will build a VM from a Dockerfile. Slim works by building and extracting a rootfs from a Dockerfile, and packaging a corresponding kernel and initrd into a desired image.
This results in a real VM that can boot instantly, while using very limited resources---all with a couple of lines in a Dockerfile.
The following are a few ways you can use slim to build VM images.
- Provide a Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS kernel
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y linux-virtual && \
apt-get clean
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Extract the kernel, modules, and initrd
COPY --from=kernel /lib/modules /lib/modules
COPY --from=kernel /boot/vmlinuz-* /vmlinuz
COPY --from=kernel /boot/initrd.img-* /initrd
RUN apt-get update
# Needed for configuring server and setting up devices.
RUN apt install cloud-init udev kmod -y
# If you'd like to be able to ssh in:
RUN apt install openssh-server sudo -y
- Extract an initrd, rootfs, and uncompressed kernel.
$ slim build images/ubuntu-20.04-cloud-init
$ ls -lh ~/.slim/registry/ubuntu-20.04-cloud-init
-rw-r--r-- 1 cjparnin staff 16M Jan 2 17:37 initrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 cjparnin staff 512M Jan 2 19:24 rootfs
-rw-------@ 1 cjparnin staff 29M Nov 5 12:04 vmlinuz
- Provide a user-data and meta-data file to customize VM.
$ slim cloudinit images/ubuntu-20.04-cloud-init
$ ls -lh ~/.slim/registry/ubuntu-20.04-cloud-init
-rw-r--r-- 1 cjparnin staff 366K Jan 2 21:19 cidata.iso
- Provide a Dockerfile and custom init script.
- Build initrd and kernel.
$ slim build images/alpine3.12-raw -f initrd
$ ls -lh ~/.slim/registry/alpine3.12-raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 cjparnin staff 22M Jan 2 20:50 initrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 cjparnin staff 4.6M Dec 28 11:22 vmlinuz
The following creates a Ubuntu Focal with cloud-init, but the necessary hyper-v kernel modules, and bootable image for Microsoft's Hyper-V.
- Provide a Dockerfile.
See images/ubuntu-20.04-ci-hyperv.
- Create a VHD disk drive (1G) with EFI bootable partition.
PS slim build images/ubuntu-20.04-ci-hyperv -f vhd -s 1024
PS ls ~/.slim/registry/ubuntu-20.04-ci-hyperv
-a---- 1/2/2022 3:19 PM 738381824 rootfs.vhd
- Provide a user-data and meta-data file to customize VM.
$ slim cloudinit images/ubuntu-20.04-ci-hyperv
$ ls -lh ~/.slim/registry/ubuntu-20.04-ci-hyperv
-a---- 1/1/2022 3:32 PM 374784 cidata.iso
Simply clone this repo, cd slim, and run:
npm install
npm link
# Pull docker images used for system dependencies.
slim init
You must have docker on your system.