A versatile logger configurable via environment variables. It was first built for peer-calls, an open-source, distributed peer to peer conferencing software, but I found it useful in a lot of other projects so I'm importing it here.
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg := log.NewConfig(log.ConfigMap{
"test1": log.LevelWarn,
"test2": log.LevelInfo,
factory := log.New().WithConfig(cfg)
logCtx := log.Ctx{
"a": "1000",
"b": 20,
l1 := factory.WithNamespace("test1")
l2 := factory.WithNamespace("test2")
l1.Info("test", logCtx)
l2.Warn("test", logCtx)
l2.Error("test", errors.New("err1"), logCtx)
l2.Info("test", logCtx)
l2.Warn("test", logCtx)
l2.Error("test", errors.New("err2"), logCtx)
After running the script above you should see the output below:
$ go run ./main.go
2022-01-27T09:38:46.952896+01:00 warn [ test2] test a=1000 b=20
2022-01-27T09:38:46.953052+01:00 error [ test2] test: err1 a=1000 b=20
2022-01-27T09:38:46.953068+01:00 info [ test2] test a=1000 b=20
2022-01-27T09:38:46.953080+01:00 warn [ test2] test a=1000 b=20
2022-01-27T09:38:46.953093+01:00 error [ test2] test: err2 a=1000 b=20
This is only the default logging format. It is configurable. For more details see the docs: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/peer-calls.
If you're using .golangci-lint.yml
and don't want to handle write errors,
you should add this to your linter settings:
exclude: .golangci-errcheck-exclude.txt
And then to .golangci-errcheck-exclude.txt
Apache v2