It's a simple bash script to simply import a Github Organization into Terraform. It uses the Github API and Terraform CLI to import the following resources:
- all public repos (includes pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos)
- all private repos (includes pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos)
- all team repos (includes pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos)
- all teams
- all team memberships
- all organization users
After importing the resources the script also writes a basic config for each resource, making this a fully automated process.
I like managing things with Terraform. Sometimes those things were created before Terraform supported them. Manually importing hundreds of repos/teams/users/etc is a tedious process.
Imports all public repos owned by the organization (includes full pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos). Also writes a Terraform resource block in a single file (
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_repository" "$PUBLIC_REPO_NAME" {
private = false
has_wiki = "$PUBLIC_REPO_WIKI"
has_downloads = "$PUBLIC_REPO_DOWNLOADS"
has_issues = "$PUBLIC_REPO_ISSUES"
Imports all private repos owned by the organization (includes full pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos). Also writes a Terraform resource block in a single file (
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_repository" "$PRIVATE_REPO_NAME" {
private = true
has_wiki = "$PRIVATE_REPO_WIKI"
has_downloads = "$PRIVATE_REPO_DOWNLOADS"
has_issues = "$PRIVATE_REPO_ISSUES"
Imports all team repos owned by the organization (includes full pagination support for Orgs with 100+ repos). Also writes a Terraform resource block in a unique file per team (github-teams-$
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_team_repository" "$TEAM_NAME-$TERRAFORM_TEAM_REPO_NAME" {
team_id = "$TEAM_ID"
repository = "$REPO_NAME"
permission = "admin" or "push" or "pull"
Imports all teams belonging to the organization. Also writes a Terraform resource block in a unique file per team (github-teams-$
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_team" "$TEAM_NAME" {
name = "$TEAM_NAME"
description = "$TEAM_DESCRIPTION"
privacy = "closed" or "secret"
Imports the team membership for all teams owned by the organization (what users belong to what teams). Also writes a Terraform resource block in a unique file per team (github-team-memberships-$
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_team_membership" "$TEAM_NAME-$USER_NAME" {
username = "$USER_NAME"
team_id = "$TEAM_ID"
role = "maintainer" or "member"
Imports all users belonging to the organization. Also writes a Terraform resource block in a single file (
), using the following template and populating it with values pulled via the Github API:
resource "github_membership" "$USER_NAME" {
username = "$USER_NAME"
role = "member"
- An existing Github account with a user that belongs to an organization
- A github personal access token with the following permissions:
- repo (all)
- admin:org (all)
- Terraform
- jq
git clone
this repo -
create a basic terraform configuration file, e.g.
with something like:provider "github" { token = "TOKENGOESHERE" organization = "my_org" # optional, if using GitHub Enterprise base_url = "" }
terraform init
to e.g. install the GitHub provider -
configure the variables at the top of the script
- if you're using GitHub Enterprise,
or remember to pass them in via the environment
run the scriptm, perhaps passing the necessary environment variables
GITHUB_TOKEN=12334...4555 ORG=my_org
run a terraform plan to see that everything was imported and that no changes are required.
- some manual modifications could be required since not every field supported by Terraform has been implemented by this script.
- HEADS UP - the script hardcodes user roles to "member".
This should also work with GitHub Enterprise deployments if you also
set (either editing the script or via an environment variable) the
- Q) Why bash?
- A) I like bash.
- Q) Do you plan on extending this?
- A) Sure, see the TODO section.