An idiomatic Node interface for the Pact mock service (Consumer) and Verification (Provider) process.
- Pact Node
npm install @pact-foundation/pact-node --save
In order to get better statistics as to who is using Pact, we have an anonymous tracking event that triggers when Pact installs for the first time. To respect your privacy, anyone can turn it off by simply adding a 'do not track' flag within their package.json file:
"name": "some-project",
"config": {
"pact_do_not_track": true
For those that are behind a corporate firewall or are seeing issues where our package downloadss binaries during installation, you can download the binaries directly from our github releases, and specify the location where you want Pact to get the binaries from using the 'config' section in your package.json file:
"name": "some-project",
"config": {
"pact_binary_location": "/home/some-user/Downloads"
It will accept both a local path or an http(s) url. It must point to the directory containing the binary needed as the binary name is appended to the end of the location. For the example given above, Pact will look for the binary at /home/some-user/Downloads/
for a Windows system. However, by using this method, you must use the correct Pact version binary associated with this version of Pact-Node. For extra security measurements, checksum validation has been added to prevent tampering with the binaries.
Simply require the library and call the create function to start the mock service
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
var server = pact.createServer({ port: 9999 });
server.start().then(function() {
// Do your testing/development here
Or if you're using Typescript instead of plain old Javascript
import pact from "@pact-foundation/pact-node";
const server = pact.createServer({ port: 9999 });
server.start().then(() => {
// Do your testing/development here
Or you can also use the CLI
$# pact mock --port 9999
To see the list commands possible with the CLI, simply ask for help $# pact --help
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
Mock servers are used by Pact to record interactions and create pact contracts.
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
var server = pact.createServer({
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
port |
false | number | Port number that the server runs on, defaults to random available port |
host |
false | string | Host on which to bind the server on, defaults to 'localhost'. Supports '' to bind on all IPv4 addresses on the local machine. |
log |
false | string | File to log output on relative to current working directory, defaults to none |
ssl |
false | boolean | Create a self-signed SSL cert to run the server over HTTPS , defaults to false |
sslcert |
false | string | Path to a custom self-signed SSL cert file, 'ssl' option must be set to true to use this option, defaults to none |
sslkey |
false | string | Path a custom key and self-signed SSL cert key file, 'ssl' option must be set to true to use this, defaults to none |
cors |
false | boolean | Allow CORS OPTION requests to be accepted, defaults to 'false' |
dir |
false | string | Directory to write the pact contracts relative to the current working directory, defaults to none |
spec |
false | number | The pact specification version to use when writing pact contracts, defaults to '1' |
consumer |
false | string | The name of the consumer to be written to the pact contracts, defaults to none |
provider |
false | string | The name of the provider to be written to the pact contracts, defaults to none |
pactFileWriteMode |
false | overwrite OR update OR merge |
Control how the pact file is created. Defaults to "overwrite" |
format |
false | json OR xml |
Format to write the results as, either in JSON or XML, defaults to JSON |
out |
false | string | Write output to a file instead of returning it in the promise, defaults to none |
If you ever need to see which servers are currently created.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
var servers = pact.listServers();
Remove all servers once you're done with them in one fell swoop.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
Start the current server.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
.then(function() {
// Do something after it started
Stop the current server.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
.then(function() {
// Do something after it stopped
Stop the current server and deletes it from the list.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
.then(function() {
// Do something after it was killed
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
There's 3 different events available, 'start', 'stop' and 'delete'. They can be listened to the same way as an EventEmitter.
var pact = require("@pact-foundation/pact-node");
var server = pact.createServer();
server.on("start", function() {
server.on("stop", function() {
server.on("delete", function() {
Read more about Verify Pacts.
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
providerBaseUrl |
true | string | Running API provider host endpoint. |
pactBrokerUrl |
false | string | Base URL of the Pact Broker from which to retrieve the pacts. Required if pactUrls not given. |
provider |
false | string | Name of the provider if fetching from a Broker |
consumerVersionTag |
false | string|array | Retrieve the latest pacts with given tag(s) |
pactUrls |
false | array | Array of local pact file paths or HTTP-based URLs. Required if not using a Pact Broker. |
providerStatesSetupUrl |
false | string | URL to send PUT requests to setup a given provider state |
pactBrokerUsername |
false | string | Username for Pact Broker basic authentication |
pactBrokerPassword |
false | string | Password for Pact Broker basic authentication |
pactBrokerToken |
false | string | Bearer token for Pact Broker authentication |
publishVerificationResult |
false | boolean | Publish verification result to Broker (NOTE: you should only enable this during CI builds) |
customProviderHeaders |
false | array | Header(s) to add to provider state set up and pact verification |
providerVersion |
false | string | Provider version, required to publish verification result to Broker. Optional otherwise. |
timeout |
false | number | The duration in ms we should wait to confirm verification process was successful. Defaults to 30000. |
format |
false | string | What format the verification results are printed in. Options are json , xml , progress and RspecJunitFormatter (which is a synonym for xml ) |
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
var opts = {
pact.publishPacts(opts).then(function () {
// do something
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
pactFilesOrDirs |
true | array | Array of local Pact files or directories containing them. Required. |
pactBroker |
true | string | URL of the Pact Broker to publish pacts to. Required. |
consumerVersion |
true | string | A string containing a semver-style version e.g. 1.0.0. Required. |
pactBrokerUsername |
false | string | Username for Pact Broker basic authentication. Optional |
pactBrokerPassword |
false | string | Password for Pact Broker basic authentication. Optional |
pactBrokerToken |
false | string | Bearer token for Pact Broker authentication. Optional |
tags |
false | array | An array of Strings to tag the Pacts being published. Optional |
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
var opts = {
.then(function () {
// Deployment worked
.catch(function() {
// Deployment failed
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
participant |
true | string | The participant name. Required. |
participantVersion |
true | string | Version of the participant. Must follow after the participant. Required. |
latest |
false | string | Use the latest participant version, Must follow after participant. Optional |
to |
false | string | Which tag are you deploying to, Must follow after participant. Optional |
pactBroker |
true | string | URL of the Pact Broker to publish pacts to. Required. |
pactBrokerUsername |
false | string | Username for Pact Broker basic authentication. Optional |
pactBrokerPassword |
false | string | Password for Pact Broker basic authentication. Optional |
pactBrokerToken |
false | string | Bearer token for Pact Broker authentication. Optional |
output |
false | json,table | Specify output to show, json or table. Optional |
verbose |
false | flag | Set logging mode to verbose. Optional |
retryWhileUnknown |
false | number | The number of times to retry while there is an unknown verification result. Optional |
retryInterval |
false | number | The time between retries in seconds, use with retryWhileUnknown. Optional |
Stub servers create runnable APIs from existing pact files.
The interface is comparable to the Mock Server API.
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
var server = pact.createStub({
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
pactUrls | true | array | List of local Pact files to create the stub service from |
port | false | number | Port number that the server runs on, defaults to random available port |
host | false | string | Host on which to bind the server on, defaults to 'localhost'. Supports '' to bind on all IPv4 addresses on the local machine. |
log | false | string | File to log output on relative to current working directory, defaults to none |
ssl | false | boolean | Create a self-signed SSL cert to run the server over HTTPS , defaults to 'false' |
sslcert | false | string | Path to a custom self-signed SSL cert file, 'ssl' option must be set to true to use this option. Defaults false |
sslkey | false | string | Path a custom key and self-signed SSL cert key file, 'ssl' option must be set to true to use this option false. Defaults to none |
cors | false | boolean | Allow CORS OPTION requests to be accepted, defaults to 'false' |
var pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
var message = pact.createMessage({
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
dir |
true | string | Directory to write the pact contracts relative to the current working directory, defaults to none |
consumer |
true | string | The name of the consumer to be written to the pact contracts, defaults to none |
provider |
true | string | The name of the provider to be written to the pact contracts, defaults to none |
pactFileWriteMode |
false | `"overwrite" | "update" |
const messageFactory = messageFactory({
consumer: "consumer",
provider: "provider",
dir: dirname(`${__filename}/pacts`),
content: `{
"description": "a test mesage",
"content": {
"name": "Mary"
This package also comes with the Pact Standalone Tools available as linked binaries in the standard NPM installation directory (e..g. ./node_modules/.bin
This means you may call them direct from scripts in your package json, for example:
"scripts": {
"pactPublish": "pact-broker publish ./pacts --consumer-app-version=$\(git describe\) --broker-base-url=$BROKER_BASE_URL --broker-username=$BROKER_USERNAME --broker-password=BROKER_PASSWORD"`
These are available in circumstances where `pact-node` has not yet implemented a feature or access via JavaScript APIs is not desirable. To run the binaries is as simple as the following:
*Example can-i-deploy check*:
./node_modules/.bin/pact-broker can-i-deploy --pacticipant "Banana Service" --broker-base-url --latest --broker-username dXfltyFMgNOFZAxr8io9wJ37iUpY42M --broker-password O5AIZWxelWbLvqMd8PkAVycBJh2Psyg1
Computer says no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Banana Service | 1.0.0 | Fofana Service | 1.0.0 | false
The verification between the latest version of Banana Service (1.0.0) and version 1.0.0 of Fofana Service failed
The following are the binaries currently made available:
Windows has a default path length limit of 260 causing issues with projects that are nested deep inside several directory and with how npm handles node_modules directory structures. To fix this issue, please enable Windows Long Paths in the registry by running regedit.exe
, find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled
and change the value from 0
to 1
, then reboot your computer. Pact should now work as it should, if not, please raise an issue on github.
To develop this project, simply install the dependencies with npm install --ignore-scripts
, and run npm run watch
to for continual development, linting and testing when a source file changes.
Running npm test
will execute the tests that has the *.spec.js
Please search for potential answers or post question on our official Pact StackOverflow.