Menoh is DNN inference library with C API.
Menoh is released under MIT License.
DISCLAIMER: Menoh is still experimental. Use it at your own risk. In particular not all operators in ONNX are supported, so please check whether the operators used in your model are supported. We have checked that VGG16 and ResNet50 models converted by onnx-chainer work fine.
This codebase contains C API and C++ API.
For Windows users, prebuild libraries are available (see release) and Nuget package is available.
See also
- Chainer model to ONNX : onnx-chainer
- C# wrapper : menoh-sharp
- Haskell wrapper : menoh-haskell
- [Unofficial] Go wrapper by kou-m san : gomenoh
- [Unofficial] Rust wrapper by Y-Nak san : menoh-rs
- [Unofficial] Rust wrapper by Hakuyume san : menoh-rs
- DNN Inference with CPU
- ONNX support
- Easy to use.
- MKL-DNN Library (0.14 or later)
- Protocol Buffers (3.5.1 is checked)
Execute below commands in root directory.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Execute below command in build directory created at Build section.
make install
Execute below command in root directory.
Result is below
vgg16 example
-22.3708 -34.4082 -10.218 24.2962 -0.252342 -8.004 -27.0804 -23.0728 -7.05607 16.1343
top 5 categories are
8 0.96132 n01514859 hen
7 0.0369939 n01514668 cock
86 0.00122795 n01807496 partridge
82 0.000225824 n01797886 ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus
97 3.83677e-05 n01847000 drake
Please give --help
option for details
./example/vgg16_example_in_cpp --help
Setup chainer
Then, execute below commands in root directory.
cd build
- Elu
- LeakyRelu
- Relu
- Softmax
- Tanh
- Concat
- Conv
- ConvTranspose
- FC
- Abs
- Add
- Sqrt
- BatchNormalization
- AveragePool
- GlobalAveragePool
- GlobalMaxPool
- MaxPool
Menoh is released under MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
downloads data/VGG16.onnx
. data/VGG16.onnx
is generated by onnx-chainer from pre-trained model which is uploaded
That pre-trained model is released under Creative Commons Attribution License.