For working on this issue you are supposed to write schemas for the handler arguments. To learn how to write schema for handler arguments please visit wiki page.
For making a contribution follow the steps given below.
Getting Assigned.
Select some handlers from the list given below and ask @sahiljoster32 to assign them handlers to you.
List of handler classes to work
- PreferencesHandler
- DeferredTasksHandler
- FeedbackThreadStatusChangeEmailHandler
- FlagExplorationEmailHandler
- InstantFeedbackMessageEmailHandler
- UnsentFeedbackEmailHandler
List of assigned handler classes.
List of completed handler classes.
Hidden list of completed handler classes
- ValueGeneratorHandler @yurilemos
- SkillDescriptionHandler @Sean-Zhong
- SubtopicPageDataHandler @AxelGard
- QuestionPlayerHandler @Kalpani90
- ValidateExplorationsHandler @bilbosf
- LearnerAnswerDetailsSubmissionHandler @bilbosf
- ResubmitSuggestionHandler @bilbosf
- StartedTranslationTutorialEventHandler @murilo-goncalves
- AssetDevHandler @murilo-goncalves
- EditableStoryDataHandler @murilo-goncalves
- AudioUploadHandler @adamhalim
- NewTopicHandler @richard-johansson
- NewSkillHandler @Sean-Zhong
- StateCompleteEventHandler @gnurris
- LeaveForRefresherExpEventHandler @gnurris
- SuggestionEmailHandler @gnurris
- SkillDataHandler @aaronlwan
- SubtopicViewerPage @adityanarayanm095
- EditableQuestionDataHandler @Dorothy2020
- QuestionSkillLinkHandler @yavik-kapadia
- RecentCommitsHandler @yavik-kapadia
- QuestionCountDataHandler @yavik-kapadia
- UserSubmittedSuggestionsHandler @Dorothy2020
- SuggestionListHandler @ujjwalban
- UpdateTranslationSuggestionHandler @JianyiGao
- UpdateQuestionSuggestionHandler @JianyiGao
- TopicViewerPage @adityanarayanm095
- TopicPageDataHandler @Nivig1310
- TopicsAndSkillsDashboardPage @Nivig1310
- MergeSkillHandler @jellyyams
- RecommendationsHandler @qinghaoyang
- ReaderFeedbackHandler @qinghaoyang
- UsernameCheckHandler @qinghaoyang
- QuestionsListHandler @adityanarayanm095
- AnswerSubmittedEventHandler @AmanJolly16
- SkillMasteryDataHandler @davisong
- SiteLanguageHandler @gopivaibhav
- UserInfoHandler @Aayush452-cell
- UrlHandler @gopivaibhav
- FetchSkillsHandler @Aayush452-cell
- ExportAccountHandler @AmanJolly16
- TopicEditorStoryHandler @subhash686
- TopicEditorPage @subhash686
- EditableSubtopicPageDataHandler @subhash686
- EditableTopicDataHandler @subhash686
- TopicRightsHandler @subhash686
- TopicPublishSendMailHandler @subhash686
- TopicPublishHandler @subhash686
- TopicUrlFragmentHandler @subhash686
- TopicNameHandler @subhash686
- SolutionHitEventHandler @SD-13
- ExplorationCompleteEventHandler @SD-13
- ExplorationMaybeLeaveHandler @SD-13
- EditableSkillDataHandler @AmanJolly16
- ExplorationEmbedPage @Sreelayavuyyuru
- StateHitEventHandler @anurag629
- SkillEditorPage @ayushjaink8
- SkillRightsHandler @ayushjaink8
- ProfileHandler @SD-13
- PreferencesHandler @SD-13
- SignupHandler @SD-13
- ReviewableSuggestionsHandler @anthonyqzhu
- StoryUrlFragmentHandler @SanjaySajuJacob
- PreferencesPage @SD-13
- ProfilePictureHandlerByUsernameHandler @mahendra1290
- SkillsDashboardPageDataHandler @kalkas98
- ProfilePictureHandler @mahendra1290
- TopicsAndSkillsDashboardPageDataHandler @kalkas98
- TopicAssignmentsHandler @kalkas98
- FlagExplorationHandler @SD-13
- RatingHandler @SD-13
- SignupPage @AmanJolly16
- ExplorationActualStartEventHandler @SanjaySajuJacob
- ReleaseCoordinatorPage @SD-13
- ExplorationPage @Sreelayavuyyuru
- ExplorationStartEventHandler @SanjaySajuJacob
- SubscribeHandler @chiragbaid7
- UnsubscribeHandler @chiragbaid7
- LearnerIncompleteActivityHandler @SD-13
- ExplorationHandler @Sreelayavuyyuru
- JobsHandler @SD-13
- JobOutputHandler @SD-13
- StoryProgressHandler @mahendra1290
- MemoryCacheHandler @SD-13
- StoryPageDataHandler @mahendra1290
- StoryPage @mahendra1290
- StoryEditorPage @mahendra1290
- PromoBarHandler @ayushjaink8
- StoryPublishHandler @mahendra1290
- PretestHandler @kingjuno
- StorePlaythroughHandler @kingjuno
- StatsEventsHandler @kingjuno
- SuggestionHandler @chiragbaid7
Steps to contribute
- Get assigned to at least 3 handlers from the list.
- Search that handler class in the codebase.
- Write the schemas for that handler by following the wiki page.
- Remove the name of the handler class from HANDLER_CLASS_NAMES_WHICH_STILL_NEED_SCHEMAS in
- Create a PR.
In Progress