This is a generic air transport architecture modeled after the systems presented in Future E-Enabled Aircraft Communications and Security: The Next 20 Years and Beyond by Krishna Sampigethaya, Radha Poovendran, Sudhakar Shetty, Terry Davis, and Chuck Royalty, Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011, pgs. 2040-2055
The figure below is taken from that paper.
There is no publicly available documentation for this example beyond this README.
Open the AADL_Models folder. Start exploring the model by looking at TransportAircraftOperationalSystem_Generic.aadl in the TransportAircraft folder. Create a structure diagram from system implementation AirTransportOperationalSystem.multipassenger and you'll get a diagram similar to this (after appropriate manipulation including hiding some connections.)
The diagram shows the AADL system context model for an air transport aircraft, including external communication access connections with the aircraft, where the system transport_aircraft represents the e-enabled aircraft. All external elements are represented by the operational_environment.
Next open OperationalEnvironment_pkg.aadl and create a diagram from System Impl operationalEnvironment.basicConfiguration which should (again with some manipulation) look similar to the below.
The diagram shows the major subsystems of the operational environment including those corresponding to the off-board systems, the stakeholders, and end users on the ground.
Next open TransportAircraft_Generic.aadl and create a diagram from System Impl transportAircraft.generic which should (again with some manipulation)look like this.
The three principal aircraft domains are shown: aircraft_control_systems, airline_information_system, and passenger_info_entertainment_services. Computing resources are included in the aircraft subsystems. The remaining hardware components and, as appropriate, computing resources of the aircraft are represented by the airframe system.
Next open AircraftControl_pkg.aadl and create a diagram from System Impl aircraftControl.basic showing bus access which should look similar to this:
The second copy of the same diagram can be created and manipulated to show communication paths within the aircraft domain: