👨🏽🚀 My name is Osi, i'm a 19y/o web and mobile app developer from Harare, Zimbabwe. I'm passionate about astronomy🪐, climate change🐳 and anything to do with robots🤖 (which is why i also love coding).
Languages and tools:
- 🎨 Pronouns: He/him
- ⚡ What I love doing: Building robots and other cool stuff :)
- 💫 Hobbies: Chess
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: Flutter
- 🐱🏍 I’d love to get better at: Coding...
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Anything really :)... feel free to get in touch with me below
→ Dzidzo - A gamified mobile and web educational platform for students in Zimbabwe
What i'd love to learn one day:
- Java
- Pentesting
Check out my website:
to learn more about me.