The SHACL Shapes Constraint Language validates RDF graphs against conditions (called "shapes"), which are expressed themselves as an RDF graph. This document discusses the application of SHACL to Brick. In this document we are specifically looking at writing SHACL shapes for validating Brick models (instances of buildings). Using SHACL to validate the Brick ontology deserves its own investigation.
SHACL shapes for Brick should validate the following:
- validating endpoints of Brick relationships (properties):
- check type of subject/object: are the
properties respected? - cardinality checks: with varying severity
- floors without rooms
- equipment missing certain points (e.g. thermostat should have a temperature sensor, at least one setpoint)
- all named individuals should have
- check type of subject/object: are the
- compatibility checking:
- all objects of
should be Brick classes (subclassof, etc) - check for deprecated classes, relationships
- all objects of
- idioms, semantic checks:
- these may be optional; users can "opt-in" to check for certain idioms
- equipment along a chain of
should all operate on the same substance
generates BrickShape.ttl
which contains the basic shapes for the Brick Schema.
In brickschema
package the validate
provides an API and a command line tool for validating a building ontology. In addtion to the default
, the user can add their only constraints into the validation.
Those are the rules focusing on certain type of triples in the building graph and enforcing restrictions. The
examples below declare shapes in the bsh
("brickshape" ) namespace (
) for clarity.
Property definitions (from the bricksrc/
file) define inverses, domains/ranges
of properties and subproperties. The shape graph would contain one shape for
each Brick property that encodes constraints on the subject and/or object of the property.
For example, the definition of brick:hasLocation
"hasLocation": {
A: [OWL.AsymmetricProperty, OWL.IrreflexiveProperty],
OWL.inverseOf: "isLocationOf",
BRICK.range: BRICK.Location,
SKOS.definition: Literal("Subject is physically located in the location given by the object"),
This definition informs the following Shape for the brick:range
@prefix bsh: <{BRICK_VERSION}/BrickShape#>
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:targetSubjectsOf brick:hasLocation ;
sh:property [
sh:class brick:Location ;
sh:path brick:hasLocation ;
sh:message "Property hasLocation has object with incorrect type"
] .
We will also want to define special shapes for certain properties that have additional semantics.
For example, the feedsAir
subproperty should require that all equipments on its endpoints should
have the brick:regulates brick:Air
We can model this by requiring that all subjects of the brick:feedsAir
property have the brick:Air
value for either a brick:requlates
, brick:hasInputSubstance
or brick:hasOutputSubstance
bsh:feedsAirHasInputSubstanceShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [ sh:class brick:Air ;
sh:message "Subject of property feedsAir has object with incorrect type" ;
sh:path brick:hasInputSubstance ] ;
sh:targetSubjectsOf brick:feedsAir .
bsh:feedsAirHasOutputSubstanceShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [ sh:class brick:Air ;
sh:message "Subject of property feedsAir has object with incorrect type" ;
sh:path brick:hasOutputSubstance ] ;
sh:targetSubjectsOf brick:feedsAir .
bsh:feedsAirRegulatesShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [ sh:class brick:Air ;
sh:message "Subject of property feedsAir has object with incorrect type" ;
sh:path brick:regulates ] ;
sh:targetSubjectsOf brick:feedsAir .