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Mohammad Rahjoo mrahjoo
PhD. Interests are solar energy, thermal energy storage (TES), heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), machine learning, and AI...

ProExergy spain

Jing Xiong Jing-a-ling

The University of Sydney


China University of Mining and Technology

Alireza armahdavi
Data Scientist & ML Engineer | 10+ yrs in DS, 5+ in ML, 1+ with LLMs | Python, TensorFlow, SQL, PySpark | Construction, Finance, Digital Transformation, Retail

UofT, EXP, Scale AI, TELUS Digitals Toronto, Ontario

Toby Kramer t-kramer
Postdoc @ CBE, UC Berkeley // likes playing around with code and micro-electronics // big believer in open-source research & education <3

Center for the Built Environment, University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Ben Gottfried Gottkehaskamp benterich
Hi! I am a software engineer and researcher, that leverages his interdisciplinary experience to support climate resislient design.

@Chair-of-Build-Tech-Climate-Design Germany

Alexander Hagg alexander-hagg

Bonn, Germany

Adrian Luis Ferrer Hernández aluislfh
B.Sc. Meteorology & Atmospheric Science (Experience with WRF, MPAS and Calmet-Calpuff models. Data Assimilation. Programming in Python, GrADS, Fortran, HTML&JS)
Rodrigo Mora Rockymorita

British Columbia Institute of Technology Vancouver

michaelchiucw michaelchiucw
Data Scientist / Machine Learning Researcher at Baxall Construction Ltd, UK

Baxall Construction Ltd Paddock Wood, Kent, United Kingdom

Bruno Adam bruadam

Copenhagen, Denmark

Maciej Olejnik hydromac
HVAC & Pipe Desinger | MEP | Energy auditor | Python | Machine Learning | BIM | QGIS | Bonsai | OpenBIM | FreeCAD | REVIT | VBA | DAX | Power BI


Luca Zilli LucaZilli
Physicist updating his computer programming projects.
Francesca Grisafi Corilana
During my PhD in agricoltural science, I modelled the architecture of hazelnut tree and learnt coding. Thus I wrote a tiramisu receipe in python :)

Strobilolife Brescia

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Jean jeangoedert
Sou engenheiro, com experiência em projetos e desenvolvimento de produtos (hardware) .


Gabriel Leite Bessa glbessa

Universidade Federal de Pelotas Pelotas, Brazil

John Gunstone jgunstone
Engineering Software Development Leader @maxfordham. Writing code to help Engineers who design buildings make better, more transparent decisions; faster.

@maxfordham London

Kun Zhang kuzha
Associate Professor

École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada

Luis Vieira LupraV
M.Analytics & Data Science, MSc Finance, Grad.Dip. in IT, BA Economics. Strong foundation in Biz Development, Data Analytics/BI and Machine Learning.

Auckland, NZ

UJIN Uelunujin

EPFL Switzerland

Ahmad Mansourbeygi ahmadembi
M.Sc. Architectural Technology @S.B.U.


Daniel Lema Dande8719
Industrial enginner (Electric-Thermal energy-Renewable energy) who loves sports and music. I recently started my path into Data.

Santiago de Compostela

GUO WANGYI gwyxjtu
XJTU 0w1 Club @0w1club

XJTU 0w1 Club

Michael Nemeth brightbuildings

Bright Buildings Saskatoon, SK

Hussein Elehwany husseinelehwany
Researcher on optimization of buildings operation

Carleton University Ottawa, Canada

Dustin Irwin dustyirwin
Portland, OR area resident.

Portland, OR

Clayton Miller cmiller8
Leader of the Building and Urban Data Science (BUDS) Research Group at the National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore