#'s physical condition and finds #Person1# has a fever

Sumy Summary

  • I felt dizzy this morning
  • #Person2#: You should've called in sick! Next time, have either of your parents call the school office

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I have a headache
  • #Person2#: Let me take your temperature with a thermometer
  • #Person1#: OK
  • #Person2#: I think you have a small fever
  • #Person1#: I felt dizzy this morning
  • #Person2

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i have a headache
  • #Person2#: let me take your temperature with a thermometer
  • #Person2#: you should've called in sick! next time, have either your parents call the school office
  • #Person1#: i felt dizzy this morning

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1# has a headache
  • #Person2# takes his temperature
  • #Person1# thinks he has a fever
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# that he should call the school office
  • #Person1#'s parents should call the school office next time

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Let me take your temperature with a thermometer
  • #Person2#: I think you have a small fever

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Can I help you?
  • #Person2#: I'd like to buy a new mobile phone please.
  • #Person1#: Ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player?
  • #Person2#: Yes please. And I'd like to be able to make video calls too.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# helps #Person2# to choose a new phone
  • #Person2# wants to buy a new mobile phone from #Person1#
  • #Person2# wants to buy a new mobile phone from #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I'd like to buy a new mobile phone please
  • #Person1#: Ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player? And I'd like to be able to make video calls too

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player? #Person2#: Yes please
  • And I'd like to be able to make video calls too
  • #Person1#: Ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player? #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i'd like to buy a new mobile phone please
  • #Person1#: ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player? #Person2#: yes please
  • and i'd like to be able to make video calls too

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 wants to buy a new mobile phone
  • #Person1 recommends a phone with camera, MP3 player, and video calling
  • #Person2 chooses a phone with camera, MP3 player, and video calling
  • #Person1 helps #Person2 buy a new mobile phone

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: I'd like to buy a new mobile phone please
  • #Person1#: Ok, would you like a phone with camera and MP3 player?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hey, Frank. I heard you got a new job.
  • #Person2#: Yeah, Judy. I will be working for the Post Office. It's not a bad job.
  • #Person1#: Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule?
  • #Person2#: That's right. I am supposed to work at 5am everyday, and I only get 45 minutes for lunch.
  • #Person1#: So, why did you apply for such a demanding job?
  • #Person2#: Well, the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits.
  • #Person1#: Oh, I see. And can your family members utilize the health insurance, too?
  • #Person2#: Yeah, that's the best part. All of my children can get free medical care.
  • #Person1#: That's a great employment benefit!
  • #Person2#: Now you know why I wanted to work for the Post Office!

Ground-truth Summary

  • Frank got a new job and is telling Judy not only the heavy schedule but also the benefits of this job
  • Frank explains to Judy the reason why he took a job at the Post office is that the government offers excellent health insurance benefits for its employees
  • Frank describes his new job's schedule and insurance at the Post Office to Judy

Sumy Summary

  • I am supposed to work at 5am everyday, and I only get 45 minutes for lunch
  • #Person2#: Well, the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits
  • And can your family members utilize the health insurance, too?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I am supposed to work at 5am everyday, and I only get 45 minutes for lunch
  • #Person2#: the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits
  • #Person1#: Oh, I see
  • and can your family members utilize the health insurance, too? #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: hey, i heard you got a new job
  • i will be working for the post office
  • it's not a bad job
  • #Person2#: the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits
  • #Person1#: all of my children can get free

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 got a new job at the Post Office
  • She is supposed to work at 5am everyday, and she only gets 45 minutes for lunch
  • The government offers excellent health insurance benefits to its employees
  • All of her children can get free medical care under the government's health insurance
  • The government offers excellent health insurance benefits to its employees

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule? #Person2#: Well, the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Do you have any special skills?
  • #Person2#: I can write computer programs, I have a good command of secretarial skills.
  • #Person1#: What qualifications have you got?
  • #Person2#: I have a doctor license and a driving license.
  • #Person1#: Do you get special training in office skills?
  • #Person2#: I passed both the Cambridge Examinations, First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English. And studied for a year in London at the Lucas Secretarial College, ending with speeds of 120 words per minute in English shorthand and 50 words per minute in typing. I was also trained in office procedure.
  • #Person1#: Please tell me about work you have done, which qualifies you for this job.
  • #Person2#: I'Ve received some special training in typing, shorthand and operating a fax machine, etc. . I'm experienced in IBM-PC. I can operate familiarly a word-processor, a fax machine, a photo and other office equipment.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# is describing the educational background and previous working experience to #Person1# in a job interview
  • #Person2# is being interviewed by #Person1#
  • #Person2# is equipped with a bunch of valuable office skills
  • #Person1# asks about #Person2#'s special skills, training, previous working experience and other qualification for the job

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I can write computer programs, I have a good command of secretarial skills
  • #Person2#: I'Ve received some special training in typing, shorthand and operating a fax machine, etc
  • I can operate familiarly a word-processor, a fax machine, a photo and other office equipment

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I passed both the Cambridge Examinations, First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English
  • #Person2#: I have a doctor license and a driving license
  • #Person1#: I can write computer programs, I have a good command of secretarial skills

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i can write computer programs, I have a good command of secretarial skills
  • #Person1#: what qualifications have you got? #Person2#: i passed both the Cambridge Examinations, First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English
  • #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2#: I have a doctor license and a driving license
  • I passed both the Cambridge Examinations, First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English
  • And studied for a year in London at the Lucas Secretarial College, ending with speeds of 120 words per minute in English shorthand and 50 words

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Do you have any special skills? #Person2#: I passed both the Cambridge Examinations, First Certificate and the Certificate of Proficiency in English

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Excuse me.
  • #Person2#: Yes, sir. Can I help you?
  • #Person1#: Um, this steak, I asked for to be medium rare.
  • #Person2#: Medium rare, that's right, sir. I remember your order.
  • #Person1#: Well, I'm afraid it isn't. It's a bit too well done and rather tough. Would you mind changing?
  • #Person2#: If it is not to your satisfaction, I'll certainly bring you another. But I'm afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes.
  • #Person1#: Yes, that's all right. Thank you very much.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is not satisfied with the steak and #Person2# will change it
  • #Person2# will change a steak for #Person1# as that one doesn't satisfy #Person1#
  • #Person1# is not satisfied with #Person1#'s steak and asks to change one, and #Person2# agrees

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Um, this steak, I asked for to be medium rare
  • #Person2#: Medium rare, that's right, sir
  • But I'm afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Medium rare steak is a bit too well done and rather tough
  • #Person2#: If it is not to your satisfaction, I'll certainly bring you another
  • #Person1#: Yes, that's all right
  • Thank you very much
  • #Person2#

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i asked for this steak to be medium rare
  • #Person2#: if it isn't to your satisfaction, I'll certainly bring you another
  • #Person1#: i'm afraid you may have to wait for a few minutes
  • thank you very

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 ordered a medium rare steak
  • It's too well done and tough
  • #Person2 will bring him another one
  • #Person1 will have to wait for a few minutes
  • #Person1: Thank you very much
  • #Person1: Um, this steak, I asked for to be

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Um, this steak, I asked for to be medium rare
  • #Person2#: If it is not to your satisfaction, I'll certainly bring you another

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Tom, I've got good news for you.
  • #Person2#: What is it?
  • #Person1#: Haven't you heard that your novel has won The Nobel Prize?
  • #Person2#: Really? I can't believe it. It's like a dream come true. I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize!
  • #Person1#: You did a good job. I'm extremely proud of you.
  • #Person2#: Thanks for the compliment.
  • #Person1#: You certainly deserve it. Let's celebrate!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# congratulates Tom for achieving the Nobel Prize
  • #Person1# tells Tom that his novel has won the Nobel Prize
  • #Person2# tells Tom he won the Nobel Prize

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Tom, I've got good news for you
  • #Person1#: Haven't you heard that your novel has won The Nobel Prize? I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize!

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: It's like a dream come true
  • I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize! #Person1#: You certainly deserve it
  • Let's celebrate! #Person2#: I'm extremely proud of you
  • #Person1#: I'm extremely proud of

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: haven't you heard that your novel has won The Nobel Prize? #Person2#: really? i can't believe it
  • it's like a dream come true
  • #Person1#: you did a good job
  • i'm extremely proud of you

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Tom's novel has won The Nobel Prize
  • #Person1 is proud of him
  • #Person2 and #Person1 are going to celebrate the win
  • #Person1: Congratulations! #Person2: #Person1: #Person2: #Person1: #Person1: #P

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Tom, I've got good news for you
  • I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What makes you think you are able to do the job?
  • #Person2#: My major is Automobile Designing and I have received my master's degree in science. I think I can do it well.
  • #Person1#: What kind of work were you responsible for in the past employment?
  • #Person2#: I am a student engineer who mainly took charge of understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is interviewing #Person2# about #Person2#'s ability and previous experience
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s capacities and past working experience during an interview
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s qualification for the job

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: My major is Automobile Designing and I have received my master's degree in science
  • #Person1#: What kind of work were you responsible for in the past employment? #Person2#: I am a student engineer who mainly took charge of understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: My major is Automobile Designing and I have received my master's degree in science
  • I think I can do it well
  • #Person2#: I am a student engineer who mainly took charge of understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials
  • #Person1#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i have received my master's degree in science
  • i think i can do it well
  • #Person1#: i am a student engineer who mainly took charge of understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials
  • #Person2#: i

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 is applying for a job as a student engineer
  • #Person2 has a master's degree in science and a master's degree in Automobile Designing
  • #Person2 is responsible for understanding of the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of various materials in the past employment
  • #Person2

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What makes you think you are able to do the job? #Person1#: What kind of work were you responsible for in the past employment?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Do you drink much?
  • #Person2#: Depending on what you consider a lot.
  • #Person1#: How frequently do you drink?
  • #Person2#: Couple times a week. How about you?
  • #Person1#: Only when I go out. I'm not a big drinker.
  • #Person2#: How much can you drink?
  • #Person1#: I usually only have 2 beers.
  • #Person2#: You're a light weight.
  • #Person1#: How much can you drink?
  • #Person2#: I'm usually drinking all night long. At least 10 drinks.
  • #Person1#: Don't you spend a lot of money then?
  • #Person2#: No. We usually go to places that have specials. Dante's over on the Ave has $ 5. 00 pitchers on Mondays. So for ten, fifteen bucks, I can get a lot of drinks.
  • #Person1#: That's true.
  • #Person2#: If you don't like beer, have you tried mixed drinks? Some of them are pretty good.
  • #Person1#: I like beer, it's just that I get a headache when I drink more than 3.
  • #Person2#: You just have to build up a tolerance. I used to be like that. But your body gets used to it.
  • #Person1#: It'll take awhile, but I'm working on it.
  • #Person2#: Hey let's go out tomorrow night. The Ram Bar and Grill is having a special on pitchers.
  • #Person1#: Alright.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about some personal facts of drinking
  • #Person2# drinks a lot, while #Person1# cannot drink much for health reasons
  • They decide to have a drink together tomorrow night
  • #Person2#, a heavy drinker, invites #Person1#, a light drinker to go out the next day
  • #Person2# chooses a place that has a special on pitchers
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about their drinking capacity and their drinking habits
  • They decide to have a drink together tomorrow night

Sumy Summary

  • So for ten, fifteen bucks, I can get a lot of drinks
  • #Person2#: If you don't like beer, have you tried mixed drinks? The Ram Bar and Grill is having a special on pitchers

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: only when I go out
  • I'm not a big drinker
  • #Person2#: I'm usually drinking all night long
  • At least 10 drinks
  • #Person1#: I like beer, but I get a headache when i drink more than 3

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: only when i go out
  • i'm not a big drinker
  • #Person2#: i'm usually drinking all night long
  • at least 10 drinks
  • #Person1#: i like beer, it's just that i get a headache

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1 drinks a couple times a week
  • Person2 drinks at least 10 beers a night
  • They usually go to places that have specials
  • They usually go to places that have $ 5
  • 00 pitchers on Mondays
  • They don't spend a lot of money
  • They usually go to places that have special

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Depending on what you consider a lot
  • #Person2#: I'm usually drinking all night long
  • #Person1#: I like beer, it's just that I get a headache when I drink more than 3

Main Text

  • #Person1#: May, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic?
  • #Person2#: Sure. Have you checked the weather report?
  • #Person1#: Yes. It says it will be sunny all day. No sign of rain at all. This is your father's favorite sausage. Sandwiches for you and Daniel.
  • #Person2#: No, thanks Mom. I'd like some toast and chicken wings.
  • #Person1#: Okay. Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me.
  • #Person2#: Done. Oh, don't forget to take napkins disposable plates, cups and picnic blanket.
  • #Person1#: All set. May, can you help me take all these things to the living room?
  • #Person2#: Yes, madam.
  • #Person1#: Ask Daniel to give you a hand?
  • #Person2#: No, mom, I can manage it by myself. His help just causes more trouble.

Ground-truth Summary

  • May is helping her mother to do some preparation for the picnic
  • May's mother asks May for help in preparing for a picnic
  • May gives her a hand
  • Mom asks May to help to prepare for the picnic and May agrees

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: May, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic? Oh, don't forget to take napkins disposable plates, cups and picnic blanket
  • May, can you help me take all these things to the living room?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: It will be sunny all day
  • No sign of rain at all
  • #Person2#: Okay
  • Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me
  • #Person1#: Okay
  • Oh, don't forget napkins disposable plates, cups and picnic blanket
  • #Person1#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: May, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic? #Person2#: no, madam
  • i'd like some toast and chicken wings
  • #Person1#: may, can you help me take all these things to the living room? #Person2#: no

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 are having a picnic in the living room
  • #Person1's mother prepares the food
  • #Person2's mother prepares the food
  • #Person1's mother prepares the food
  • #Person2's mother prepares the food
  • #P

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: May, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic? May, can you help me take all these things to the living room?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello, are you Muriel Douglas?
  • #Person2#: Yes, and you must be James. It's nice to meet you at long last.
  • #Person1#: Yes, you too. Thanks for agreeing to meet with us about the new account. My associate, Susan Kim, should be here any minute. Would you like something to drink while we're waiting?
  • #Person2#: No, thanks. I'm fine. Did you have a nice holiday?
  • #Person1#: Yes, I did. My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great. How about you?
  • #Person2#: I stayed in L. A. and it was sunny the entire weekend. We spent most of the time at home but we did go see King Kong on Christmas day.
  • #Person1#: How did you like it?
  • #Person2#: It was better than I expected. But, you know, I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better. Do you go there often?
  • #Person1#: No, not much. My wife doesn't like to ski. She prefers vacationing where it's warmer, like Hawaii.
  • #Person2#: I don't blame her. I really enjoyed it there when we went a few years ago. I'd like to go back sometime soon.
  • #Person1#: Yes, me too. Oh, here's Susan now. Let me introduce you.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Muriel Douglas and James meet each other and talk about what they have done during the holiday
  • James and Muriel are talking while waiting for Susan, Muriel's associate
  • They talk about how they spent the holiday with their families
  • Muriel Douglas and James send greetings and talk about their holiday before the meeting
  • Douglas stayed in L
  • A
  • , while James went to Tahoe

Sumy Summary

  • My associate, Susan Kim, should be here any minute
  • My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great
  • We spent most of the time at home but we did go see King Kong on Christmas day

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: my family and I went to Tahoe to ski
  • #Person2#: it was better than I expected
  • #Person1#: my wife doesn't like to ski
  • she prefers vacationing where it's warmer
  • #Person1#: Yes, me too

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I had a nice holiday
  • my family and I went to Tahoe to ski
  • #Person2#: I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better
  • #Person1#: my wife doesn't like to ski
  • she prefers vacationing where it's warmer,

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Muriel Douglas and James are meeting to discuss a new account
  • Susan Kim, Muriel's associate, will be here in a minute
  • Muriel had a nice holiday in Tahoe
  • James stayed in L
  • A
  • and saw King Kong on Christmas day
  • Muriel and Susan would like to go skiing in Tahoe again

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Hello, are you Muriel Douglas? My family and I went to Tahoe to ski and the weather was great
  • But, you know, I think I would have enjoyed skiing in Tahoe even better

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Stupid girl, making me spend so much money, now I have to get it from the ATM...
  • #Person2#: Hello, welcome to Universal Bank. Please insert your card into the slot.
  • #Person1#: I know where to put my card! Stupid machine, talking to me like I ' m an idiot...
  • #Person2#: Please input your 6 digit PIN code followed by the pound key. Thank you. Please select an option. Thank you. You have selected withdrawal.
  • #Person1#: Yeah, yeah, I know what I selected. Just gimme my money!
  • #Person2#: Please type the amount you would like to withdraw. Thank you, you want to transfer 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation. If this is correct please press 1.
  • #Person1#: No, no! Stupid machine, what are you doing! No!
  • #Person2#: Confirmed. Thank you for using our bank! Please remove your card from the slot. Goodbye!
  • #Person1#: No, no way! What happened? Give me my money!
  • #Person2#: Danger, danger! The exits have been sealed and the doors will remain locked in until the local authorities arrive. Thank you for using our bank. Have a nice day.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to withdraw money from an ATM, but the ATM automatically transfers 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation after confirming the withdrawal option
  • #Person1# gets mad and somehow locked in
  • #Person1# run out of money because of a girl, and is withdrawing money from an ATM
  • But the ATM seems to go wrong and transfers #Person1#'s money to the World Wildlife Foundation, driving #Person1# crazy
  • #Person1# is withdrawing money from an ATM
  • But the ATM wrongly transfers #Person1#'s money to the World Wildlife Foundation
  • It drives #Person1# crazy

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Stupid girl, making me spend so much money, now I have to get it from the ATM
  • #Person2#: Hello, welcome to Universal Bank
  • Stupid machine, talking to me like I ' m an idiot
  • #Person2#: Please input your 6 digit PIN code followed by the pound key
  • The exits have been sealed and the doors will remain locked in until the local authorities arrive

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Stupid machine, talking to me like i'm an idiot
  • #Person2#: Please insert your card into the slot
  • #Person1#: Yeah, yeah, I know what I selected
  • Just gimme my money! #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I know where to put my card! Stupid machine, talking to me like I'm an idiot
  • #Person2#: Thank you for using our bank! #Person1#: No, no! Stupid machine, what are you doing! #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • The exits of a bank have been sealed and the doors will remain locked in until the local authorities arrive to investigate the theft of tens of thousands of dollars from a customer's bank account by a thief who stole the money from a machine at Universal Bank
  • The thief stole the money

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Stupid girl, making me spend so much money, now I have to get it from the ATM
  • #Person2#: Hello, welcome to Universal Bank
  • Thank you, you want to transfer 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Are you a social person?
  • #Person2#: Yes, I am an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends.
  • #Person1#: What is your strategy in communicating with colleagues?
  • #Person2#: Well, the most important thing in communication is your sincerity.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s communication strategy
  • Since #Person2# is very social, #Person1# asks for the communication strategy
  • #Person2# shares #Person2#'s communication strategy with #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: Yes, I am an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends
  • #Person1#: What is your strategy in communicating with colleagues? #Person2#: Well, the most important thing in communication is your sincerity

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1# is an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends
  • #Person2# is an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends
  • #Person1# is an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: yes, i am an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends
  • #Person1#: what is your strategy in communicating with colleagues? #Person2#: well, the most important thing in communication is your sincerity
  • #Person1#:

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 asks #Person2 how she communicates with colleagues
  • #Person2 says the most important thing in communication is your sincerity
  • #Person1 and #Person2 are interviewees for a job at a company
  • #Person1 and #Person2 are talking about

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Yes, I am an outgoing person who likes to be with a lot of friends
  • #Person2#: Well, the most important thing in communication is your sincerity

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What's wrong with you, Mr. Polly?
  • #Person2#: What's wrong? I want a break from this horrible job.
  • #Person1#: Then, buy a bottle of soft drink.
  • #Person2#: Would you like to buy a bottle for me in the shop?
  • #Person1#: It's a problem, because my boss is in that shop now.
  • #Person2#: Ok, I will go there myself.
  • #Person1#: Sorry, Mr. Polly.
  • #Person2#: It doesn't matter. Oh, God, I have only four dollars in my wallet. Is that possible for me to buy one?
  • #Person1#: Have a try.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Mr
  • Polly is tired and wants a break from work
  • #Person1# cannot buy a bottle of soft drink for him
  • Mr
  • Polly wants to get a break from work and he asks #Person1# to buy a drink for him, but #Person1# refuses
  • Mr
  • Polly asks #Person1#'s help to buy a drink, but #Person1# refuses

Sumy Summary

  • I want a break from this horrible job
  • #Person1#: Then, buy a bottle of soft drink
  • Oh, God, I have only four dollars in my wallet

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: "my boss is in that shop now
  • " #Person2#: Ok, I will go there myself
  • #Person1#: Sorry, Mr
  • Polly
  • #Person2#: "Oh, God, I have only four dollars in my wallet
  • Is that possible for me to

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: what's wrong with you, Mr
  • polly? #Person2#: i want a break from this horrible job
  • #Person2#: ok, i will go there myself
  • #Person1#: sorry, Mr
  • polly
  • #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 wants a break from his job
  • #Person1 won't buy a bottle of soft drink for him because his boss is in the shop now
  • #Person2 has only four dollars in his wallet
  • #Person1 will try to buy a bottle of soft drink for #Person2 himself

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What's wrong with you, Mr
  • Polly? #Person1#: Then, buy a bottle of soft drink

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello, this is Francis.
  • #Person2#: Hi, this is Monica. I was wondering when we can work on this financial report.
  • #Person1#: Today, I am busy all day long.
  • #Person2#: Shall I see you on Friday morning?
  • #Person1#: That's not good for me at all. It'll have to be another time.
  • #Person2#: We must find some time to read report.
  • #Person1#: I know. I am available from 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon.
  • #Person2#: That's all right. Then see you on Friday afternoon.
  • #Person1#: See you.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Francis and Monica are discussing when to work on the financial report
  • Francis and Monica manage to find time to work on a report together
  • Francis and Monica negotiate on the time to work on the report

Sumy Summary

  • I was wondering when we can work on this financial report
  • #Person1#: Today, I am busy all day long
  • #Person2#: We must find some time to read report

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Today, I am busy all day long
  • #Person2#: We must find some time to read report
  • #Person1#: That's not good for me at all
  • it'll have to be another time
  • #Person2#: We must find some time to

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: today, i am busy all day long
  • #Person2#:
  • #Person1#: that's not good for me at all
  • it'll have to be another time
  • #Person2#:
  • #Person1#: i am available from 1

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Monica and Francis will meet on Friday afternoon to work on the financial report
  • They will meet at 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon
  • They will meet on Friday morning, but they will meet at 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon
  • They will meet on Friday morning, but they will meet at 1 PM to 4 PM on Friday afternoon

Bert Summary

  • I was wondering when we can work on this financial report
  • #Person1#: Today, I am busy all day long

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Is this the workshop to prepare for an interview?
  • #Person2#: This is the interview class. Welcome to our class.
  • #Person1#: I am really excited to be taking this workshop so that I can get ready for my interview next week.
  • #Person2#: We are all learning things that will help us in our interview. What do you think are some important considerations going into your interview?
  • #Person1#: I think that we should dress neatly and appropriately.
  • #Person2#: Yes. Second, as you can imagine, attitude and friendliness go a long way.
  • #Person1#: Yes, and I always feel much better when I am friendly.
  • #Person2#: Believe it or not, the interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers.
  • #Person1#: Any more hints as to what I should do in an interview?
  • #Person2#: Always be honest with your answers. The interviewers really do want to know if you will be a good fit for them.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# joins #Person2#'s interview workshop
  • They discuss the tips to improve their interview performance
  • #Person1# takes an interview workshop
  • #Person2# offer #Person1# some useful tips on getting ready for an interview
  • In the workshop, #Person2# offer #Person1# some suggestions on how to perform well in interviews

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I am really excited to be taking this workshop so that I can get ready for my interview next week
  • Second, as you can imagine, attitude and friendliness go a long way
  • #Person2#: Believe it or not, the interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I think that we should dress neatly and appropriately
  • #Person2#: As you can imagine, attitude and friendliness go a long way
  • #Person1#: Believe it or not, the interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers

T5 large Summary

  • interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers
  • #Person2#: Always be honest with your answers
  • #Person1#: dress neatly and appropriately
  • #Person2#: attitude and friendliness go a long way
  • #Person1#: always feel

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1# is taking an interview class
  • #Person2#: What are some important considerations going into your interview? #Person1#: I think that we should dress neatly and appropriately
  • #Person2#: Second, attitude and friendliness go a long way
  • #Person1#

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Is this the workshop to prepare for an interview? #Person2#: We are all learning things that will help us in our interview
  • What do you think are some important considerations going into your interview?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: OK, that's a cut! Let's start from the beginning, everyone.
  • #Person2#: What was the problem that time?
  • #Person1#: The feeling was all wrong, Mike. She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you any more, but I want to get more anger from you. You're acting hurt and sad, but that's not how your character would act in this situation.
  • #Person2#: But Jason and Laura have been together for three years. Don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness?
  • #Person1#: At this point, no. I think he would react the way most guys would, and then later on, we would see his real feelings.
  • #Person2#: I'm not so sure about that.
  • #Person1#: Let's try it my way, and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines. After that, if it still doesn't feel right, we can try something else.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and Mike are discussing what kind of emotion should be expressed by Mike in this play
  • They have different understandings
  • #Person1# and Mike have a disagreement on how to act out a scene
  • #Person1# proposes that Mike can try to act in #Person1#'s way
  • #Person1# wants Mike to act more angry, but Mike thinks he should act both angry and sad

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: But Jason and Laura have been together for three years
  • Don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness? I think he would react the way most guys would, and then later on, we would see his real feelings

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: Jason and Laura have been together for three years
  • he would react the way most guys would, and then later on, we would see his real feelings
  • #Person1#: Let's try it my way, and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines

T5 large Summary

  • the feeling was all wrong, Mike
  • you're acting hurt and sad, but that's not how your character would act in this situation
  • Jason and Laura have been together for three years
  • don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness? #Person1#: let's try it my

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to get more anger from Mike
  • #Person2 wants to get more sadness from Jason
  • #Person1: Let's try it my way, and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines
  • #Person2: If it still doesn't feel right, we can try

Bert Summary

  • Let's start from the beginning, everyone
  • She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you any more, but I want to get more anger from you

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Well, I'll see you later, Mrs. Todd. My wife is waiting for me to take her shopping.
  • #Person2#: I understand. There's a lot to get done at weekends, especially when you two work and the children are small.
  • #Person1#: That's right. Jane and I have been talking about visiting you. So when I saw you in the garden, I decided to come over and say hello.
  • #Person2#: I'm glad you did. In fact, I should have called on you first, since you have newly moved here.
  • #Person1#: By the way, do you need anything from the store?
  • #Person2#: No, but thanks for the offer. And thank you for coming over.
  • #Person1#: It's a pleasure.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# greets Mrs
  • Todd and then they say goodbye to each other
  • #Person1# comes over to say hello to Mrs
  • Todd, and will go shopping afterwards
  • #Person1# visits Mrs
  • Todd, and Mrs
  • Todd appreciates that

Sumy Summary

  • My wife is waiting for me to take her shopping
  • There's a lot to get done at weekends, especially when you two work and the children are small
  • In fact, I should have called on you first, since you have newly moved here

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: i saw you in the garden, decided to come over and say hello
  • #Person2#: i should have called on you first, since you have newly moved here
  • #Person1#: i'll see you later, Mrs
  • Todd
  • #Person2#

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: my wife is waiting for me to take her shopping
  • #Person2#: i should have called on you first, since you have newly moved here
  • #Person1#: do you need anything from the store? #Person2#: no, but thanks for the offer

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 met in the garden
  • #Person1's wife is waiting for him to take her shopping
  • #Person1 and #Person2 have just moved to this area
  • #Person1 and #Person2 will see each other later
  • #Person1 and #Person

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Well, I'll see you later, Mrs
  • Todd
  • So when I saw you in the garden, I decided to come over and say hello

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What's the matter, Bill? You look kind of pale.
  • #Person2#: Oh, I'm just tired.
  • #Person1#: Why?
  • #Person2#: Well, I've been working until around ten every night this week.
  • #Person1#: You should go home at quitting time today and take it easy.
  • #Person2#: Yes. I think I will.
  • #Person1#: That's good. Say, how's your brother?
  • #Person2#: He's fine, but he is awfully busy. He went to the States on a business trip two weeks ago.
  • #Person1#: Oh, really? Is he back yet?
  • #Person2#: No, he won't come back for several more weeks.
  • #Person1#: Wow! He must have a lot to do there.
  • #Person2#: Yes, he does.
  • #Person1#: I want to be sure of the time because I'm going to meet a friend at five o'clock sharp.
  • #Person2#: Well, my watch says 4:30, and that time should be right. I set it with the radio yesterday.
  • #Person1#: Good.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Bill is tired
  • Bill and #Person1# talk about Bill's brother
  • #Person1# has a chat with Bill, and learns updates about Bill and his brother
  • #Person1# asks for time because #Person1# will go meet a friend
  • #Person1# suggests Bill take it easy and asks him about his brother
  • #Person1# also synchronizes the time with Bill

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: You should go home at quitting time today and take it easy
  • He went to the States on a business trip two weeks ago
  • #Person1#: I want to be sure of the time because I'm going to meet a friend at five o'clock sharp

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I've been working until around ten every night this week
  • #Person2#: Yes, I think I will
  • #Person1#: Oh, really? #Person2#: No, he won't come back for several more weeks
  • #Person1

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: what's the matter, bill? you look kind of pale
  • #Person2#: well, I've been working until around ten every night this week
  • #Person1#: i'm going to meet a friend at five o'clock sharp

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is tired, because he's been working until ten every night this week
  • He'll go home at quitting time today and take it easy
  • He's going to meet a friend at five o'clock sharp, but his watch says it's 4:30
  • He set it with the radio yesterday

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Well, I've been working until around ten every night this week
  • #Person1#: You should go home at quitting time today and take it easy

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Are you going to the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons tomorrow, Cleo?
  • #Person2#: No, Simon. I hate demonstrations. I have heard the police will be standing by with tear gas.
  • #Person1#: Yes, but North Korea boasts it has nuclear arms.
  • #Person2#: One hundred ninety countries have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but the issues are just too complex. There are two sides to every story. I don't understand it and I have no intention of going to a demonstration. Demonstrations don't seem to accomplish anything anyway.
  • #Person1#: Several demonstrations have changed politician's minds throughout history. As a responsible citizen I think it is important to stand up for what you believe in.
  • #Person2#: Leave it to someone else. As I said, if you listen to both sides of a story, both sides have some good points. Why should I demonstrate and risk getting hurt for something that I am not even sure is right?
  • #Person1#: You are not likely to get hurt. This will be a peaceful demonstration. I have spoken to the organizer for the university group. He insists that this will be peaceful. He advocates if you want world peace, peace begins at home-and that means right here in this city.
  • #Person2#: You go if you want, Simon, but I plan to study for my physics exam.
  • #Person1#: It would only take two hours of your day. The bus leaves the campus at 11:30 and leaves downtown to return to campus at 12:45. You could eat your lunch on the bus.
  • #Person2#: I am not going, Simon. Why don't you ask the students in your political science class this afternoon if they want to go?
  • #Person1#: They are all going.
  • #Person2#: Okay, Simon. I need to meet my sister for coffee now.
  • #Person1#: Bye then. See you in physics class tomorrow.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Simon and Cleo have different opinions towards the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons
  • Cleo thinks it is useless, while Simon considers that Cleo should go to the demonstration
  • Cleo has no intention to attend the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons, because Cleo hates police standing by with tear gas
  • Simon tries to change Cleo's mind but it doesn't work
  • Simon and Cleo argue the effectiveness of demonstrations
  • Simon thinks they are helpful, but Cleo disagrees and refuses to go to the demonstration of helping stop the spread of nuclear weapons with Simon

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Are you going to the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons tomorrow, Cleo? #Person2#: One hundred ninety countries have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but the issues are just too complex
  • Why don't you ask the students in your political science class this afternoon if they want to go?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: i hate demonstrations and have no intention of going to a demonstration
  • #Person2#: i have heard the police will be standing by with tear gas
  • #Person1#: yes, but north Korea boasts it has nuclear arms
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i hate demonstrations
  • there are two sides to every story
  • #Person1#: you are not likely to get hurt
  • this will be a peaceful demonstration
  • #Person2#: i plan to study for my physics exam now
  • #Person1#:

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Simon and Cleo are going to the demonstration to stop the spread of nuclear weapons tomorrow
  • Cleo doesn't want to go because she wants to study for her physics exam
  • Simon will ask the students in his political science class this afternoon if they want to go
  • Cleo will meet her sister for coffee tomorrow

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Are you going to the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons tomorrow, Cleo? I don't understand it and I have no intention of going to a demonstration
  • #Person2#: You go if you want, Simon, but I plan to study for my physics exam
  • #Person1#: It would only take two hours of your day

Main Text

  • #Person1#: It's partly your own fault. You should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him.
  • #Person2#: It's all very well to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# let in someone and #Person1# thinks it was #Person2#'s fault
  • #Person1# blames #Person2# for letting someone in without much discretion
  • #Person1# advises #Person2# not to let anyone in casually

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: It's partly your own fault
  • You should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him
  • #Person2#: It's all very well to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: It's partly your own fault
  • you should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him
  • #Person2#: It's all very well to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: it's partly your own fault
  • you should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him
  • #Person2#: someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1: It's all very well and good to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK
  • #Person2: It's all very well and good to say that, but someone cones to the door

Bert Summary

  • You should never let in anyone like that unless you're expecting him
  • #Person2#: It's all very well to say that, but someone cones to the door and says 'electricity' or 'gas' and you automatically think he is OK, especially if he shows you a card

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Maggie, can I borrow your notes for history? I'll return them tomorrow.
  • #Person2#: Sorry, but I usually go to the cafeteria and review them. Why not copy them in the library?
  • #Person1#: OK.
  • #Person2#: Here you are.
  • #Person1#: You are a great help, Maggie.
  • #Person2#: I don't quite understand a why you need my notes, Mark? You haven't missed any classes.
  • #Person1#: To be honest, I work in supermarket from 7 to 10 o'clock every evening.
  • #Person2#: I see. So you're pretty tired when you come to class.
  • #Person1#: That's exactly why I want to borrow your notes. My notes aren't very good.
  • #Person2#: So what do you usually do in class?
  • #Person1#: I'm always awake at the beginning, but thirty minutes after class begins I feel sleepy and have trouble keeping my eyes open.
  • #Person2#: Well, I need someone to study with and you need someone to keep you awake. Can we be study partners?
  • #Person1#: Oh sure. That's a good idea. So give me a push when you see me sleeping in class.
  • #Person2#: OK. Let's start today in the library. We are going there anyway and I don't have to go to the cafeteria.
  • #Person1#: Sounds good.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Mark wants to borrow Maggie's class notes
  • Maggie suggests Mark copy them in the library and invites him to be study partners
  • Mark asks Maggie for her history notes because Mark has been too tired in class
  • They become study partners at the end
  • Mark asks Maggie for her notes because Mark's notes aren't good
  • They decide to be study partners and study together

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Maggie, can I borrow your notes for history? #Person1#: To be honest, I work in supermarket from 7 to 10 o'clock every evening
  • #Person1#: I'm always awake at the beginning, but thirty minutes after class begins I feel sleepy and have trouble keeping my eyes open

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm always awake at the beginning, but thirty minutes after class begins I feel sleepy and have trouble keeping my eyes open
  • #Person2#: Can we be study partners? #Person1#: Oh sure
  • that's a good idea
  • #Person2#

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: can I borrow your notes for history? #Person2#: i usually go to the cafeteria and review them
  • #Person1#: i'm always awake at the beginning, but thirty minutes after class begins i feel sleepy
  • #Person2#:

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 will borrow Maggie's notes for history
  • #Person2 will copy them in the library
  • #Person1 and #Person2 will start studying together in the library today
  • #Person1 will borrow Maggie's notes for history
  • #Person2 will borrow Maggie's notes for history
  • #

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Maggie, can I borrow your notes for history? So you're pretty tired when you come to class
  • #Person1#: That's exactly why I want to borrow your notes

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Come in, come in! Can I help you?
  • #Person2#: Professor Turner, are you giving your Advanced Geology course again next semester?
  • #Person1#: Yes.
  • #Person2#: I wonder if I could enroll in it, I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but...
  • #Person1#: Aren't you a bit young? I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time to keep up.
  • #Person2#: I know, but the geology of the American West is my favorite interest and I've read a lot in the field. Last semester I took Professor Burman's course and I didn't find it challenging enough.
  • #Person1#: I see. You certainly aren't one of those students who are out for easy grades.
  • #Person2#: I should say not. I really want to learn something.
  • #Person1#: Well, I'll speak to Professor Burman, if he thinks you're ready, I'll let you enroll.
  • #Person2#: Oh, thanks. Prof. Turner, that's very nice of you.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# wants to take a course of Professor Turner and Professor agrees if #Person2# achieves the allowance of Professor Burman
  • #Person2#, a junior student, wants to enroll in Professor Turner's course for seniors very much
  • Professor Turner will ask for another professor's opinion
  • #Person2# wants to enroll in Professor Turner's course, and Professor Turner agrees to consider his application

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: Professor Turner, are you giving your Advanced Geology course again next semester? #Person2#: I know, but the geology of the American West is my favorite interest and I've read a lot in the field
  • Last semester I took Professor Burman's course and I didn't find it challenging enough

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I've allowed qualified seniors to take the course
  • #Person2#: I didn't find it challenging enough
  • #Person1#: I should say not
  • I really want to learn something
  • #Person2#: I'll speak to Professor Burman,

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: professor, are you giving your advanced geology course again next semester? #Person2#: I wonder if I could enroll in it, I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but
  • #Person2#: the geology of the american west

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 wants to enroll in Professor Turner's Advanced Geology course next semester
  • He's only a junior, but he's interested in the American West
  • Professor Turner will speak to Professor Burman if he thinks he's ready to take the course, and he'll let him enroll

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Professor Turner, are you giving your Advanced Geology course again next semester? #Person2#: I wonder if I could enroll in it, I know it's a graduate course and I'm only a junior, but
  • #Person1#: Aren't you a bit young?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello, I bought the pendant in your shop, just before.
  • #Person2#: Yes. Thank you very much.
  • #Person1#: Now I come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend, the pendant is broken, I'm afraid.
  • #Person2#: Oh, is it?
  • #Person1#: Would you change it to a new one?
  • #Person2#: Yes, certainly. You have the receipt?
  • #Person1#: Yes, I do.
  • #Person2#: Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock? We will replace it.
  • #Person1#: Thank you so much.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to change the broken pendant in #Person2#'s shop
  • #Person1# goes back to #Person2#'s shop to replace a broken pendant
  • #Person1# wants a product changed from #Person2#, and #Person2# agrees

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Hello, I bought the pendant in your shop, just before
  • #Person1#: Now I come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend, the pendant is broken, I'm afraid
  • #Person2#: Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Hello, I bought the pendant in your shop, just before
  • #Person2#: Oh, is it? #Person1#: Yes, I do
  • #Person2#: Would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock? we will replace

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i bought the pendant in your shop, just before
  • #Person1#: now i come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend, the pendant is broken, I'm afraid
  • #Person2#: would you change it to a new one? #

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 bought a pendant in the shop, but it's broken
  • #Person2 will replace it with a new one
  • #Person1 will come to the shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock
  • #Person2 will replace the pendant with a new one
  • #Person1 will

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Hello, I bought the pendant in your shop, just before
  • #Person2#: Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What do you think of this one?
  • #Person2#: Eh, so so.
  • #Person1#: And this one? Too flashy?
  • #Person2#: Nah, not too flashy.
  • #Person1#: Uhg! And this sweater from my aunt? Isn't it hideous?
  • #Person2#: I guess.
  • #Person1#: Are you even listening? I'm trying to have a conversation with you.
  • #Person2#: And I'm trying to watch the game, but you're yapping on about your new clothes!
  • #Person1#: Well I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when I go to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon!
  • #Person2#: Well could you do me the favor of making this quick? It's the third quarter and you've been blabbering on since the first!
  • #Person1#: Oh, your precious game. You watch the same game every year, and each year your beloved hometown team loses by at least three goals!
  • #Person2#: Oh no you didn't. You didn't just insult the Sals-bury Seals, did you? Why don't you just. just go and return all of those stupid clothes and not come back until the sales are over?
  • #Person1#: I might just! Enjoy your stupid game!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is showing the new clothes to #Person2#, but #Person2# is busy watching the games
  • They quarrel and get angry
  • #Person1# and #Person2# have a serious quarrel over whether shopping for clothes or watching a sports game is more important
  • #Person1# asks #Person2#'s opinion on new clothes, but #Person2# only focuses on the game and feels annoyed
  • They are both angry and argue

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Well I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones when I go to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon! You didn't just insult the Sals-bury Seals, did you? just go and return all of those stupid clothes and not come back until the sales are over?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm trying to watch the game, but you're yapping on about your new clothes
  • #Person2#: I have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange for better ones
  • #Person1#: Oh, your precious game
  • you watch the same

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: are you even listening? i'm trying to have a conversation with you
  • #Person2#: well i have to decide which gifts to keep and which to exchange
  • #Person1#: oh, your precious game
  • each year your beloved hometown team loses

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 are talking about their new clothes
  • #Person1 is trying to have a conversation
  • #Person2 is trying to watch the game
  • #Person1 is yapping on about his new clothes
  • #Person1 is going to the Boxing Day sales this afternoon

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What do you think of this one? #Person2#: And I'm trying to watch the game, but you're yapping on about your new clothes!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: There are so many jobs to choose from. What do you want to do?
  • #Person2#: I think working in the media could be fun. There's TV, newspapers, the Internet.
  • #Person1#: Well, let me have a look. Uhm, how about this? You could become a TV news director.
  • #Person2#: Are you joking? Directing the news would be very stressful.
  • #Person1#: Well, writing for a magazine would be exciting. How about that?
  • #Person2#: No, I'm more interested in working with computers. Hey, look, interactive media. I'd like that.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# gives suggestions on job choices to #Person2#
  • #Person2# likes interactive media
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are looking at jobs
  • #Person2# is interested in the media industry
  • #Person1# offers some job choices to #Person2#, but #Person2# doesn't like them

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I think working in the media could be fun
  • Directing the news would be very stressful
  • #Person2#: No, I'm more interested in working with computers

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I think working in the media could be fun
  • there's TV, newspapers, the Internet
  • #Person1#: Well, writing for a magazine would be exciting
  • #Person2#: No, I'm more interested in working with computers
  • #Person1#: Well,

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i think working in the media could be fun
  • there's TV, newspapers, the Internet
  • #Person1#: writing for a magazine would be exciting
  • #Person2#: no, i'm more interested in working with computers
  • #Person2#: i

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 wants to work in the media
  • #Person1 suggests a TV news director, writing for a magazine, or interactive media
  • #Person2 doesn't want to work in the media
  • #Person1 suggests a TV news director, writing for a magazine, or interactive media
  • #P

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: There are so many jobs to choose from
  • #Person2#: No, I'm more interested in working with computers

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Don't tell me you're bored already?
  • #Person2#: Well, yeah, I am.
  • #Person1#: We just got here. You will have to find a way to entertain yourself then.
  • #Person2#: What can I do? There are just a bunch of boring people giving boring speeches.
  • #Person1#: Too bad. I have to sit through it, so you do, too. Even if it's a little boring, it's important for me to be here. I have to listen carefully, take notes and then interview some of the speakers afterward. I work for the Daily News after all. Didn't you bring anything to read?
  • #Person2#: I brought my iPod and some headphones. Would it be rude to listen to some music?
  • #Person1#: Yes, it would. I might have a few old newspapers in my bag. You could read them. They also have sections with games in them, like crossword puzzles. That will keep you busy for a while.
  • #Person2#: I hate crosswords. Do the papers have comic sections in them?
  • #Person1#: You'll probably find some. Now be quiet! Another man is getting up to speak. I really have to pay attention to this one. It's the head of the charity organization.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# feels bored with the meeting
  • #Person1# gives #Person2# some suggestions on how to entertain but finally asks #Person2# to keep quiet
  • #Person1#, a reporter, takes #Person2# to a forum
  • #Person2# is bored and tries to find a pastime
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# is bored and explains the reasons, so #Person1# suggests #Person2# read some old newspapers and be quiet

Sumy Summary

  • I have to listen carefully, take notes and then interview some of the speakers afterward
  • Didn't you bring anything to read? They also have sections with games in them, like crossword puzzles

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: there are just a bunch of boring people giving boring speeches
  • #Person2#: I brought my iPod and some headphones
  • #Person1#: I hate crosswords
  • do the papers have comic sections in them? #Person2#: you'll probably find some

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i have to sit through boring people giving boring speeches
  • #Person2#: i brought my iPod and headphones
  • would it be rude to listen to some music? #Person1#: i might have a few old newspapers in my bag
  • you could read them
  • #

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 is bored because there are a lot of boring people giving boring speeches
  • #Person1 has to listen carefully, take notes and interview some of the speakers afterward
  • #Person2 brought his iPod and some headphones
  • #Person1 might have a few old newspapers in his bag
  • #Person2

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Don't tell me you're bored already? Even if it's a little boring, it's important for me to be here
  • #Person2#: I brought my iPod and some headphones

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Have you ever thought of moving, Sarah?
  • #Person2#: We thought about it, but my husband and I can't afford it right now.
  • #Person1#: Buying a house near our company can be expensive, but there are ways to find cheaper houses.
  • #Person2#: Like what?
  • #Person1#: Well, you can buy a house far away from the city center. You would definitely save money that way.
  • #Person2#: That's a good idea.
  • #Person1#: My sister in law and her husband just bought a house that way. And they're pretty satisfied with it.
  • #Person2#: Is the house in poor condition?
  • #Person1#: Not at all, the woman who owned it bought it from her friend and took good care of it. But when she died she had no family left and no will, so the government had to sell it for her.
  • #Person2#: Was it a very old house?
  • #Person1#: Yes, it was about 50 years old. There were a few repairs that needed doing but it didn't take a lot of money or time.
  • #Person2#: Is it in a good location?
  • #Person1#: The area can be a bit rough in the evening but the neighbors watch out for each other so it's OK.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Sarah is considering moving
  • #Person1# gives her advice on buying a house
  • Sarah wants to move
  • #Person1# suggests buying a cheaper house and offers information on possible options
  • Sarah tells #Person1# that she can't afford a new house
  • #Person1# says #Person1#'s sister-in-law bought a cheap house and suggests Sarah should buy a house far from the city center

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Not at all, the woman who owned it bought it from her friend and took good care of it
  • There were a few repairs that needed doing but it didn't take a lot of money or time
  • #Person1#: The area can be a bit rough in the evening but the neighbors watch out for each other so it's OK

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: my sister in law and her husband just bought a house that way
  • the woman who owned it bought it from her friend and took good care of it
  • when she died she had no family left and no will, so the government had to sell it for her
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: Buying a house near our company can be expensive
  • #Person1#: the woman who owned it bought it from her friend and took good care of it
  • #Person2#: the area can be a bit rough in the evening but the neighbors watch out for each other so

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Sarah and her husband can't afford to buy a house near their company
  • They consider buying a house far away from the city center
  • Their sister in law and her husband just bought a house that way
  • The area can be a bit rough in the evening but the neighbors watch out for each other so it's OK

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Have you ever thought of moving, Sarah? #Person1#: Well, you can buy a house far away from the city center
  • #Person1#: The area can be a bit rough in the evening but the neighbors watch out for each other so it's OK

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello. Welcome to this week's People You Meet. Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an information officer in London.
  • #Person2#: Hi everyone, my name's Mark Leach. I'm an information officer at the Britain Business Center, which is a tourist office for the British tourist board in London. Here, we offer a tourist information service to mainly visitors from overseas. And each year, we have about 500,000 people come to the office.
  • #Person1#: Wow. That's a large number of people. How do you manage to meet the needs of so many people?
  • #Person2#: I'm in charge of an information team. The team has about 10 officers who give tourist information directly over the counter to visitors. We speak a total of 13 languages altogether.
  • #Person1#: That's pretty cool. So what exactly do you do everyday?
  • #Person2#: Well, we act as a one stop shop for anyone who wants to come in. So it could be that they want a day trip from London, which is a very popular request. And we can offer suggestions of where to go and how to get there. If people want a two week tour of Britain, we can plan out exactly where to visit, what roads to take.
  • #Person1#: So, do you have any suggestions for people coming to Britain?
  • #Person2#: A good suggestion is to see as much as you can. But try to come back again and again to see different parts of the country, because in that way you really experience it.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# introduces Mark Leach to this week's People You Meet
  • Mark Leach describes his job responsibilities and gives advice to people coming to Britain
  • #Person1# hosts the week's People You Meet, featuring Mark Leach
  • Mark introduces his work as an information officer in London
  • Mark Leach introduces his information service and his work to the audience
  • He also offers suggestions for people coming to Britain

Sumy Summary

  • Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an information officer in London
  • The team has about 10 officers who give tourist information directly over the counter to visitors
  • If people want a two week tour of Britain, we can plan out exactly where to visit, what roads to take

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2# is an information officer at the Britain Business Center in London
  • each year, about 500,000 people come to the office for tourist information
  • #Person2#: we act as a one stop shop for anyone who wants to come in
  • #Person2#: try to come back again and

T5 large Summary

  • mark leach is an information officer at a tourist office for the british tourist board
  • each year, about 500,000 people come to the office for tourist information
  • try to come back again and again to see different parts of the country, says leach
  • do you know a hero? nominations are

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Mark Leach is an information officer at the Britain Business Center, a tourist office for the British tourist board in London
  • He's in charge of an information team with about 10 officers who give tourist information directly over the counter to visitors
  • They speak a total of 13 languages altogether
  • They can offer suggestions of where to go and how

Bert Summary

  • Today, we present to you Mark Leach, an information officer in London
  • And each year, we have about 500,000 people come to the office
  • We speak a total of 13 languages altogether
  • #Person2#: A good suggestion is to see as much as you can

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello, Lin Fang!
  • #Person2#: Oh! Hi, Lucy!
  • #Person1#: What's the next lesson, Lin Fang?
  • #Person2#: English.
  • #Person1#: Oh, good! That's my favorite subject.
  • #Person2#: That's because you always find it so easy. I find it very difficult so I don't like it much.
  • #Person1#: Nancy finds English quite difficult too. But she says it's her favorite subject.
  • #Person2#: Yes, I know, and her second favorite subject is math.
  • #Person1#: Math is my worst. I don't like it. I always get the answers wrong.
  • #Person2#: So if English is your favorite subject, what's your second favorite?
  • #Person1#: PE. What about you?
  • #Person2#: I'm not sure. Both Chinese and science are my favorite subjects. I think I like Chinese a little more than science.
  • #Person1#: You are very different from Nancy. She doesn't like science at all.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Lin Fang and Lucy are talking about their favourite subjects
  • Lin Fang and Lucy are talking about how they like different subjects
  • Lucy likes English and P
  • E
  • best, but Lin Fang's favorite is Chinese and Science

Sumy Summary

  • I find it very difficult so I don't like it much
  • #Person1#: Nancy finds English quite difficult too
  • Both Chinese and science are my favorite subjects

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: English is her favorite subject
  • #Person2#: math is her worst
  • I always get the answers wrong
  • #Person1#: both Chinese and science are my favorite subjects
  • #Person2#: i think i like Chinese a little more than science

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: english
  • that's my favorite subject
  • #Person2#: I find it very difficult so I don't like it much
  • #Person2#: math is my worst
  • i always get the answers wrong
  • #Person1#: math is my worst
  • i don'

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Lin Fang's favorite subject is English
  • Nancy's favorite subject is math
  • Lin Fang's favorite subject is PE
  • Lin Fang's favorite subject is Chinese
  • Lin Fang's favorite subjects are Chinese and science
  • Lin Fang's favorite subjects are English and math
  • Lin Fang's favorite subjects

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What's the next lesson, Lin Fang? #Person2#: Yes, I know, and her second favorite subject is math

Main Text

  • #Person1#: OK, Mrs Thomas. I finished cleaning up the leaves in the yard.
  • #Person2#: Oh, thank you, James.
  • #Person1#: I also swept the front steps and took out the garbage. Is there anything else I can help you with?
  • #Person2#: Can you also take my dog Oscar for a walk?
  • #Person1#: Sure.
  • #Person2#: Here is such a prince. Ever since I broke my leg i t has been so difficult to take care of things around the house. My daughter Leah helps out on Mondays and Tuesdays and my son Robbie on Thursdays, but I'm so happy you can come on Saturdays.
  • #Person1#: Well, I appreciate the weekend work. I'm saving up to buy a bike so I can ride to my basketball practice.
  • #Person2#: Will you still be able to work for me after you get your bike?
  • #Person1#: Of course, but don't forget I'm away next weekend visiting my grandfather. My sister Allison will come by instead.
  • #Person2#: OK.

Ground-truth Summary

  • James comes to help Mrs
  • Thomas to do some housework on the weekend
  • James is saving up to buy a bike
  • James helped Mrs
  • Thomas with housework since she has broken her legs, and he wanted to save money for a bike
  • James helps Mrs
  • Thomas to do chores because James wanted to save money and Mrs
  • Thomas is incapable

Sumy Summary

  • Ever since I broke my leg i t has been so difficult to take care of things around the house
  • My daughter Leah helps out on Mondays and Tuesdays and my son Robbie on Thursdays, but I'm so happy you can come on Saturdays
  • I'm saving up to buy a bike so I can ride to my basketball practice

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: i finished cleaning up the leaves in the yard
  • #Person2#: can you also take my dog Oscar for a walk? #Person1#: i'm saving up to buy a bike so I can ride to my basketball practice
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: swept the front steps and took out the garbage
  • #Person2#: can you also take my dog Oscar for a walk? #Person1#: i'm saving up to buy a bike so i can ride to my basketball practice
  • #Person2#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 finished cleaning up the leaves in the yard, swept the front steps and took out the garbage
  • He also took Oscar for a walk
  • #Person2 is grateful to #Person1 for helping out on weekends
  • #Person1 is saving up to buy a bike to go to basketball practice
  • #

Bert Summary

  • I finished cleaning up the leaves in the yard
  • #Person1#: Of course, but don't forget I'm away next weekend visiting my grandfather

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I think spring is finally here.
  • #Person2#: Yep, it sure seems like it. However, it's still very cold at night.
  • #Person1#: Yes, they turned the heat off 6 days ago. It's absolutely freezing in my apartment at night. I have to turn on the air conditioner to blow hot air in order to warm things up a little.
  • #Person2#: Well, and if you are outside and is a bit of a breeze. It feels cold quickly.
  • #Person1#: It sure does. I think I'm going to follow my cats example and just sit in the sum that shining in through the windows.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the low temperature at night, although spring has come
  • #Person1# and #Person2# agree that it still felt very cold in spring
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about the weather and how to keep warm

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Yes, they turned the heat off 6 days ago
  • It's absolutely freezing in my apartment at night
  • I think I'm going to follow my cats example and just sit in the sum that shining in through the windows

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: it's absolutely freezing in my apartment at night
  • #Person2#: I have to turn on the air conditioner to blow hot air in order to warm things up a little
  • #Person1#: I think I'm going to follow my cats example and just sit in the

T5 large Summary

  • it's absolutely freezing in my apartment at night
  • i have to turn on the air conditioner to blow hot air in order to warm things up a little
  • #Person1#: i think i'm going to follow my cats example and just sit in the sum that shining in through the windows
  • #Person

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • They turned the heat off 6 days ago
  • It's still very cold at night
  • It's a bit of a breeze, so it feels cold quickly
  • They're going to sit in the sum that's shining in through the windows to warm things up a little
  • They're going to follow their cats example

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I think spring is finally here
  • #Person1#: Yes, they turned the heat off 6 days ago

Main Text

  • #Person1#: OK, that's a cut. Let's start from the beginning everyone.
  • #Person2#: What was the problem that time?
  • #Person1#: The feeling was all wrong, Mike. She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore, but I want to get more anger from you. You're acting hurt and sad, but that's not how your character would act in this situation.
  • #Person2#: But Jason and Laura had been together for 3 years. Don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness?
  • #Person1#: At this point, no. I think he would react the way most guys would and then later on, we would see his real feelings.
  • #Person2#: I'm not so sure about that.
  • #Person1#: Let's try it my way and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines. After that, if it still doesn't feel right we can try something else.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and Mike are discussing what kind of emotion should be expressed by Mike in this play
  • They have different understandings
  • #Person1# and Mike have a disagreement on how to act out a scene
  • #Person1# proposes that Mike can try to act in #Person1#'s way
  • #Person1# wants Mike to act more angry, but Mike thinks he should act both angry and sad

Sumy Summary

  • She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore, but I want to get more anger from you
  • Don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness? I think he would react the way most guys would and then later on, we would see his real feelings

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: Jason and Laura had been together for 3 years
  • don't you think he would react the way most guys would and later on, we would see his real feelings
  • #Person1#: Let's try it my way and you can see how you feel when you're saying your

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: the feeling was all wrong, Mike
  • she is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore
  • #Person2#: don't you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness? #Person1#: let's try my way and you can see how

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to get more anger from Mike
  • #Person2 wants to get more sadness from Jason
  • #Person1: Let's try it my way and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines
  • #Person2: If it still doesn't feel right, we can try something

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: What was the problem that time? She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore, but I want to get more anger from you

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Taxi!
  • #Person2#: Where will you go, sir?
  • #Person1#: Friendship Hotel.
  • #Person2#: OK, it's not far from here.
  • #Person1#: I have something important to do, can you fast the speed?
  • #Person2#: Sure, I'll try my best. Here we are.
  • #Person1#: It's fast! How much should I pay you?
  • #Person2#: The reading on the meter is 15 yuan.
  • #Person1#: Here's 20 yuan, keep the change.
  • #Person2#: Thank you very much.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# takes a taxi to the Friendship Hotel for something important
  • #Person2# drives #Person1# to the Friendship Hotel as fast as #Person2# can be
  • The taxi driver takes #Person1# to the Friendship Hotel quickly

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Friendship Hotel
  • #Person1#: I have something important to do, can you fast the speed? #Person2#: The reading on the meter is 15 yuan

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I have something important to do, can you fast the speed? #Person2#: Okay, it's not far from here
  • #Person1#: I have something important to do, can you fast the speed? #Person2#: Sure, I'll try my best

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i have something important to do, can you fast the speed? #Person2#: sure, I'll try my best
  • here we are
  • #Person1#: here's 20 yuan, keep the change
  • #Person2#: thank you very much

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 needs a taxi to go to the Friendship Hotel
  • #Person2 will pick him up and take him to the Friendship Hotel
  • #Person1 will pay 20 yuan for the taxi
  • #Person2 will keep the change
  • #Person1 thanks #Person2 for the taxi

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I have something important to do, can you fast the speed? #Person2#: The reading on the meter is 15 yuan

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I'm broke, and I have to catch another bus.
  • #Person2#: Why don't you have any money for another bus?
  • #Person1#: I got hungry and bought some chips.
  • #Person2#: That was smart.
  • #Person1#: Anyway, do you have any change I can use for the bus?
  • #Person2#: I don't have any.
  • #Person1#: I don't know how I'm going to get home.
  • #Person2#: Get a transfer from the bus driver.
  • #Person1#: How much is a transfer?
  • #Person2#: It doesn't cost anything.
  • #Person1#: That's great! Thanks for your help.
  • #Person2#: You know what? Don't mention it.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# doesn't have any change for the bus because #Person1# bought some chips
  • #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a transfer from the bus driver
  • #Person1#'s broke, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a free bus transfer
  • #Person1#'s broke, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a transfer from the bus driver to go home

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm broke, and I have to catch another bus
  • #Person1#: I got hungry and bought some chips
  • #Person2#: Get a transfer from the bus driver

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I got hungry and bought some chips
  • #Person2#: Anyway, do you have any change I can use for the bus? #Person1#: I don't know how I'm going to get home
  • #Person2#: Get a transfer from the bus

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'm broke, and i have to catch another bus
  • #Person2#: i don't have any change
  • #Person1#: i don't know how i'm going to get home
  • #Person2#: get

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 bought some chips
  • #Person2 doesn't have change for another bus
  • #Person1 has to get a transfer from the bus driver
  • #Person1 thanks #Person2 for his help
  • #Person2 doesn't want to talk about it
  • #Person1 doesn't

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm broke, and I have to catch another bus
  • #Person1#: I got hungry and bought some chips

Main Text

  • #Person1#: How long does it take to get to downtown from here?
  • #Person2#: It is 15 minutes ' drive.
  • #Person1#: What companies do we have in our neighborhood?
  • #Person2#: Mitsubishi, HP, IBM and many other famous corporations.
  • #Person1#: Does the 7th floor belong to our company too?
  • #Person2#: Yes, our company has two floors, the 6th and 7th floor in this building.
  • #Person1#: It ' s such a large firm. Do we have our own staff restaurant?
  • #Person2#: Yes, at the end of the hall.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# tells #Person1# information about their company and its surroundings
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# about the company's surroundings, location, and staff restaurant
  • #Person2# introduces the surroundings and information about their company to #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: How long does it take to get to downtown from here? #Person2#: Mitsubishi, HP, IBM and many other famous corporations
  • #Person1#: Does the 7th floor belong to our company too?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: It is 15 minutes'drive to downtown
  • #Person1#: Mitsubishi, HP, IBM and many other famous corporations
  • #Person2#: Yes, our company has two floors, the 6th and 7th floor
  • #Person2#: Yes, at the end

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: It is 15 minutes'drive to downtown from here
  • #Person1#: Mitsubishi, HP, IBM and many other famous corporations
  • #Person2#: our company has two floors, the 6th and 7th floor in this building
  • #Person1#: do we

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1#: It takes 15 minutes to get to downtown from here
  • #Person2#: What companies are in the neighborhood? #Person1#: Mitsubishi, HP, IBM and many other famous corporations
  • #Person2#: Do we have our own staff restaurant? #Person1#: Yes,

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: How long does it take to get to downtown from here? #Person1#: Does the 7th floor belong to our company too?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Did you hear about Lulu?
  • #Person2#: No, what?
  • #Person1#: She and Vic broke up and now she ' s asked for a transfer.
  • #Person2#: Get out of here! I didn ' t even know they were dating!
  • #Person1#: No one really did. They were very discreet and professional at the office.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are gossiping about Lulu and Vic's break-up
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Lulu and Vic's breakup
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about Lulu and Vic's breakup

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: She and Vic broke up and now she ' s asked for a transfer
  • I didn ' t even know they were dating! They were very discreet and professional at the office

T5 base Summary

  • she and Vic broke up and now she's asked for a transfer
  • #Person2#: Get out of here! I didn't even know they were dating! #Person1#: I didn't even know they were dating! #Person2#: Get out of

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: Did you hear about lulu? #Person2#: I didn't even know they were dating
  • #Person1#: No one really did
  • they were very discreet and professional at the office
  • #Person2#: I don't even know

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Vic and Lulu broke up
  • Lulu asked for a transfer to another office
  • No one knew about Lulu and Vic's relationship at the office
  • They were very discreet and professional at the office, so no one knew about Lulu and Vic's relationship
  • They were very discreet and professional at the office

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: She and Vic broke up and now she ' s asked for a transfer
  • They were very discreet and professional at the office

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello, 332440.
  • #Person2#: Oh hello, Sally. This is Dave Thomson here. Could I speak to Jim please?
  • #Person1#: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet.
  • #Person2#: Any idea when he might be back?
  • #Person1#: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back.
  • #Person2#: OK. well, tell him I've called, will you, and I'll try again later.
  • #Person1#: All right. Goodbye, Dave.
  • #Person2#: Thanks then Sally. Goodbye.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Dave Thomson calls Jim but Jim went out
  • Sally will tell Jim Dave called
  • Dave calls Jim but Jim is out
  • Sally tells Dave Jim's whereabouts
  • Dave Thomson calls to speak to Jim but Jim is out

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave
  • He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet
  • But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Dave went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet
  • #Person2#: any idea when he might be back? #Person1#: Well, he shouldn't be long
  • #Person2#: OK
  • tell him I've called,

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave
  • he went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet
  • #Person2#: i wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Jim went out an hour ago to get some paint
  • He should be back in a few minutes
  • Sally will try to call him again later to see if he's still at the pub to get some paint for his car, but he won't be able to do it at the moment
  • He'll

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave
  • But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to City Hall?
  • #Person2#: Yes. Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street. Walk three blocks to Second Avenue and turn right. Walk two more blocks and you'll see City Hall on the left.
  • #Person1#: I'm sorry. I didn't follow you. Could you please repeat that?
  • #Person2#: Okay. First, go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street.
  • #Person1#: Uh-huh.
  • #Person2#: Then, walk three blocks to Second Avenue an turn right. Are you with me so far?
  • #Person1#: Yes. I'm following you.
  • #Person2#: Then, walk two more blocks an you ' ll see City Hall on the left. Have you got all that?
  • #Person1#: Yes. Now I've got it. Thank you very much.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# shows #Person1# the way to City Hall patiently
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# the way to City Hall and #Person2# answers with patience
  • #Person2# patiently shows #Person1# the way to City Hall

Sumy Summary

  • Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street
  • First, go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street
  • #Person2#: Then, walk two more blocks an you ' ll see City Hall on the left

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm sorry
  • I didn't follow you
  • Could you please repeat that? #Person2#: Okay
  • Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street
  • #Person1#: Uh-huh
  • #Person2#: Then, walk three blocks to Second

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I didn't follow you
  • could you please repeat that? #Person2#: Okay
  • first, go to the next corner and turn left onto center street
  • then, walk three blocks to second avenue an turn right
  • then, walk two more blocks and you'll see City Hall on

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to know how to get to City Hall
  • #Person2 tells him to go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street
  • #Person1 walks three blocks to Second Avenue and turns right
  • #Person1 walks two more blocks and sees City Hall on the left
  • #Person1

Bert Summary

  • Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street
  • Walk two more blocks and you'll see City Hall on the left

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Excuse me, could you help me?
  • #Person2#: Yes, what seems to be the problem?
  • #Person1#: Well. I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport?
  • #Person2#: I am afraid not. Have you lost your passport?
  • #Person1#: I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.
  • #Person2#: Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?
  • #Person1#: In the shoe department. I had to show it to pay for these shoes with my traveler's cheques.
  • #Person2#: Well, let me call the shoe department to see if they'Ve found a passport. Sorry, your passport hasn't turned up there either.
  • #Person1#: Then what shall I do?
  • #Person2#: You can fill in this lost property report and I will keep my eye out for it. These kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up.
  • #Person1#: You are right. Do you have a pen?
  • #Person2#: Here you are.
  • #Person1#: Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# lost #Person1#'s passport
  • #Person2# suggests #Person1# fill in the lost property report and inform the embassy of the situation so they can issue a new passport in case it cannot be found
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# for help to find #Person1#'s passport
  • #Person2# checks the shoe department but finds nothing
  • Thus, #Person2# lets #Person1# fill in a report and contact the embassy
  • #Person1# lost the passport
  • #Person2# suggests #Person1# fill in the lost property report and contact the embassy

Sumy Summary

  • I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store
  • #Person2#: You can fill in this lost property report and I will keep my eye out for it
  • These kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I can't find my passport anywhere in my hotel room
  • #Person2#: sorry, your passport hasn't turned up there either
  • #Person1#: you can fill in this lost property report and i will keep my eye out for it
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: have you lost your passport? #Person1#: i can't find it anywhere in my hotel room
  • #Person2#: let me call the shoe department to see if they've found a passport
  • #Person1#: do you have a pen

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 has lost his passport and can't find it anywhere
  • He used it in the shoe department to pay for his shoes
  • #Person2 suggests contacting the embassy
  • #Person1 has a pen and fills in a lost property report
  • #Person2 suggests contacting the embassy

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Yes, what seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Well, let me call the shoe department to see if they'Ve found a passport

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello?
  • #Person2#: Good morning, Nathaniel. This is Leah calling from the International Student Office.
  • #Person1#: Good morning.
  • #Person2#: The reason I'm calling is because Ms. Collins will not be able to call you back until next week.
  • #Person1#: Oh. I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday.
  • #Person2#: She's terribly sorry about that. She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week. She hopes you understand.
  • #Person1#: Is there someone else I can talk to?
  • #Person2#: She asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today. When are you free today?
  • #Person1#: Any time after 2 pm today would be good for me.
  • #Person2#: Mr. Liu is available at 2:15 today. Will that work for you?
  • #Person1#: I'd prefer to speak with Ms. Fonda.
  • #Person2#: I'm afraid she isn't available this afternoon. She has an opening at 11:30 this morning. Will that work for you?
  • #Person1#: that will be fine.
  • #Person2#: Ok, we'll be expecting you at 11:30. See you then.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Leah informs Nathaniel that Ms
  • Collins will not be able to call him back until next week, so he needs to book an appointment with someone else from the International Student Office
  • Nathaniel decides to speak with Ms
  • Fonda
  • Leah informs Nathaniel that Ms
  • Collins won't be available for their appointment and explains the reason
  • Then Nathaniel decides to speak with someone else
  • The International Student Office calls Nathaniel to inform him that he has to book another appointment with someone else as Ms
  • Collins is not available
  • Nathaniel decides to speak with Ms
  • Fonda

Sumy Summary

  • This is Leah calling from the International Student Office
  • She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week
  • #Person2#: She asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#:'she had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week' #Person2#:'she asked me to call you to book an appointment with someone else today' #Person1#: Any time after 2 pm today would be good for

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday
  • #Person2#: she had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week
  • #Person1#: any time after 2 pm today would be good for me
  • #Person2

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Leah is calling from the International Student Office because Ms
  • Collins will not be able to call Nathaniel back until next week
  • Mr
  • Liu is available at 2:15 today
  • Ms
  • Fonda isn't available this afternoon
  • Ms
  • Fonda has an opening at 11:30 this morning

Bert Summary

  • This is Leah calling from the International Student Office
  • I had hoped she would have called me back yesterday
  • #Person2#: I'm afraid she isn't available this afternoon

Main Text

  • #Person1#: When she told me that she would marry no man but Dick, my heart was almost in my mouth.
  • #Person2#: You were scared, too? I dared not tell you my feeling when I heard that. I almost got fainted.
  • #Person1#: I could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man like Dick. He plays the field with many girls.
  • #Person2#: But Sarah says she does not care, so long as he loves her.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# feel scared when heard Sarah insists on marrying Dick
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are shocked about Sarah's love for Dick
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are surprised to know Sarah wants to marry Dick

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: When she told me that she would marry no man but Dick, my heart was almost in my mouth
  • #Person1#: I could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man like Dick
  • #Person2#: But Sarah says she does not care, so long as he loves her

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: When she told me that she would marry no man but Dick, my heart was almost in my mouth
  • #Person2#: I almost got fainted
  • #Person1#: I could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: when she told me that she would marry no man but Dick, my heart was almost in my mouth
  • #Person2#: i almost got fainted when i heard that
  • i could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Sarah wants to marry Dick, but she doesn't know why she wants to marry him
  • She doesn't care as long as he loves her, and she doesn't care if he plays the field with many girls
  • She doesn't care as long as he loves her, and she doesn't care

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: When she told me that she would marry no man but Dick, my heart was almost in my mouth
  • #Person1#: I could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man like Dick

Main Text

  • #Person1#: this party rocks!
  • #Person2#: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here!
  • #Person1#: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I'm in love!
  • #Person2#: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress?
  • #Person1#: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh?
  • #Person2#: yeah! She could do anything she wants to me!
  • #Person1#: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice.
  • #Person2#: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league.
  • #Person1#: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try.
  • #Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game.
  • #Person1#: all right. But I think you ought to move soon.
  • #Person2#: why?
  • #Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up.
  • #Person2#: okay, here I go!
  • #Person1#: good luck!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are at a nice party
  • #Person2# has a crush on Janice but is afraid of talking to her
  • #Person1# wishes #Person2# good luck
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about girls at a party and #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes Janice but he feels nervous talking to girls
  • #Person1# encourages #Person2#
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are at an exciting party
  • #Person2# has a crush on Janice and #Person1# encourages him to have a try to talk to her

Sumy Summary

  • What about the blond with the red dress? I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool
  • #Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: oh, that's Janice
  • she's just new in town
  • #Person2#: yeah! she could do anything she wants to me! #Person1#: i always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: check out that one over there
  • I think I'm in love
  • #Person2#: oh, that's Janice
  • she's just new in town
  • #Person1#: come on! man up! you'll never know until you try

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1 and Person2 are at a party
  • Person1 is in love with one of the girls
  • Person2 doesn't want to talk to Janice, because she's out of his league
  • Person1 encourages Person2 to talk to Janice, because he sees five other guys eying her up

Bert Summary

  • Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here! #Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hey Jack. How were your classes this semester?
  • #Person2#: They were not too bad. I really liked my poli-sci class.
  • #Person1#: Would you consider it your favorite class?
  • #Person2#: I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but it ranks up there.
  • #Person1#: What class was your favorite then?
  • #Person2#: I took a business communication class last year and it was terrific.
  • #Person1#: I never took that yet. If that was your favorite, I think I will check it out.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Jack tells #Person1# that business communication is his favorite last year and #Person1# will check it
  • #Person1# and Jack talk about Jack's classes last year
  • #Person1# and Jack are talking about Jack's favorite classes

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but it ranks up there
  • #Person2#: I took a business communication class last year and it was terrific
  • If that was your favorite, I think I will check it out

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I really liked my poli-sci class
  • #Person2#: I don't know if I would call it my favorite, but it ranks up there
  • #Person1#: I never took a business communication class yet
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: I really liked my poli-sci class
  • #Person1#: i took a business communication class last year and it was terrific
  • #Person2#: i don't know if i would call it my favorite, but it ranks up there

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Jack's poli-sci class was his favorite class this semester
  • He also took a business communication class last year and it was terrific
  • Jack will check out that class next time he's in school
  • He's not sure if he'll call it his favorite yet, but it ranks up there

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Would you consider it your favorite class? If that was your favorite, I think I will check it out

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Well, what a nice day!
  • #Person2#: Yeah, the air is really fresh.
  • #Person1#: But it was not at all so fine yesterday.
  • #Person2#: Because it rained last night.
  • #Person1#: Did it?
  • #Person2#: It sure did. It was a heavy storm, with lots of thunder.
  • #Person1#: I was fast asleep, and didn't hear a thing.
  • #Person2#: Well, it may rain again later today.
  • #Person1#: Maybe. I see some dark clouds moving in.
  • #Person2#: There may also be a strong wind coming in.
  • #Person1#: It'll be dusty, too, I guess.
  • #Person2#: Maybe not. Dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing.
  • #Person1#: Why is that?
  • #Person2#: We've been planting trees for many years.
  • #Person1#: I see. The fall in Beijing is really beautiful.
  • #Person2#: But the summer isn't. It's scorching in the summer.
  • #Person1#: Then what about spring?
  • #Person2#: Spring is warm and short in Beijing.
  • #Person1#: It must be cold in the winter, though.
  • #Person2#: You got it. Oh, by the way, it may be really cool in the evening around this time of the year. Don't forget to put on more clothes, or you might catch a cold.
  • #Person1#: Thanks for reminding me.
  • #Person2#: You're welcome.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the weather in different seasons in Beijing
  • #Person2# reminds #Person1# to put on more clothes in the evening and not to catch a cold
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the weather in Beijing
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# it's cold in the evening around this time
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the heavy rain last night and the weather in Beijing

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I was fast asleep, and didn't hear a thing
  • Dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing
  • Don't forget to put on more clothes, or you might catch a cold

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I was fast asleep, and didn't hear a thing
  • #Person2#: There may also be a strong wind coming in
  • #Person1#: Dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing
  • #Person2#: Spring is warm and short in

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: it rained last night, with lots of thunder
  • #Person1#: I was fast asleep, and didn't hear a thing
  • #Person2#: it may rain again later today
  • #Person2#: dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • It rained last night
  • It may rain again today
  • It may also be dusty
  • Dust is no longer a big problem in Beijing
  • It's been planted trees for many years
  • Spring is warm and short in Beijing
  • It's hot in the summer
  • It may be really cool in the evening around this time of the

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Yeah, the air is really fresh
  • #Person2#: Spring is warm and short in Beijing
  • #Person1#: It must be cold in the winter, though

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
  • #Person2#: Well, I just saw a horror movie last night. It almost frightened me to death.
  • #Person1#: Well, we could see something different like a detective film.
  • #Person2#: I don't care for a detective film. It also makes me nervous.
  • #Person1#: How about a comedy?
  • #Person2#: No, I don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful.
  • #Person1#: How about a love story then?
  • #Person2#: No, romance is boring.
  • #Person1#: What's you opinion?
  • #Person2#: Let's go to see a war movie, shall we?
  • #Person1#: Really?
  • #Person2#: Certainly. Is there anything wrong?
  • #Person1#: No, but I can't imagine that a girl like you would wonder to see a war movie.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# invites #Person2# to watch a movie together that night
  • #Person2# wants to see nothing but a war movie
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about what kind of movies to watch and they decided to watch a war movie
  • #Person1# invites #Person2# to movie and #Person2# wants to see a war movie

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I don't care for a detective film
  • #Person2#: No, I don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful
  • #Person1#: No, but I can't imagine that a girl like you would wonder to see a war movie

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: i just saw a horror movie last night
  • it almost frightened me to death
  • #Person2#: i don't care for a detective film
  • it also makes me nervous
  • #Person1#: i can't imagine that a girl

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i just saw a horror movie last night
  • it almost frightened me death
  • #Person2#: i don't care for a detective film
  • it also makes me nervous
  • #Person2#: i don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 want to go to the movies tonight
  • #Person2 doesn't like horror movies
  • #Person1 and #Person2 decide to go to see a war movie
  • #Person2 is excited to see a war movie
  • #Person1 and #Person2

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Would you like to go to the movies tonight? #Person1#: Well, we could see something different like a detective film

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Adam, could you show me around the school?
  • #Person2#: No problem.
  • #Person1#: What's the tallest building?
  • #Person2#: You mean the white building near the playground?
  • #Person1#: Yes.
  • #Person2#: That is the library. And it has more than 1, 000, 000 books.
  • #Person1#: What's the building to the south of the library?
  • #Person2#: You know, our school is divided into two parts, the junior high school and the senior high school. That is the new classroom building for our senior high school.
  • #Person1#: Is there a swimming pool in your school?
  • #Person2#: Yes. There is a large swimming pool, but it is only available in summer.
  • #Person1#: I do envy you. And I hope I can enter your school one day.
  • #Person2#: I believe that you can make your dream come true.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Adam is showing #Person1# around his school
  • #Person1# envies Adam and hoped #Person1# could enter this school one day
  • Adam shows #Person1# around his school and introduces the library, the new classroom building, and the swimming pool
  • Adam shows #Person1# around the school and introduces buildings and facilities in the school to #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • That is the new classroom building for our senior high school
  • There is a large swimming pool, but it is only available in summer
  • And I hope I can enter your school one day

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: the library has more than 1, 000, 000 books
  • #Person2#: that is the new classroom building for our senior high school
  • #Person1#: I do envy you, and i hope i can enter your school one day
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: what's the tallest building? #Person2#: that's the library
  • #Person2#: there is a swimming pool, but it is only available in summer
  • #Person1#: i do envy you
  • and i hope I can enter your

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Adam shows #Person1# around the school
  • The tallest building is the library
  • The school is divided into two parts
  • There is a swimming pool in the school
  • #Person1# hopes he can enter the school one day
  • #Person2# believes that #Person1# can make his dream come

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Adam, could you show me around the school? #Person2#: You know, our school is divided into two parts, the junior high school and the senior high school

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Honey, I've got good news for you.
  • #Person2#: What is it?
  • #Person1#: You are going to be a father.
  • #Person2#: What? Do you mean that you are pregnant? Is it true?
  • #Person1#: Yes. We'll have our baby soon.
  • #Person2#: Oh, dear, I'm so happy.
  • #Person1#: Me, too.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# feel happy because #Person1# is pregnant
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are happy about #Person1#'s pregnancy
  • #Person1# is pregnant
  • She and #Person2# feel happy

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Honey, I've got good news for you
  • We'll have our baby soon
  • #Person2#: Oh, dear, I'm so happy

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Yes, we'll have our baby soon
  • #Person2#: Oh, dear, I'm so happy
  • #Person1#: Yes, we'll have our baby soon
  • #Person2#: Yes, we'll have our baby soon
  • #Person1#

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: you are going to be a father
  • #Person2#: oh, dear, i'm so happy
  • #Person1#: me, too
  • #Person2#: oh, dear, i'm so happy
  • #Person1#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1 is going to be a father soon, because he's pregnant and he's going to have the baby with Person2 soon
  • He's very happy about the news and he and Person2 are very happy about the news
  • They're going to celebrate the news with a party at their house

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Honey, I've got good news for you

Main Text

  • #Person1#: John dates her seven times a week.
  • #Person2#: Really? That's a straws in the wind.
  • #Person1#: I think so. Maybe he's fallen for her.
  • #Person2#: Yeah. They suit each other. A perfect match between a man and a girl.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# think John's fallen for a girl
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about John's dating life
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about a couple

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: John dates her seven times a week
  • That's a straws in the wind
  • A perfect match between a man and a girl

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I think so
  • Maybe he's fallen for her
  • #Person2#: Yeah
  • A perfect match between a man and a girl
  • #Person1#: I think so
  • Maybe he's fallen for her
  • #Person2#: Yeah
  • They suit each

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: john dates her seven times a week
  • #Person2#: maybe he's fallen for her
  • #Person2#: yeah
  • they suit each other
  • a perfect match between a man and a girl
  • #Person1#: i think so
  • maybe

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • John dates her seven times a week
  • #Person1# thinks he's fallen for her
  • #Person2# thinks it's a perfect match between a man and a girl
  • #Person1# thinks John dates her seven times a week
  • #Person2# think

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: John dates her seven times a week
  • A perfect match between a man and a girl

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Have you considered upgrading your system?
  • #Person2#: Yes, but I'm not sure what exactly I would need.
  • #Person1#: You could consider adding a painting program to your software. It would allow you to make up your own flyers and banners for advertising.
  • #Person2#: That would be a definite bonus.
  • #Person1#: You might also want to upgrade your hardware because it is pretty outdated now.
  • #Person2#: How can we do that?
  • #Person1#: You'd probably need a faster processor, to begin with. And you also need a more powerful hard disc, more memory and a faster modem. Do you have a CD-ROM drive?
  • #Person2#: No.
  • #Person1#: Then you might want to add a CD-ROM drive too, because most new software programs are coming out on Cds.
  • #Person2#: That sounds great. Thanks.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is giving #Person2# some advice for upgrading #Person2#'s system, such as adding a painting program and a faster processor
  • #Person1# tells #Person2# how to upgrade #Person2#'s system for better software and hardware
  • #Person1# teaches #Person2# how to upgrade software and hardware in #Person2#'s system

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: You could consider adding a painting program to your software
  • And you also need a more powerful hard disc, more memory and a faster modem
  • #Person1#: Then you might want to add a CD-ROM drive too, because most new software programs are coming out on Cds

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: you could add a painting program to your software
  • it would allow you to make up your own flyers and banners for advertising
  • #Person1#: you'd probably need a faster processor
  • #Person2#: you also need a more powerful hard disc,

T5 large Summary

  • you could consider adding a painting program to your software
  • it would allow you to make up your own flyers and banners for advertising
  • you'd probably need a faster processor, to begin with
  • and you also need a more powerful hard disc, more memory, and a faster modem

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 talks to #Person2 about upgrading his system
  • #Person1 suggests adding a painting program to his software
  • #Person2 needs a faster processor, more memory and a faster modem
  • #Person2 doesn't have a CD-ROM drive
  • #Person1 suggests adding

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Have you considered upgrading your system? #Person2#: Yes, but I'm not sure what exactly I would need

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Where to, miss?
  • #Person2#: Hi! Crenshaw and Hawthorne, at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner.
  • #Person1#: Sure thing. So, where are you flying in from?
  • #Person2#: From China.
  • #Person1#: Really? You don't look very Chinese to me, if you don't mind me saying so.
  • #Person2#: It's fine. I am actually from Mexico. I was in China on a business trip, visiting some local companies that manufacture bathroom products.
  • #Person1#: Wow sounds interesting! Excuse me if I am being a bit nosy but, how old are you?
  • #Person2#: Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age?
  • #Person1#: Don't get me wrong! It's just that you seem so young and already doing business overseas!
  • #Person2#: Well thank you! In that case, I am 26 years old, and what about yourself?
  • #Person1#: I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U. S of A, although I have some Colombian heritage.
  • #Person2#: Really? That's great! Do you speak some Spanish?
  • #Person1#: Uh. . . yeah. . of course!
  • #Person2#: Que bien! Sentences poems habeas en espanol!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is driving #Person2# to an inn
  • They talk about their careers, ages, and where they was born
  • #Person1# drives #Person2# to an inn and they have a talk
  • #Person2# is 26 and had a business trip to China
  • #Person1# is 40 years old American
  • #Person1# drives #Person2# from the airport to an inn and they have a casual talk about themselves

Sumy Summary

  • Crenshaw and Hawthorne, at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner
  • I was in China on a business trip, visiting some local companies that manufacture bathroom products
  • Sentences poems habeas en espanol!

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I was in china on a business trip, visiting some local companies
  • #Person2#: Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? #Person1#: I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U
  • S

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2# was in china on a business trip, visiting some local companies
  • #Person1#: I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the u
  • s
  • #Person2#: que bien! Sentences poems habeas en espanol! #P

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1 and Person2 are meeting at the Holiday Inn on Crenshaw and Hawthorne
  • Person1 is flying in from China, while Person2 is flying in from Mexico on a business trip
  • Person1 is 40 years old and was born and raised in the United States, although she has some Colombian heritage

Bert Summary

  • Crenshaw and Hawthorne, at the Holiday Inn that is on that corner
  • #Person1#: I am 40 years old and was born and raised here in the good old U
  • S of A, although I have some Colombian heritage

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Oh dear, my weight has gone up again.
  • #Person2#: I am not surprised, you eat too much.
  • #Person1#: And I suppose sitting at the desk all day at the office doesn't help.
  • #Person2#: No, I wouldn't think so.
  • #Person1#: I do wish I could lose weight.
  • #Person2#: Well, why don't you go on a diet?
  • #Person1#: I've tried diets before but they've never worked.
  • #Person2#: Perhaps you should exercise more. Why don't you go to an exercise class.
  • #Person1#: Yes, maybe I should.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to lose weight
  • #Person2# suggests #Person1# take an exercise class to exercise more
  • #Person2# offers #Person1# some suggestions to lose weight
  • #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions on how to lose weight

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Oh dear, my weight has gone up again
  • #Person1#: And I suppose sitting at the desk all day at the office doesn't help
  • Why don't you go to an exercise class

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I suppose sitting at the desk all day at the office doesn't help
  • #Person1#: I've tried diets before but they've never worked
  • #Person2#: Perhaps you should go to an exercise class
  • #Person1#: Yes, maybe

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: oh dear, my weight has gone up again
  • #Person2#: well, why don't you go on a diet? #Person1#: i've tried diets before but they've never worked
  • #Person2#: perhaps you should exercise

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1's weight has gone up again
  • He eats too much and sits at the desk all day at the office
  • #Person2 suggests he should go on a diet
  • #Person1 agrees to go to an exercise class
  • #Person2 suggests he should go to an exercise

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Oh dear, my weight has gone up again
  • #Person1#: I've tried diets before but they've never worked

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant.
  • #Person2#: Good evening. We want a dinning room with a table for eight.
  • #Person1#: I'm sorry, sir. The rooms are not available now. But would you like to have your dinner in the dinning hall? I can find a table by the window for you.
  • #Person2#: No, thanks. We have made a reservation before.
  • #Person1#: Can I have your name, please?
  • #Person2#: My name is James.
  • #Person1#: I'll ask waitress to show you the way.
  • #Person2#: Thanks.

Ground-truth Summary

  • James reserves a dining room for eight at a restaurant
  • #Person1# will ask the waitress to show him the way
  • #Person1# confirms Jame's reservation at the restaurant and asks a waitress to show him the way
  • James has reserved a dining room and #Person1#'ll asks the waitress to show him the way

Sumy Summary

  • We want a dinning room with a table for eight
  • But would you like to have your dinner in the dinning hall? I can find a table by the window for you

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm sorry, sir
  • The rooms are not available now
  • but would you like to have your dinner in the dinning hall? #Person2#: No, thanks
  • we have made a reservation before
  • #Person1#: Can I have your name, please

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'm sorry, sir
  • the rooms are not available now
  • #Person2#: no, thanks
  • we have made a reservation before
  • #Person1#: i'll ask waitress to show you the way
  • #Person2#: thanks

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • The dinning room with a table for eight is not available
  • The waitress will show the way to the dinning hall for the guests who have made a reservation in the dinning hall
  • They want to have dinner in the dinning hall with a table for eight, but the rooms are not available

Bert Summary

  • We want a dinning room with a table for eight
  • I can find a table by the window for you

Main Text

  • #Person1#: How large is the plant?
  • #Person2#: It covers an area of 75, 000 square meters.
  • #Person1#: It's much larger than I expected. When was the plant set up?
  • #Person2#: In the early 70s. We'll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary.
  • #Person1#: Congratulations!
  • #Person2#: Thank you.
  • #Person1#: How many employees do you have in this plant?
  • #Person2#: 500. We're running on three shifts.
  • #Person1#: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product?
  • #Person2#: Our associates specializing in these fields make some access - ries. Well, here we're at the production shop. Shall we start with the assembly line?
  • #Person1#: That's fine.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is visiting a large plant and #Person2# introduces its basic information
  • #Person2# introduces the area of the plant, its history, size, and function to #Person1#
  • #Person1# and #Person2# visit a plant
  • #Person2# introduces its occupy, history, and employee number

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: It covers an area of 75, 000 square meters
  • #Person1#: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product? #Person2#: Our associates specializing in these fields make some access - ries

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: It covers an area of 75, 000 square meters
  • #Person1#: In the early 70s
  • we'll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary
  • #Person2#: 500 employees
  • we're running on three shifts
  • #Person1#: We'

T5 large Summary

  • the plant covers an area of 75, 000 square meters
  • #Person2#: we'll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary
  • #Person1#: here we're at the assembly line
  • #Person2#: we're working with everything from the raw material to the finished product

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • The plant was set up in the early 70s and is celebrating its 30th anniversary soon
  • The plant employs 500 people and works on three shifts
  • The assembly line is the first line of production at the plant
  • The plant works with everything from the raw material to the finished product and uses associates specializing in these fields

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: It covers an area of 75, 000 square meters
  • #Person1#: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Right Rebecca. Now I see that after graduating from University your first job was. . .
  • #Person2#: For a local paper in York called the York Herald. Actually, I started with them as an intern in the beginning. I was really keen on getting some experience in the journalistic world, and this seemed like a good first step.
  • #Person1#: Certainly. And after your internship?
  • #Person2#: They seemed impressed, and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter. I ended up staying two years there actually. I was in charge of the sports news section of the newspaper. I really enjoyed it there, and it really helped me build my skills.
  • #Person1#: Yes I see. But you decided to leave them in 2006, right?
  • #Person2#: Yes, that's right. My husband and I moved to London, and so I managed to find a position with a National newspaper based in London.
  • #Person1#: The London Weekly right?
  • #Person2#: Yes, in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is asking Rebecca about her working experience
  • She worked for York Herald as an intern and then as a junior local news reporter
  • After that, she began to work for London Weekly
  • Rebecca tells #Person1# about her working experiences
  • Rebecca first worked for the York Herald after her graduation, and then for the London Weekly
  • #Person1# interviews Rebecca and asks her about her previous working experiences

Sumy Summary

  • I was really keen on getting some experience in the journalistic world, and this seemed like a good first step
  • #Person2#: They seemed impressed, and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter
  • #Person2#: Yes, in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I started with a local paper in york called the York Herald
  • they seemed impressed, and offered me a position as a junior local news reporter
  • #Person1#: in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i started with a local paper in york as an intern in the beginning
  • i ended up staying two years there actually
  • i was in charge of the sports news section of the newspaper
  • i really enjoyed it there, and it really helped me build my skills
  • #Person1#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Rebecca worked as an intern for a local paper in York called the York Herald
  • In 2006 she moved to London and found a job with a National newspaper based in London called The London Weekly
  • In some ways it was a step down from her previous job, but it did offer her much better prospects for the future

Bert Summary

  • Now I see that after graduating from University your first job was
  • I really enjoyed it there, and it really helped me build my skills
  • #Person2#: Yes, in some ways it was a step down from my previous job but it did offer me much better prospects for the future

Main Text

  • #Person1#: We need to do a group report tomorrow. I need to go to the stationer to buy something for the posters.
  • #Person2#: You need to make posters?
  • #Person1#: absolutely. Every time when we do the reports, we love making some beautiful posters to emphasize our theme ideas.
  • #Person2#: I see. Then let's make a shopping list first before we go there. othe rise, It may take us a whole day to search for the things you need.
  • #Person1#: No problem. I need some markers, some color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlighter, rulers. .
  • #Person2#: Wow, it is like a maze, I think I might get lost soon.
  • #Person1#: Don't worry. In fact, it is very easy to find what you want. Can you see the sign on top of every shelf. It clearly tells you what things are displayed on every shelf.
  • #Person2#: Oh, yes. You are so smart. I see them. So I have to go to shelf number 3 first to get my markers, color pencils and highlighters and somebrushes.
  • #Person1#: I also need some thumbtacks, whiteout and paper clips. Which shelf are they on? I can't find the number.
  • #Person2#: It's at the back. I think you are near-sighted. You had better get yourself a pair of nice glasses.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# will do a group report, so they plan to buy something to make posters
  • They make a shopping list before they go and find items according to signs on shelves
  • #Person1# and #Person2# make a shopping list and #Person1# helps #Person2# to find goods to make a poster for their group report tomorrow
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the group report tomorrow and making a shopping list of things used to make the posters

Sumy Summary

  • Every time when we do the reports, we love making some beautiful posters to emphasize our theme ideas
  • I need some markers, some color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlighter, rulers
  • So I have to go to shelf number 3 first to get my markers, color pencils and highlighters and somebrushes

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I need some markers, some color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlighter, rulers
  • #Person2#: I have to go to shelf number 3 first to get my markers, color pencils and highlighters
  • #Person1#: I also need some thumb

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i need some markers, some color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlighter, rulers
  • #Person2#: wow, it is like a maze, I think I might get lost soon
  • #Person1#: i also need some thumb

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 needs to go to the stationer to buy something for the posters for a group report tomorrow
  • #Person2 needs to get a pair of nice glasses because he can't see clearly in the stationer
  • #Person1 needs markers, color pencils, a pair of scissors, some highlight

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: We need to do a group report tomorrow
  • Can you see the sign on top of every shelf
  • It clearly tells you what things are displayed on every shelf

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Mary, why are you so tired?
  • #Person2#: I go to the personnel market every day, and put a lot of energy into it.
  • #Person1#: Why don't you think about applying for a job on the Internet?
  • #Person2#: On the Internet? I have never tried that way.
  • #Person1#: Well, it's very convenient and very popular now.
  • #Person2#: So how to apply for a job on the Internet?
  • #Person1#: Just get online and send your application through email to the employer.
  • #Person2#: But how can I know which employer is hiring?
  • #Person1#: You could place your job hunting information on the Job Wanted channel on a recruitment website.
  • #Person2#: Will the employers see my information?
  • #Person1#: Yes. If they think you are a fit, maybe they will contact you.
  • #Person2#: Is it safe to job hunt on the Internet?
  • #Person1#: If you log in some formal websites, it must be very safe.
  • #Person2#: I will give it a try at once.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Mary is tired because of finding jobs in the market
  • #Person1# suggests Mary apply for jobs on the Internet and says she could place her information on the Job Wanted channel on a recruitment web
  • Mary will try at once
  • #Person1# advises Mary to try applying for a job online and teaches her how to do it
  • Mary will try it
  • Mary goes to the personnel market every day and is tired
  • #Person1# suggests she go job hunting online
  • Mary will try it

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I go to the personnel market every day, and put a lot of energy into it
  • #Person1#: Just get online and send your application through email to the employer
  • #Person1#: If you log in some formal websites, it must be very safe

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Just get online and send your application through email to the employer
  • #Person2#: But how can I know which employer is hiring? #Person1#: You could place your job hunting information on the Job Wanted channel on a recruitment website
  • #Person2#:

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: why don't you think about applying for a job on the Internet? #Person1#: just get online and send your application through email to the employer
  • #Person2#: will the employers see my information? #Person1#: if you log in some formal websites

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Mary is tired of working in the personnel market
  • She would like to apply for a job on the Internet, but she doesn't know how to apply for a job on the Internet
  • She will try to apply for a job on the Internet at once, because it's convenient and it's very popular these days

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: I go to the personnel market every day, and put a lot of energy into it
  • #Person2#: So how to apply for a job on the Internet? #Person1#: Just get online and send your application through email to the employer

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What are you working on?
  • #Person2#: I'm figuring out my budget.
  • #Person1#: What budget?
  • #Person2#: I'm making a shopping budget, so that I don't spend too much money.
  • #Person1#: How much money can you spend?
  • #Person2#: I can only spend $ 300 a month.
  • #Person1#: Why only $ 300?
  • #Person2#: I need to save the rest.
  • #Person1#: For what?
  • #Person2#: I need to pay my bills.
  • #Person1#: Your budget is a good idea.
  • #Person2#: I know. It's going to save me a lot of money, I hope.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# is making a shopping budget to save the rest of the money
  • #Person1# thinks it's a good idea
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# plan to save money and #Person1# thinks it is good
  • #Person2# introduces the shopping budget which is used to save money to #Person1#
  • #Person1# thinks it's good

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: I'm making a shopping budget, so that I don't spend too much money
  • #Person1#: Your budget is a good idea
  • It's going to save me a lot of money, I hope

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I'm making a shopping budget, so that I don't spend too much money
  • #Person1#: I can only spend $ 300 a month
  • #Person2#: I need to save the rest
  • #Person1#: Your budget is a

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i'm making a shopping budget, so that i don't spend too much
  • #Person1#: i can only spend $ 300 a month
  • #Person2#: i need to save the rest
  • #Person2#: it'

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is making a shopping budget, so that he doesn't spend too much money
  • He can only spend $ 300 a month, because he needs to save the rest to pay his bills
  • #Person1: Your budget is a good idea
  • It's going to save you a lot of money

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: I'm making a shopping budget, so that I don't spend too much money
  • #Person2#: I can only spend $ 300 a month

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Where are you going, Jane?
  • #Person2#: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan.
  • #Person1#: I saw her yesterday. She was a little better.
  • #Person2#: Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there?
  • #Person1#: No, you needn't. A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital.
  • #Person2#: Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they?
  • #Person1#: Yes. I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and they said I had taken a wrong bus.
  • #Person2#: Thank you, Henry. I'll get a number 13.
  • #Person1#: But number 13 buses leave from the center of town. You'll have to walk two miles to catch one.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Jane is going to the hospital to see Susan
  • Henry tells her to catch the number 13
  • Jane will go to the hospital to visit Susan
  • Henry tells her she can take the number 13
  • Jane is going to visit Suman in the hospital, Henry suggests she catch a number 13 to get there

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they? #Person1#: But number 13 buses leave from the center of town
  • You'll have to walk two miles to catch one

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan
  • #Person1#: No, you needn't
  • a number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital
  • #Person1#: I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and they said I had taken a

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i'm going to the hospital to see Susan
  • she was a little better
  • #Person1#: i caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and they said i had taken a wrong bus
  • #Person2#: i'll get a number

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Jane is going to the hospital to see Susan
  • She'll take a number 13 bus to the hospital
  • She'll have to walk two miles to catch a bus from the center of town
  • The number 13 buses run more frequently than the number 7 buses, but they don't run as frequently as the number 7 buses

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan
  • A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hey there! I've been hoping to run into you. Are you busy tomorrow morning?
  • #Person2#: Let me see. . . Wednesday morning. Yes, I am booked solid all morning. What's up?
  • #Person1#: I was hoping to talk to you about the sales projections for next year. I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me. It has a lot of complicated form
  • #Person2#: I can explain them to you. It'll just take about a half an hour. How about Friday afternoon?
  • #Person1#: Ooh. Sorry, that's not good for me. I am tied up all day Friday. We'll have to do it next week. I am wide open then.
  • #Person2#: OK. Shall we say next week, on Tuesday at 2:30?
  • #Person1#: Sure, that'll be fine for me. I'll come to your office so you can show how you set up these macros.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to talk to #Person2# about the sales projections for next year
  • They decide to meet on Tuesday at 2:30 the next week
  • #Person1# and #Person2# negotiate on a time to talk about the sales projections for next year
  • They decide to meet next Tuesday
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are scheduling to talk about the sales projections for next year and they decide to meet next Tuesday

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I was hoping to talk to you about the sales projections for next year
  • I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me
  • It has a lot of complicated form #Person2#: I can explain them to you

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me
  • #Person2#: I can explain them to you
  • #Person1#: I am tied up all day friday
  • we'll have to do it next week

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i've been hoping to run into you
  • are you busy tomorrow morning? #Person2#: i am booked solid all morning
  • what's up? #Person1#: sorry, that's not good for me
  • i am tied up all day friday
  • we

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to talk to Person2 about sales projections for next year
  • They are having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for them
  • They agree to meet on Tuesday at 2:30
  • #Person1 will come to Person2's office to explain how you set up these macro

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I was hoping to talk to you about the sales projections for next year
  • I'll come to your office so you can show how you set up these macros

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I'm going to New York for the first time, but I don't have a tour guide. Can you give me any suggestions?
  • #Person2#: There's a service called 'A friend in New York'. It's a personal tour guide service.
  • #Person1#: That's interesting. What does it do?
  • #Person2#: You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget.
  • #Person1#: Good. Where can I get the questionnaire?
  • #Person2#: You can easily download it from their website.
  • #Person1#: That's helpful! Thanks!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is going to New York for the first time
  • #Person2# suggests #Person1# use a personal tour guide service to make #Person1#'s trip plan
  • #Person2# recommends a personal tour guide service to #Person1#
  • #Person2# introduces #Person1# a website for personal tour guide service

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm going to New York for the first time, but I don't have a tour guide
  • It's a personal tour guide service
  • #Person2#: You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm going to New York for the first time, but I don't have a tour guide
  • Can you give me any suggestions? #Person2#: There's a service called 'A friend in New York'
  • It's a personal tour guide service

T5 large Summary

  • there's a service called 'a friend in new york'
  • it's a personal tour guide service
  • you give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget
  • #Person1#: that's helpful
  • where can I get the

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 is going to New York for the first time
  • He doesn't have a tour guide
  • #Person2 suggests a service called 'A friend in New York'
  • It's a personal tour guide service
  • You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm going to New York for the first time, but I don't have a tour guide
  • #Person2#: You give them your information by answering a questionnaire and they will create a perfect trip for you according to your budget

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What do you know about our company?
  • #Person2#: Well, as I know this company is one of the largest and best in this field of business. It mainly produces toys for children. It employs more than 10, 000 people throughout the world. The president now is Mr. Jackson. The Shanghai branch was founded five years ago with a staff of more than 2, 000.
  • #Person1#: Very good. If you enter this company, what department would you like to work in?
  • #Person2#: May I work in sales department?
  • #Person1#: OK. Oh, how much do you make at your current job, if you don't mind my asking?
  • #Person2#: I'm paid 2, 000 yuan per month plus some allowances and bonus as that come to about 3, 000 yuan a month. How much will you pay me?
  • #Person1#: Well, the starting salary for a clerk in our company is 2, 500 yuan monthly and after three months he would get a raise if his work is satisfactory.
  • #Person2#: Do you have any fringe benefits?
  • #Person1#: Sure, we provide semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at Spring Festival, four weeks paid vacation a year.
  • #Person2#: How about insurance and full health insurance?
  • #Person1#: We can buy that for you.
  • #Person2#: That sounds good.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is interviewing #Person2#
  • They discuss department #Person2# wants to work in, salary, and fringe benefits
  • #Person1# asks #Person2# how well #Person2# knows about the company, #Person2#'s ideal department, and current salary
  • #Person2# also asks #Person1# about the company's benefits and insurance
  • #Person1# interviews #Person2# about the understanding of this company, personal preference, and salary expectation
  • #Person2# asks about the fringe benefits

Sumy Summary

  • The Shanghai branch was founded five years ago with a staff of more than 2, 000
  • #Person1#: OK
  • Oh, how much do you make at your current job, if you don't mind my asking? #Person1#: Sure, we provide semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at Spring Festival, four weeks paid vacation a year

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: i'm paid 2, 000 yuan per month plus allowances and bonus as that come to about 3, 000 yuan a month
  • #Person2#: we provide semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at Spring Festival, four weeks paid vacation a year

T5 large Summary

  • the company mainly produces toys for children
  • it employs more than 10, 000 people throughout the world
  • the Shanghai branch was founded five years ago with a staff of more than 2, 000
  • the company provides semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at spring festival, four weeks paid vacation a year
  • the company also

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 wants to work in sales department in the company
  • The starting salary for a clerk in the company is 2, 500 yuan monthly and after three months he would get a raise if his work is satisfactory
  • The company provides semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at Spring Festival, four weeks paid

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What do you know about our company? #Person1#: Well, the starting salary for a clerk in our company is 2, 500 yuan monthly and after three months he would get a raise if his work is satisfactory
  • #Person2#: Do you have any fringe benefits?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I'm here to sign the agreement.
  • #Person2#: I'm sorry. The agreement hasn't been fully prepared. It will be ready by tomorrow.
  • #Person1#: Can you speed it up and let us have it today?
  • #Person2#: I will try my best. Here is the draft. Would you please go over it and see if any modifications are needed?
  • #Person1#: Let me have a look. Well, it contains basically all we have agreed upon.
  • #Person2#: How about the terms concerning packing?
  • #Person1#: I don't think so.
  • #Person2#: If you totally agree, I'll type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures.
  • #Person1#: That's fine.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# comes to sign an agreement but it isn't ready until evening
  • So #Person1# is going through the draft
  • #Person1# is checking the draft of an agreement and #Person2# will finish the agreement this evening
  • #Person2# gives #Person1# an agreement draft and #Person1# thinks it good
  • #Person2# will get the agreement ready this evening

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm here to sign the agreement
  • The agreement hasn't been fully prepared
  • #Person2#: If you totally agree, I'll type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm here to sign the agreement
  • it will be ready by tomorrow
  • #Person2#: I will try my best
  • #Person1#: I don't think so
  • #Person2#: If you totally agree, I'll type the agreement this evening and have it

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'm here to sign the agreement
  • #Person2#: the agreement hasn't been fully prepared
  • it will be ready by tomorrow
  • #Person2#: if you totally agree, i'll type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 is here to sign the agreement
  • #Person2 hasn't fully prepared the agreement yet
  • #Person1 will type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures
  • #Person2 will type the agreement this evening and have it duplicated for signatures
  • #Person1 is here

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I'm here to sign the agreement
  • Well, it contains basically all we have agreed upon

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hello. Is this ABC Rent-a-car Company?
  • #Person2#: Yes, speaking. May I help you?
  • #Person1#: This morning we rented a car and we are on the way to Niagara Falls. I'm afraid we have a car accident near the border.
  • #Person2#: That's too bad. What kind of accident is it? Are you all right?
  • #Person1#: I'm all right, but my friend is seriously injured. Will you call an ambulance and the police?
  • #Person2#: OK. I'll do it right away, but tell me how it happened.
  • #Person1#: I ran into the guardrail when I turned to the left.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# rent a car from ABC Rent-a-car Company this morning and met an accident
  • #Person2# will call an ambulance and police for #Person1#
  • #Person1# tells ABC Rent-a-car Company that #Person1# had a car accident
  • #Person2# will call an ambulance and the police
  • #Person1# calls ABC Rent-a-car Company to report #Person1#'s car accident
  • #Person2# will call an ambulance and the police

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: This morning we rented a car and we are on the way to Niagara Falls
  • I'm afraid we have a car accident near the border
  • #Person1#: I ran into the guardrail when I turned to the left

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: i ran into the guardrail when i turned to the left
  • #Person2#: i ran into the guardrail when i turned to the left
  • #Person1#: i ran into the guardrail when i turned to the left
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i ran into the guardrail when i turned to the left
  • #Person2#: i'll call an ambulance and the police
  • #Person1#: i ran into the guardrail when i turned to the left
  • #Person2#:

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 is on his way to Niagara Falls
  • #Person2 will call an ambulance and the police
  • #Person1 ran into a guardrail when he turned to the left
  • #Person2 will call an ambulance and the police
  • #Person1 is all right, but his friend is seriously injured

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: This morning we rented a car and we are on the way to Niagara Falls
  • I'm afraid we have a car accident near the border

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? I've lost my way.
  • #Person2#: Yes. Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right.
  • #Person1#: Straight ahead to the traffic lights, left and then right.
  • #Person2#: That's it. It'll take you about five minutes.
  • #Person1#: Thank you very much.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is lost on the way to the school clinic
  • #Person2# shows #Person1# the correct direction
  • #Person1# lost #Person1#'s way to the school clinic, #Person2# guides #Person1#
  • #Person1# is lost, #Person2# shows the direction to the school clinic

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right
  • #Person1#: Straight ahead to the traffic lights, left and then right

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: straight ahead to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right
  • #Person2#: That'll take you about five minutes
  • #Person1#: Straight ahead to the traffic lights, left and then right
  • #Person1#: Straight ahead to

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? #Person2#: go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right
  • #Person2#: That's it
  • it'll take you about five minutes

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 lost his way to the school clinic
  • #Person2 tells him how to get to the school clinic
  • #Person1 is grateful to #Person2 for his help
  • #Person1 thanks #Person2 for his help
  • #Person1 is grateful to #Person2 for his help

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turning on the right

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Good morning. What can I do for you?
  • #Person2#: Well, I hate to disturb you, but I really can't stand it any more. Can you change my room for me? It's too noisy. I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made. It was too much for me.
  • #Person1#: I'm sorry to hear that. This room is at the end of the corridor. It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when everything is quiet.
  • #Person2#: Anyhow, I'd like to change my room.
  • #Person1#: I'm awfully sorry, Miss. I do apologize. We'll manage it, but we don't have any spare room today. Could you wait till tomorrow? A tour company will be leaving tomorrow morning. There'll be some rooms for you to choose from.
  • #Person2#: All right. I hope I'll be able to enjoy my stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.
  • #Person1#: Be sure. And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.
  • #Person2#: OK. Thank you.
  • #Person1#: You're welcome. I hope you'll be more comfortable in your new room.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# wants to change her room because the baggage elevator is too noisy
  • #Person1# is sorry and tells her #Person1# will manage it when there's a spare room
  • #Person2# wants to change a room because it's too noisy, but #Person1# tells #Person2# there are no rooms left so #Person2# has to wait till tomorrow
  • #Person2# cannot stand the noise near her room and #Person1# promises to change her room tomorrow as there is no room available today

Sumy Summary

  • I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made
  • It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when everything is quiet
  • I hope I'll be able to enjoy my stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made
  • #Person2#: Anyhow, I'd like to change my room
  • #Person1#: We'll manage it, but we don't have any spare room today
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i hate to disturb you, but I really can't stand it any more
  • can you change my room for me? #Person2#: anyhow, i'd like to change my room
  • it's too noisy
  • it was too much for me
  • #Person1#

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2 wants to change his room because it's too noisy
  • #Person1 can't change his room today
  • #Person2 will wait till tomorrow
  • #Person1 will find a room for #Person2 tomorrow evening
  • #Person2 will let #Person1 know if he

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Well, I hate to disturb you, but I really can't stand it any more
  • It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when everything is quiet
  • There'll be some rooms for you to choose from

Main Text

  • #Person1#: There's a car waiting for you just outside the door. Right this way, please.
  • #Person2#: OK!
  • #Person1#: Let me put your cases into the trunk and please get in the back.
  • #Person2#: Thanks!
  • #Person1#: How was your flight?
  • #Person2#: It's comfortable, but now I'm a little tired.
  • #Person1#: We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes. When we arrived there, you can go up and have a rest. The hotel has very good service, and it's considered as one of the best hotels here.
  • #Person2#: Thank you! I lived there when I came to Beijing last time. It's comfortable and beautiful.
  • #Person1#: If it's convenient for you, Mr. Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening.
  • #Person2#: Thank you! I will. When and where will the dinner be?
  • #Person1#: At six o'clock in the International Hotel. We'll pick you up this afternoon. Besides, if you care for visiting, we'll arrange some sightseeing for you.
  • #Person2#: Oh, that's nice. Thank you for arranging all of this.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# is driving #Person2# to the Beijing hotel
  • #Person2# will attend a banquet at six o'clock in the International Hotel
  • #Person1# warmly welcomes #Person2# and drives #Person2# to the Beijing Hotel
  • Mr
  • Wu has arranged a banquet for #Person2# in the evening
  • #Person1# has arranged everything for #Person2# after #Person2# arrives in Beijing and invites #Person2# to a banquet

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes
  • #Person1#: If it's convenient for you, Mr
  • Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening
  • Besides, if you care for visiting, we'll arrange some sightseeing for you

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: It's comfortable, but now I'm a little tired
  • #Person2#: We'll reach the Beijing hotel in another ten minutes
  • #Person1#: If it's convenient for you, Mr
  • Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: It was comfortable, but now i'm a little tired
  • #Person2#: I lived there when i came to Beijing last time
  • it's comfortable and beautiful
  • #Person1#: Mr
  • Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person2# arrived in Beijing by plane
  • #Person1# will pick her up from the airport and take her to the Beijing hotel
  • #Person2# will have a banquet in honor of her in the evening
  • #Person1# will arrange some sightseeing for #Person2#
  • #Person

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: There's a car waiting for you just outside the door
  • #Person1#: If it's convenient for you, Mr
  • Wu would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Excuse me, I'm lost. Can you show me where I am in this map?
  • #Person2#: Er, let me see. Oh, look, you're right here. Pretty close to the Olympic Park.
  • #Person1#: That's great! It's not my day. I just have very bad sense of direction.
  • #Person2#: Is this your first time here? Where are you going?
  • #Person1#: I am supposed to go to Liu Ichang.
  • #Person2#: Oh, there are many Chinese antique stores. They get paintings, too. Do you get interested in them?
  • #Person1#: Yes. Yes. Can you tell me how to get there?
  • #Person2#: Wow, it is quite far away from here. I'm afraid you're gonna have to take Bus No. 713.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# gets lost on the way to Liu Ichang
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# to take Bus No
  • 713 because it's far
  • #Person2# helps #Person1# to find out the location of Liu Ichang and tells #Person1# to take Bus No
  • 173
  • #Person1# gets lost and #Person2# shows the way to Liu Ichang to #Person1#

Sumy Summary

  • Pretty close to the Olympic Park
  • #Person1#: I am supposed to go to Liu Ichang
  • I'm afraid you're gonna have to take Bus No

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I am supposed to go to Liu Ichang
  • #Person2#: i'm afraid you're gonna have to take bus no
  • 713
  • #Person1#: I just have very bad sense of direction
  • #Person2#: I am supposed

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i'm right here
  • pretty close to the Olympic Park
  • #Person1#: i am supposed to go to Liu Ichang
  • #Person2#: wow, it is quite far away
  • i'm afraid you're gonna have to take Bus

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 is lost
  • He is supposed to go to Liu Ichang, but he doesn't know where he is
  • #Person2 tells him to take Bus No
  • 713 to get to Liu Ichang
  • #Person1 is afraid he will have to take Bus No
  • 713

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: I am supposed to go to Liu Ichang
  • #Person2#: Oh, there are many Chinese antique stores

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What's the matter with this computer?
  • #Person2#: I don't know, but it just doesn't work well. Whenever I start it, it stops running.
  • #Person1#: Have you asked Mr. Li for some advice?
  • #Person2#: Yes, I have, but he doesn't seem to be able to solve the problem, either. Can you help me?
  • #Person1#: Me? I know nothing more than playing computer games.
  • #Person2#: What shall I do? I have to finish this report this afternoon, but...
  • #Person1#: But why don't you ring up the repairmen? They will be able to settle the problem.
  • #Person2#: Yes, I'll ring them up.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# finds that the computer has stopped running
  • #Person1# suggests #Person2# ring up the repairmen
  • #Person1# advises #Person2# to call the repairmen to fix #Person2#'s computer
  • #Person2#'s computer breaks down and #Person1# suggests ringing up the repairman

Sumy Summary

  • Whenever I start it, it stops running
  • I know nothing more than playing computer games
  • I have to finish this report this afternoon, but
  • #Person1#: But why don't you ring up the repairmen?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: Whenever I start it, it stops running
  • #Person1#: Have you asked Mr
  • Li for some advice? #Person2#: yes, but he doesn't seem to be able to solve the problem, either
  • #Person1#: Why don'

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: Whenever i start it, it stops running
  • #Person1#: have you asked Mr
  • Li for some advice? #Person2#: what shall I do? i have to finish this report this afternoon, but
  • #Person1#: but why don't you

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2's computer doesn't work well
  • He has asked Mr
  • Li for some advice, but he doesn't seem to be able to solve the problem
  • He will ring up the repairmen to solve the problem
  • They will be able to solve the problem for him
  • He has to finish this report this

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What's the matter with this computer? #Person2#: Yes, I have, but he doesn't seem to be able to solve the problem, either

Main Text

  • #Person1#: May I help you, sir?
  • #Person2#: Yes. I'm looking for a nice gift for my mother. It's her birthday tomorrow.
  • #Person1#: Do you have anything special in mind?
  • #Person2#: No, not really.
  • #Person1#: Perhaps she would like a necklace. We have many choices here.
  • #Person2#: No, thanks. My mom doesn't like jewels.
  • #Person1#: Well, then. Maybe a watch would be nice.
  • #Person2#: Yes, that's it. She does need a new watch with big, clear numbers. She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch.
  • #Person1#: This gold one is pretty, and I'm sure it will be easy for her to read the time.
  • #Person2#: Don't you think it's a bit too fancy for old ladies?
  • #Person1#: No, it actually sells very well and the old ladies like it very much.
  • #Person2#: Maybe you are right. I'll take it.
  • #Person1#: I'm sure your mother will love it.
  • #Person2#: I hope so.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# wants to buy a gift for his mother's birthday
  • After knowing his mother's preference, #Person1# recommends a gold watch
  • #Person1# helps #Person2# pick a gift for #Person2#'s mother, and #Person2# decides to buy a watch
  • #Person2# is looking for a gift for his mother in a shop and #Person1# gives him some helpful suggestions

Sumy Summary

  • She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch
  • #Person1#: This gold one is pretty, and I'm sure it will be easy for her to read the time
  • #Person2#: Don't you think it's a bit too fancy for old ladies?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: My mom doesn't like jewels
  • maybe a watch would be nice
  • #Person2#: Yes, that's it
  • she does need a new watch with big, clear numbers
  • #Person1#: Don't you think it's too fancy for old

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'm looking for a nice gift for my mother
  • it's her birthday tomorrow
  • #Person2#: she does need a new watch with big, clear numbers
  • #Person2#: don't you think it's a bit too fancy for old

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is looking for a nice gift for her mother
  • It's her birthday tomorrow
  • She doesn't like jewels
  • She would like a watch with big, clear numbers
  • #Person1 recommends a gold one
  • #Person2 buys it
  • #Person1 is sure his mother will love

Bert Summary

  • I'm looking for a nice gift for my mother
  • #Person1#: I'm sure your mother will love it

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Ah, good morning, Ms. Ross, do come in.
  • #Person2#: Hello, Mr. Fisher. Nice to see you.
  • #Person1#: Face to face instead of on the phone, what? Haha. How are you?
  • #Person2#: Fine, thanks, very well.
  • #Person1#: Oh, do sit down. Would you like some coffee?
  • #Person2#: Oh, yes please, black.
  • #Person1#: Here you are.
  • #Person2#: Thanks. Well, how's it all going?
  • #Person1#: Oh, not too bad, we're just about to open a branch in New Zealand. Oh! ... I'm hoping to--if I can justify it to the marketing director! How's your little boy, has he started school yet?
  • #Person2#: Oh, yes, he's in the second year now.
  • #Person1#: What, already? Doesn't time fly! Is he enjoying it?
  • #Person2#: Very much, it's much more fun than being home!
  • #Person1#: Haha. Well, I suppose we'd better make a start. Shall we get down to business?
  • #Person2#: Right. First of all can I confirm the time and date of the presentation? It's Saturday 24 October in the morning. What time exactly?
  • #Person1#: Well, on the invitations we've sent out we've said that the presentation itself will start at 11 and go on till 12:30.
  • #Person2#: So you'll need the room from about 10 till 2. Would you like us to serve coffee beforehand?
  • #Person1#: Yes, yes. Oh, and drinks and snacks at the end.
  • #Person2#: Better to have buffet lunch?
  • #Person1#: No, I... people who are invited won't be expecting a free lunch. They might think that's overdoing it. They'll want to get back to their families, as it's Saturday.
  • #Person2#: All right, the normal pre-lunch snack buffet will be what you need--that's basically the same as what you had last February.
  • #Person1#: Oh, that'll be fine.
  • #Person2#: OK, well, we'll charge for the room, coffee and snack buffet at the standard rate less 15%, as we agreed. And we'll charge for the drinks served on a pro-rata basis.
  • #Person1#: Free, fine, yes.
  • #Person2#: What type of... um.., equipment, furniture would you like?
  • #Person1#: Well, let's have.., um... four.., no, no... five tables for our display. Er... we'll bring our own stands. Now, there's an overhead projector and sound system already in the room, I believe? Can you get someone to check that before we come, you know, to see that it's working?
  • #Person2#: Oh, of course, the technician will be with you when you're setting everything up. Oh, the seats in that room have flap-over desk tops, will that be all right?
  • #Person1#: Yes, yes, that's fine, sure.
  • #Person2#: You say you've sent out the invitations, any idea how many people there'll be? Urn... I think you know there's... the capacity for the room is about 50, but 40 is ideal.
  • #Person1#: Yes, ah... the problem is that we won't know exactly how many there'll be until shortly before.
  • #Person2#: Can you let me know definitely by Thursday?
  • #Person1#: Mm... no. But I'll have a rough idea and we'll budget for the number I give you then. We've sent out 100 invitations...
  • #Person2#: 100?!
  • #Person1#: Yes, well, in theory that meant that there could be 200 people.
  • #Person2#: Yes, but the room won't...
  • #Person1#: But of course, haha... I don't expect more than about 30 to come.
  • #Person2#: But what if they do? This room is the only one we have that day--there's a wedding reception in the banqueting rooms, so we...
  • #Person1#: Well, in that case, I suppose...

Ground-truth Summary

  • Ms
  • Ross and Mr
  • Fisher are having a coffee chat face to face
  • They talk about their career, child, life, and then get down to business
  • Ms
  • Ross will provide service for a presentation on Saturday 24 October in the morning held by Mr
  • Fisher
  • They are discussing the preparations as time, food, furniture, guest numbers
  • A problem is Mr
  • Fisher sent out 100 invitations but the room's capacity is only about 50
  • Ms
  • Ross helps Mr
  • Fisher make arrangements for a presentation
  • Mr
  • Fisher decides to serve a pre-lunch snack buffet and designs the room setting
  • Mr
  • Fisher isn't sure about how many people to come and Ms
  • Ross is worried that there might be too many people because the room is small
  • Ms
  • Ross and Mr
  • Fisher start the conversation with greetings
  • Then they discuss the preparation for a presentation
  • Ms
  • Ross confirms the details of the presentation, including schedule, food service
  • Ms
  • Ross is concerned that Mr
  • Fisher's sent too many invitations than the room capacity

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: No, I
  • people who are invited won't be expecting a free lunch
  • #Person2#: All right, the normal pre-lunch snack buffet will be what you need--that's basically the same as what you had last February
  • #Person2#: OK, well, we'll charge for the room, coffee and snack buffet at the standard rate less 15%, as we agreed

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: not too bad, just about to open a branch in new zealand
  • #Person2#: very much, it's much more fun than being home! #Person1#: yes, and drinks and snacks at the end
  • #Person2#: i

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: how's it all going? #Person2#: how's your little boy? #Person2#: very much, it's much more fun than being home! #Person1#: no, people who are invited won't be expecting a free lunch
  • #

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person1: Hello, Mr
  • Fisher
  • I'm glad to see you
  • How are you? Mr
  • Fisher: Well, I'm just about to open a branch in New Zealand
  • How's your little boy? Mr
  • Fisher: He's in the second year now
  • How's school going? Mr

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Ah, good morning, Ms
  • Ross, do come in
  • Well, I suppose we'd better make a start
  • #Person2#: So you'll need the room from about 10 till 2
  • #Person1#: No, I
  • people who are invited won't be expecting a free lunch
  • #Person2#: All right, the normal pre-lunch snack buffet will be what you need--that's basically the same as what you had last February
  • #Person2#: Oh, of course, the technician will be with you when you're setting everything up
  • We've sent out 100 invitations
  • #Person2#: 100?!

Main Text

  • #Person1#: What are the main differences between this country and your country?
  • #Person2#: Well, in Russia, everything happens very fast. People talk quickly, they drive their cars too fast, the good deals go by really quickly...but here in Canada, it seems like people are a little more relaxed.
  • #Person1#: Is that true for everything?
  • #Person2#: No, of course not. In Russia, going to the bank can take hours. The same is true for the post office and the supermarket. In Canada, however, these places are pretty easy to get through quickly.
  • #Person1#: So, what is it that makes some things go either faster or slower compared to us here in Canada? I was born and raised here, so I guess I don't notice these things. I've also never been outside the country before.
  • #Person2#: I think the people in Russia are fast movers by nature, at least in the big cities. Public places are still very slow because they haven't tried to do business any differently than they used to.
  • #Person1#: But in Canada, it's the opposite?
  • #Person2#: Right. The government here does a great job of solving problems and using new technology to make businesses work better. But I think Canadians are just more calm in general than Russians are... and they're definitely more relaxed than Americans!
  • #Person1#: Well, I agree with you about that last part!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# tells #Person1#, in Russia, things happen very fast except for bank business, while in Canada people are calmer
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the differences between Russia and Canada
  • #Person2# tells #Person1# that almost everything in Russia happens fast while it's the opposite in Canada
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are sharing their opinions towards how different is Russia from Canada in lifestyle, especially the speed in life

Sumy Summary

  • I was born and raised here, so I guess I don't notice these things
  • #Person2#: I think the people in Russia are fast movers by nature, at least in the big cities
  • The government here does a great job of solving problems and using new technology to make businesses work better

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: in Russia, everything happens very fast
  • in Canada, it seems like people are a little more relaxed
  • #Person2#: in Canada, however, these places are pretty easy to get through quickly
  • #Person1#: I think the people in Russia are fast movers by nature

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: in Russia, everything happens very fast, but here in canada, it seems like people are a little more relaxed
  • #Person1#: i was born and raised in canada, so i don't notice these things
  • #Person2#: i think the people in

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • In Russia, everything happens very fast
  • But in Canada, it seems like people are a little more relaxed than Russians are, and they're definitely more relaxed than Americans, according to #Person1#
  • #Person2#: I think the people in Russia are fast movers by nature, at least in the big

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: What are the main differences between this country and your country? In Russia, going to the bank can take hours
  • #Person2#: I think the people in Russia are fast movers by nature, at least in the big cities

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Where are you going on vacation this year?
  • #Person2#: Well, we were thinking about going on the voyage to the Caribbean Sea. It's a beautiful part of the world.
  • #Person1#: It certainly is. I went on one last year. But the weather can sometimes be really bad.
  • #Person2#: I know. I have been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet. They seem to have lots of storms.
  • #Person1#: They certainly do. When we went on a voyage, we stopped at Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. And both had been hit by storms two weeks before. You could still see a lot of damage.
  • #Person2#: Well, if I decide to go, I'll just have to hope for the best.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# thought to travel to the Caribbean Sea
  • #Person1# went there last year and thinks the weather can sometimes be really bad
  • #Person2# wanted to travel to the Caribbean Sea and but is worried about the storms
  • #Person2# hasn't decided to go to the Caribbean Sea on vacation because #Person2# is concerned about the storms there

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: Well, we were thinking about going on the voyage to the Caribbean Sea
  • I have been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet
  • When we went on a voyage, we stopped at Jamaica and the Cayman Islands

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: we were thinking about going on a voyage to the Caribbean
  • but the weather can sometimes be really bad
  • #Person1#: we stopped at Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
  • #Person2#: if we decide to go, we'll just have to hope for

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: i was thinking about going on the voyage to the Caribbean Sea
  • #Person1#: it certainly is
  • i went on one last year
  • #Person2#: well, if i decide to go, i'll just have to hope for the best

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 is thinking about going on a voyage to the Caribbean Sea this year
  • The weather can sometimes be really bad
  • The last time they went on a voyage, they stopped at Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and both had been hit by storms two weeks before
  • If they decide to go, they'll just have to

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Where are you going on vacation this year? I have been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Mum, have we got any fruit to take on the picnic? I thought there were some oranges and bananas.
  • #Person2#: Here are the bananas. Let's take them. Oh the oranges have all gone. What about taking some grapes or apples as well?
  • #Person1#: OK, let's take the grapes. That'll be enough.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person1#'s mother are preparing the fruits they are going to take to the picnic
  • #Person1# and #Person2# prepare the fruits for the picnic
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are preparing fruits for the picnic

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Mum, have we got any fruit to take on the picnic? I thought there were some oranges and bananas
  • What about taking some grapes or apples as well?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: Here are the bananas
  • Let's take them
  • #Person1#: Okay, let's take the grapes
  • that'll be enough
  • #Person2#: Okay, let's take the apples
  • that'll be enough
  • #Person1#

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: mum, have we got any fruit to take on the picnic? i thought there were some oranges and bananas
  • #Person2#: oranges have all gone
  • what about taking some grapes or apples as well? #Person1#: OK, let's take the grape

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 and #Person2 are going on a picnic
  • #Person1 wants to take some grapes
  • #Person2 has the bananas
  • #Person1 and #Person2 are going on a picnic
  • #Person1 wants to take some grapes
  • #Person1 and #

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Mum, have we got any fruit to take on the picnic? I thought there were some oranges and bananas

Main Text

  • #Person1#: How much is it to rent an economy car?
  • #Person2#: $19 a day or$129 a week, unlimited mileage.
  • #Person1#: Could I have one for tomorrow morning?
  • #Person2#: Could I see your driver's license?
  • #Person1#: Sure here it is.
  • #Person2#: Good. Now just complete this form.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# wants to rent an economy car from #Person2# for $19 a day or $129 a week
  • #Person1# rents a car from #Person2# #Person1# rents an economy car in #Person2#'s shop

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: How much is it to rent an economy car? #Person2#: $19 a day or$129 a week, unlimited mileage
  • #Person1#: Could I have one for tomorrow morning?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: $19 a day or$129 a week, unlimited mileage
  • #Person2#: #Person1#: #Person2#: #Person1#: #Person2#: #Person1#: #Person2#: #Person1#

T5 large Summary

  • $19 a day or$129 a week, unlimited mileage
  • #Person1#: could i have one for tomorrow morning? #Person2#: good
  • now just complete this form
  • #Person1#: i'd like to go to the airport
  • #Person2#:

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 rents an economy car for $19 a day or$129 a week, unlimited mileage, for tomorrow morning
  • #Person1 sends his driver's license to #Person2 and completes the rental request form
  • #Person2 will rent the car to #Person1 tomorrow morning

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: How much is it to rent an economy car? #Person1#: Could I have one for tomorrow morning?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: It depends on where you are and what position you are in. For instance, if you are in an elevator and you smile, you will make other takers uncomfortable.
  • #Person2#: That's an exception. But I am fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of me.
  • #Person1#: I cannot see eye to eye with you here. You see, I am fed up with those who keep smiling to me. I mean, they smile for no reason at all.
  • #Person2#: That means you don't like them. If you hit it off with them, you will like to see their smiles.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# hates those who keep smiling at #Person1# and #Person2# is fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of #Person2#
  • #Person2# is fed up with people with a straight face, and #Person1# hates people keeping smiling to #Person1#
  • #Person1# and #Person2# hold different opinions towards people with different facial expressions

Sumy Summary

  • For instance, if you are in an elevator and you smile, you will make other takers uncomfortable
  • But I am fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of me
  • I mean, they smile for no reason at all

T5 base Summary

  • #Person2#: I am fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of me
  • #Person1#: if you are in an elevator and you smile, you will make other takers uncomfortable
  • #Person2#: if you hit it off with them, you will like

T5 large Summary

  • #Person2#: if you are in an elevator and you smile, you will make other takers uncomfortable
  • #Person1#: i am fed up with those who keep a straight face in front of me
  • #Person2#: if you hit it off with them, you will

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1: If you smile, you will make other takers uncomfortable
  • #Person2: If you keep a straight face in front of me, you don't like them
  • #Person1: That means you don't like them
  • If you hit it off with them, you will like to see

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: It depends on where you are and what position you are in
  • #Person1#: I cannot see eye to eye with you here

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Did you see the information on sales for last year? The sales review was made at our last board meeting. There's a great news for our shareholders.
  • #Person2#: Yeah, I went over the figures this morning. We're finally started making money again!
  • #Person1#: We've never sold this much before, our growth this year has been phenomenal. We have captured 8% of the market, up from last year by 120%. Our strategy is working!
  • #Person2#: not only our annual sales brake a record, but our month by month earnings exceeded our forecast as well. After a two-year slump, we finally back in the black.
  • #Person1#: The company's performance has improved since Wallace became president. He's made our little business into a real lucrative operation. Products are selling like hotcakes.
  • #Person2#: I think our success is partly because of Wallace's contribution, and partly because of our new marketing strategy. Because of the new advertising campaign, we have become the top sellers in the field.
  • #Person1#: Let's hope this stroke of good luck lasts. I hope we are over our financial difficulties for good.
  • #Person2#: Let's hope it is!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the good performance of their business for last year
  • #Person2# thinks the success is partly because of Wallace's contribution, and partly because of their new marketing strategy
  • #Person1# and #Person2# talk about the success of their business and attribute the success to Wallace's contribution and the new marketing strategy
  • They hope good luck can last
  • #Person1# and #Person2# are pleasant to see their business performance has improved last year
  • They think the credits should be given to Wallace and the new marketing strategy

Sumy Summary

  • The sales review was made at our last board meeting
  • He's made our little business into a real lucrative operation
  • #Person1#: Let's hope this stroke of good luck lasts

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: we've never sold this much before, our growth this year has been phenomenal
  • #Person2#: month by month earnings exceeded our forecast as well
  • #Person1#: i think our success is partly because of Wallace's contribution, and partly because of our new marketing strategy

T5 large Summary

  • after a two-year slump, we finally back in the black, says president
  • "we have captured 8% of the market, up from last year by 120%," he says
  • "we have become the top sellers in the field," he adds
  • "i hope this stroke of good luck lasts

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • After a two-year slump, the company's performance has improved since Wallace became president
  • He's made their little business into a real lucrative operation
  • Products are selling like hotcakes
  • #Person1: Let's hope this stroke of good luck lasts
  • #Person2: Let's hope it

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Did you see the information on sales for last year? #Person2#: I think our success is partly because of Wallace's contribution, and partly because of our new marketing strategy
  • #Person1#: Let's hope this stroke of good luck lasts

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hey, How's it going?
  • #Person2#: Not good. I lost my backpack.
  • #Person1#: Oh, that's too bad. Is anything important in it?
  • #Person2#: Just my wallet. There's some money in it.
  • #Person1#: Is your ID lost?
  • #Person2#: No, thank god.
  • #Person1#: Was your backpack stolen?
  • #Person2#: No, I took a taxi yesterday, and I left it in the car.
  • #Person1#: Sorry to hear that. Did you call the driver?
  • #Person2#: No, I didn't ask for the recipt so I don't have the number.
  • #Person1#: That's too bad. Is there anything I can do?
  • #Person2#: Can I borrow some money?
  • #Person1#: Sure, how much do you need?
  • #Person2#: About 50 dollars.
  • #Person1#: That's no problem.
  • #Person2#: Thanks. I'll pay you back on Friday.
  • #Person1#: That'll be fine. Here you are.
  • #Person2#: Thank you.
  • #Person1#: What are you going to do now?
  • #Person2#: I'm going to take a bus home, and ask for some money from my mom.
  • #Person1#: If you wait a minute I drive you home.
  • #Person2#: That's really nice of you!

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# left #Person2#'s backpack and wallet in a taxi and failed to contact the driver because #Person2# didn't have the number
  • #Person1# lends 50 dollars to #Person1# and will drive #Person2# home
  • #Person2# borrows some money from #Person1# because #Person2#'s backpack and wallet were lost and cannot take it back
  • #Person1# will drive #Person2# home
  • #Person2# lost #Person2#'s backpack, wallet, and money in a taxi
  • #Person1# lends #Person2# some money and will take #Person2# home

Sumy Summary

  • #Person2#: No, I took a taxi yesterday, and I left it in the car
  • #Person2#: I'm going to take a bus home, and ask for some money from my mom
  • #Person1#: If you wait a minute I drive you home

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Oh, that's too bad
  • I lost my backpack
  • #Person2#: Just my wallet
  • There's some money in it
  • #Person1#: I took a taxi yesterday, and I left it in the car
  • #Person2#: I didn't ask

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: hey, how's it going? #Person2#: not good
  • I lost my backpack
  • #Person2#: just my wallet
  • there's some money in it
  • #Person1#: that's too bad
  • is there anything I can do? #Person

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 lost his backpack in a taxi yesterday
  • He didn't call the driver, because he didn't ask for the recipt
  • He borrowed 50 dollars from Person1 and will pay him back on Friday
  • He will take a bus home and ask for money from his mom
  • Person1 will drive him home

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: No, I took a taxi yesterday, and I left it in the car
  • #Person2#: No, I didn't ask for the recipt so I don't have the number

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Thank you. Steven. That was the most magnificent meal I've had abroad. You'll have to let me reciprocate the next time you're in Beijing.
  • #Person2#: Don't worry about it, Lin. That's no big deal. You know, Americans appreciate China's rich culinary culture. Just excuse me for a second while I check the number here and figure out how much to give the waiter. Hmm, by the way, what do you do about tipping in China?
  • #Person1#: We don't .
  • #Person2#: No tipping? Now that's what I call a civilized system.
  • #Person1#: At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill, but other than that , tipping isn't customary.
  • #Person2#: What about cab drivers and porters?
  • #Person1#: In a cab you just pay what it says on the meter. I generally tip hotel porters 10 yuan per bag, but in first-class hotels they're instructed not to accept gratuities.
  • #Person2#: You'd have a revolution on your hands if you tried to introduce that sort of system here.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Steven and Lin just had a great meal
  • Then they talk about the different tipping cultures between America and China
  • Steven buys Lin a magnificent dinner in America and they then talk about the tipping culture in China and America
  • Steven treats Lin to a nice meal
  • Then they talk about the tipping cultures in their countries

Sumy Summary

  • You know, Americans appreciate China's rich culinary culture
  • Just excuse me for a second while I check the number here and figure out how much to give the waiter
  • #Person1#: At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill, but other than that , tipping isn't customary

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: at hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill
  • #Person2#: in a cab you pay what it says on the meter
  • #Person1#: in first-class hotels they're instructed not to accept gratuities
  • #Person

T5 large Summary

  • tipping isn't customary in china
  • in a cab you pay what it says on the meter
  • in first-class hotels they're instructed not to accept gratuities
  • if you tried to introduce that sort of system here, you'd have a revolution, says one traveler

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1: Thank you for the wonderful meal, Steven
  • #Person2: Thank you, too
  • #Person1: We don't tip in China
  • #Person2: You'd have a revolution on your hands if you tried to introduce that sort of system here
  • #Person1:

Bert Summary

  • That was the most magnificent meal I've had abroad
  • #Person1#: At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill, but other than that , tipping isn't customary
  • #Person1#: In a cab you just pay what it says on the meter

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Bill, how can you hear so happy today?
  • #Person2#: Aha. I've read of my roommate. I made a move today.
  • #Person1#: Really? What was the matter?
  • #Person2#: You knew Brain Locker?
  • #Person1#: Brain Locker? No, I don't think so. What does he look like?
  • #Person2#: Well, he's thin and tall. He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses.
  • #Person1#: Mm. I've seen him a couple of times, I think.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Bill is happy because he made a move to know his roommate today
  • #Person1# and Bill talk about Bill's roommate Brain Locker
  • Bill tells #Person1# that he has made a move to read of his roommate

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Bill, how can you hear so happy today? I made a move today
  • He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I've read of my roommate
  • I made a move today
  • #Person2#: Aha
  • I made a move today
  • #Person1#: You knew Brain Locker? #Person2#: Well, he has brown hair, a holt

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: I've read of my roommate
  • I made a move today
  • #Person2#: he's thin and tall
  • he has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses
  • #Person1#: I've seen him

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Person2 made a move today because he read about his roommate, Brain Locker
  • He's thin and tall
  • He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses
  • He's thin and tall
  • He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Bill, how can you hear so happy today? He has brown hair, a holt nose, green eyes and wearing glasses

Main Text

  • #Person1#: I'd like to pay my bill now.
  • #Person2#: Your name and room number, please?
  • #Person1#: Tom Wilson in Room 306.
  • #Person2#: Have you used any hotel services this morning?
  • #Person1#: No.
  • #Person2#: OK. You have stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotel. That makes a total of 660 US dollars.
  • #Person1#: Can I pay by credit card?
  • #Person2#: Of course. Please sign your name here.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person2# checks Tom Wilson's information and Tom pays his hotel and meal bill
  • Tom Wilson pays for his bill for hotel and food by credit card
  • Tom Wilson pays the bill for his room and meal cost by credit card

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Tom Wilson in Room 306
  • #Person2#: OK
  • You have stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotel
  • #Person1#: Can I pay by credit card?

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: I'd like to pay my bill now
  • #Person2#: Of course
  • you have stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotel
  • #Person1#: Can I pay by credit card? #Person2

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: i'd like to pay my bill now
  • #Person2#: i'd like to pay by credit card
  • #Person1#: i'd like to pay by credit card
  • #Person2#: i'd like to pay by credit

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Tom Wilson has stayed for four nights at 90 US dollars each and had meals at the hotel for a total of 660 US dollars
  • He wants to pay the bill by credit card, so he asks Person2 to sign his name on the credit card slip and he will pay the bill by credit card at the hotel

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Your name and room number, please? #Person2#: Have you used any hotel services this morning?

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Carol telephone.
  • #Person2#: Who is it?
  • #Person1#: I don't know, wait a second. May I ask who's calling please? Carrollite Susan.
  • #Person2#: Oh, I'm taking a shower can you ask her if it's important?
  • #Person1#: Sorry Susan, Carol can't come to the phone right now, is there something I can help you with? Oh, I see, Carol she wants to know if the party is tonight or tomorrow night.
  • #Person2#: Tell her it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, tell her to bring a dessert if she wants.
  • #Person1#: She said it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, she said you could bring a dessert if you want. Sure no problem have a good evening. Bye.

Ground-truth Summary

  • Susan calls Carol to ask about the party time
  • But Carol is taking a shower so #Person1# answers for her
  • Carol is taking a shower when Carol calls her, so #Person1# answers the telephone and tells her the party time
  • Susan calls to ask Carol about the party time
  • #Person1# answers the phone and tells her

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Sorry Susan, Carol can't come to the phone right now, is there something I can help you with? #Person2#: Tell her it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, tell her to bring a dessert if she wants
  • #Person1#: She said it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, she said you could bring a dessert if you want

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Carol can't come to the phone right now, is there something I can help you with? Carol wants to know if the party is tonight or tomorrow night
  • #Person2#: Tell her it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, tell her to bring a dessert

T5 large Summary

  • Carol wants to know if the party is tonight or tomorrow night
  • #Person2#: tell her it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, tell her to bring a dessert if she wants
  • #Person1#: I'm taking a shower can you ask her if it's

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • Susan wants to know if the party is tonight or tomorrow night
  • It's tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jill's House
  • Carol will bring a dessert if she wants to come to the party tomorrow night at 8:30 at 8:30 at Jill's House
  • #Person1: Thank you
  • Bye bye

Bert Summary

  • #Person2#: Oh, I'm taking a shower can you ask her if it's important? #Person2#: Tell her it is tomorrow night at 8:30 at Jills House, tell her to bring a dessert if she wants

Main Text

  • #Person1#: Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?
  • #Person2#: No, sorry. I don't think so.
  • #Person1#: Didn't you use to work at Common Fitness Gym?
  • #Person2#: No, I'm afraid I did not.
  • #Person1#: Oh, but I know you from somewhere else. Did you use to work at the movie theater downtown? You did. Yes. It's you. I go there all the time and you always sell me popcorn and soda.
  • #Person2#: No, that's not me either. Sorry, ma'am. Perhaps I look familiar to you, but ...
  • #Person1#: No, I know you. I have met you before! Hold on. Let me think. This is driving me crazy. I know that we've talked before. Oh, I remember now. You work at the Whole Bean Cafe on the corner. It that right?
  • #Person2#: No, wrong again. Sorry, ma'am, but I really have to get going.

Ground-truth Summary

  • #Person1# thinks that she knows #Person2# somewhere, but #Person2# denies it
  • #Person1# thinks she has met #Person2# somewhere, but #Person2# thinks it's a mistake
  • #Person1# keeps asking where #Person2#'s from because she thinks she knows #Person2# but #Person2# denies it

Sumy Summary

  • #Person1#: Didn't you use to work at Common Fitness Gym? Did you use to work at the movie theater downtown? You work at the Whole Bean Cafe on the corner

T5 base Summary

  • #Person1#: Didn't you use to work at Common Fitness Gym? #Person2#: No, sorry
  • I'm afraid I did not
  • #Person1#: No, I know you
  • I have met you before! #Person2#: No, wrong again

T5 large Summary

  • #Person1#: didn't you use to work at common fitness gym? #Person2#: no, sorry
  • I don't think so
  • #Person1#: no, that's not me either
  • sorry, ma'am
  • #Person2#: no, that's not me

T5 Flan Large Summary

  • #Person1 wants to know if #Person2 used to work at Common Fitness Gym or at the movie theater downtown
  • #Person2 says no
  • #Person1: I know you
  • I have met you before
  • #Person2 works at the Whole Bean Cafe on the corner
  • #Person1:

Bert Summary

  • #Person1#: Hey, don't I know you from somewhere? Perhaps I look familiar to you, but
  • #Person1#: No, I know you

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