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Lex Fefegha lexfefegha
creative coder making games & experiments


denshipilov shipilovden
I am an artist from Siberia and a creator of space in metaverse

Gallery20 Sibiria, Novokusnetsk sity

Lucas LucasMatuszewski
Web Dev with ❤️ at Edukey

The Wonderful Company & Edukey Portugal

Rodo Herrera rodoherrera
Interactive Dev!

Santiago de Chile

MichaelO michael811125
Game Developer (Gaming can make a better world)

Taipei, Taiwan

Nguyễn Đình Nhật nhatdn
Hi there 👋, I'm Nguyen Dinh Nhat! Welcome to my GitHub Profile !!!

learning at FPT university Vietnamese

scoobyhax scoobyhax
I literally have no idea what I'm doing
arpu arpu

1170 Vienna

Matt Poletaev Hexvon

Earth, Solar System

Joseph Nwokotubo NG-Joseph
Always learning. Always exploring.
Glen Alex Porter Jr bitolodeonai7
Student of Media / Entertainment Technologies and Sciences

Bit-o-lodeon, LLC Los Angeles, CA

Someone SomeoneSerge
Applied mathematics, inverse graphics, computer vision (dense image correspondences), Nix

Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech Helsinki, FI