ABP Command Line Tool.
dotnet tool install -g AbpTools
abplus init
$> abplus --help
Usage: abplus [options] [command]
--version Show version information
--help Show help information
init init a project from project template
Run 'abplus [command] --help' for more information about a command.
PS personball> abplus init --help
init a project from project template
Usage: abplus init [options]
--help Show help information
-T|--template-name TemplateName <GithubUserName>/<RepoName>[@<ReleaseTag>],default as 'aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-core-template@latest'.
-h|--place-holder PlaceHolder in project template,default as 'AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName'.
-n|--project-name Your project name, default as 'AbpDemo'.
-m Is this project a Multi-Pages Application? Default as false.
-t|--spa-type Choose 'vue' for vuejs or 'ng' for angularjs or 'react' for reactjs. Any invalid value will be replaced by 'vue'.
-b Rename Backup
- SubCommand
abplus add
for code scaffold. - Other SubCommand.
- Need a stable Project Template Zip File Repository, it is base on github releaes api with Rate Limit.