From 2a1cfdaaf4248a0eb11707f1a85c93ac68b40359 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Weiske
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 12:52:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [BUGFIX] Handle both t3:// and normal file names at once
Fixup for "[FEATURE] Handle t3://file?uid=23 URLs in view helper"
The value of field
gets different values in TYPO3 v9 and v10:
- TYPO3 v9 stored the path to the filename, e.g. "fileadmin/user_upload/image.jpg"
- TYPO3 v10 stores a t3:// URL, e.g. "t3://file?uid=2342"
This patch automatically detects t3:// URLs in all image sources, regardless
if $treatAsUid is given.
That way the view helpers can load an image regardless if they have been stored
in TYPO3 v9 or v10:
.../Resource/AbstractResourceViewHelper.php | 25 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Resource/AbstractResourceViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Resource/AbstractResourceViewHelper.php
index 8563013ac..a979ad9cd 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Resource/AbstractResourceViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Resource/AbstractResourceViewHelper.php
@@ -90,19 +90,18 @@ public function getFiles($onlyProperties = false, $identifier = null, $categorie
return null;
- if (true === $treatIdAsUid) {
- foreach ($identifier as $key => $maybeUrl) {
- if (substr($maybeUrl, 0, 5) !== 't3://') {
- continue;
- }
- $parts = parse_url($maybeUrl);
- if (false === isset($parts['host']) || $parts['host'] !== 'file' || false === isset($parts['query'])) {
- continue;
- }
- parse_str($parts['query'], $queryParts);
- if (true === isset($queryParts['uid'])) {
- $identifier[$key] = $queryParts['uid'];
- }
+ foreach ($identifier as $key => $maybeUrl) {
+ if (substr($maybeUrl, 0, 5) !== 't3://') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $parts = parse_url($maybeUrl);
+ if (false === isset($parts['host']) || $parts['host'] !== 'file' || false === isset($parts['query'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ parse_str($parts['query'], $queryParts);
+ if (true === isset($queryParts['uid'])) {
+ $identifier[$key] = $queryParts['uid'];
+ $treatIdAsUid = true;