Graphlib is a JavaScript library that provides an implementation of a directed multi-graph. This library is used as part of the [dagre]) library, but is available here in a light-weight, standalone form.
Before building this library you need to install the npm package manager.
To get graphlib from npm, use:
$ npm install graphlib
Graphlib currently exports a single Graph object. The graphlib.js file includes documentation for each of the functions on this Object.
Here we'll show a running example of the Graph API.
var Graph = require("graphlib").Graph;
// Create a new empty graph
var g = new Graph();
// Add node "A" to the graph with no value
// This returns true
// Add node "B" to the graph with a String value
g.addNode("B", "B's value");
// Prints `B's value`
// Add node "C" to the graph with an Object value
g.addNode("C", { k: 123 });
// Prints `[ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ]`
// Add a directed edge with the ID "AB" from "A" to "B", but assign no value
g.addEdge("AB", "A", "B");
// Add a directed edge with no ID (Graph will assign one) from "B" to "C"
g.addEdge(null, "B", "C");
// Add a directed edge from "C" to "D" with an Object value
g.addEdge("CD", "C", "D", { k: 456 });
// Since Graph is a multi-graph, we can have multiple edges incident on the
// same source and target nodes.
g.addEdge("AB2", "A", "B");
// Prints `[ 'AB', '_ANON-1', 'CD', 'AB2' ]`. `_ANON-1` is the edge from "B" to "C"
// Which edges go from "A" to "B"? This prints `[ 'AB', 'AB2' ]`
console.log(g.edges("A", "B"));
// Which edges are incident on "D"? This prints `[ 'CD' ]`
// How about a subgraph?
var g2 = g.subgraph(["A", "B", "C"]);
// Prints `[ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]`
// Prints `[ 'AB', '_ANON-1', 'AB2' ]`. Note that edges that have both their
// source and target nodes in the graph are also included in the subgraph.
There are a number of other functions for doing queries on Graph
Please see graphlib.js
which includes documentation for each of the
Graphlib is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.