.NET Core Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) components
Welcome to the .NET Core ORM Group!
Our mission is to compile and maintain a comprehensive list of all open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) components available for the .NET platform, providing developers with an accessible and searchable resource.
ORM is an essential part of the development process, facilitating efficient mapping of object models to database structures.
Our goal is to establish an exhaustive directory of .NET ORM components, including both well-known and lesser-known libraries. As long as they are open source and support the .NET framework, we are eager to include them.
- AntData.ORM
- Chain
- Chloe
- CoPilot
- cyqdata
- Dapper
- Dapper-Plus
- DataVerylite
- DbEntry
- Dos.ORM
- EntityFrameworkCore
- EntityLite
- EntitySpaces
- Folke.Elm
- FreeSql
- Insight.Database
- linq2db
- nhibernate-core
- NPoco
- Paradigm.ORM
- PetaPoco
- Razor.Orm
- RepoDb
- ServiceStack.OrmLite
- simplestack.orm
- SmartSql
- SqlFu
- SqlSugar
- Venflow
- vita
- Weed3
- X
This section indicates that the listed ORM components are organized alphabetically without any implied ranking.
If you are aware of a worthy .NET ORM component that is not yet cataloged in our list, please nominate it by:
- GitHub Issue: Open a new issue in our GitHub repository with the title “Nominate ORM Component - [Component Name]” and include detailed information and the official link in the description.
- Email: Send an email to our official email address with the name of the component, its official link, and a brief explanation of why it should be included.
Our team will review all nominations and decide on their inclusion in our catalog.
We welcome community involvement in this project! Whether it is by nominating new ORM components or helping improve the existing catalog, your contributions will greatly enrich this community resource.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us through:
- Email: None
- GitHub: .NET Core ORM Group
We look forward to your participation and contributions as we build a more comprehensive .NET ORM resource together!