electrical engineer 🎓
- 🗣 hungarian 🇭🇺, english 🇬🇧 and german 🇩🇪
- 👀 I'm interested in home automation ⚙️, deep learning 💻🧠, artificial intelligence 🤖, machine vision 💻👀 and digital privacy 🔐
- 😍 I'm collaborating with openHAB, DeepSpeech, Common Voice and Mycroft
- 🔍 Crowdin profile, Mycroft translate profile
- 🙏 You can help too without special skills: openHAB Translate, Mycroft Translate, Common Voice
- 👍 Don't forget to like openHAB
- 📗 blog (work in progress 🚧)
- 🇭🇺 Te is segíthetsz létrehozni egy magyar nyelvű adatbázist hangminták beküldésével vagy hallgatásával, mindezt a böngésződből. Telefonon is működik.