Starknet RPC rests are run against a single Madara instance (in order to reduce
the CI pipeline time).
In order to run tests locally you will need to: 0. Make sure you have all test
dependencies compiled (see next section)
- Build Madara binary:
cargo build --profile release
- Setup Madara instance (once):
./target/release/madara setup --dev --from-local=./configs
- Run Madara node:
./target/release/madara --dev --sealing=manual
- Run tests
cargo test --package starknet-rpc-test works_with_storage_change -- --nocapture
If you need to reset the state, run ./target/release/madara purge-chain --dev
Make sure you have the exact scarb version installed as in
. Follow the instructions:
It's necessary to compile the same contract several times with small
modifications so that it has different class hash.
The artifacts are used for testing the declare class operation.
cd starknet-rpc-test/contracts
./ 10