Threat Intelligence hunter-gatherer CLI tool. Features:
- Fetch intel from URL's using modular feed functions
- Extract domain, md5, sha1, sha256, IPv4, and YARA indicators
- Search through the current intel set by single IP or with an IOC file
- Generate JSON feeds for consumption by CarbonBlack
- Serves up a Simple HTTP JSON feed server for CarbonBlack
- argparse
- xlrd
- pdfminer
- colorama (for pretty colored output)
You can install all requirements with the included requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Invoked with --feeds)
- 'list' -- Lists all feeds and allows user to choose a single feed to update.
- 'update' -- Updates all feed modules listed in Forager
(Invoked with --hunt)
- '-f [file path]' Provides the capability to search through the intel directory results for a specific list of indicators
- '-s [IPv4 address]' Searches through intel directory for a single IP address
(Invoked with --extract)
- Reads in a file and extracts IP addresss, domains, MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes, and YARA rules
- Places the extracted indicators into the intel directory
- Currently supported filetypes:
- Prone to false positives when extracting indicators from PDF as whitepapers with indicators will normally also contain URL references
(Invoked with --cbgen)
- Generates JSON feeds of all of the IOCs in the intel dir
- Utilizes an interactive CLI prompt to allow the user to provide feed metadata the first time CBgen is run
(Invoked with --srv)
- Runs the built-in feed server so that the CarbonBlack server can automatically ingest the JSON feeds that were generated by the CBgen command