There are two folders: pre_k8s-1.6 and k8s-1.6. Please use the mainfest files that correspond to the version of your Kubernetes cluster. This is due to the new scheduler of Kubernetes 1.6 ignoring tolerations/taints specified as alpha annotations instead of actual fields, and additional RBAC mainifests (service account, cluster role, cluster role binding).
Note that you likely want to change AWS_REGION.
wget -O k8s-ec2-srcdst.yaml
sed -i -e "s@{{AWS_REGION}}@${AWS_REGION}@g" k8s-ec2-srcdst.yaml
sed -i -e "s@{{SSL_CERT_PATH}}@${SSL_CERT_PATH}@g" k8s-ec2-srcdst.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s-ec2-srcdst.yaml