An advanced NodeJS application designed to be used in a brick and mortar business as well as online. The application offers customers the ability to make purchases, allows store managers to update store data and inventory stocks, and can be utilized by store supervisors for a number of more advanced purposes, such as creating new departments, tracking sales and profits, etc.
- NodeJS
- Cli-table
- Inquirer
- Prompt
- Javascript
-- Pulls data from the database and presents the table to the customer
-- Customer places an order
-- If qty in our database is sufficient
-- Confirms the order and updates the database
-- If qty is not sufficient
-- The database is now updated. New qty is reflected
-- Manager's main menu
-- Products for sale available in manager's portal
-- Qty of item less than 5
-- Restock qty
-- New qty is reflected in our database
-- Add a new product to our database
-- and ... new item successfully added
... in progress