Install Ruby (with RVM https://rvm.io/)
Install Bundler (http://bundler.io/)
bundler install
execute jekyll server
to launch a test server on your computer
to check syntax before commit execute ./script/cibuild
Read the documentation on :
Jekyll there : https://jekyllrb.com/
Asciidoc syntaxe there : http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/
All foreign assets used in this website are open source:
http://getbootstrap.com (MIT)
https://github.com/google/roboto (Apache 2.0)
http://fontawesome.io (SIL Open Font License)
http://glyphicons.com (Creative Commons)
http://iconsdb.com (Creative Commons)
https://pixabay.com (Creative Commons)