100% FOSS keyboard, based on AOSP.
- Read Contacts: Used to add your contact list to suggestions. Disabled by default.
- Cannot open settings in MIUI
See #46
You can use this tool to create a dictionary. You need a wordlist, as described here. The output .dict file must be put in res/raw.
Install java:
sudo pacman -S jdk8-openjdk jre8-openjdk jre8-openjdk-headless
Install Android SDK:
sudo pacman -S snapd
sudo snap install androidsdk
Configure your SDK location in your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.bashrc
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/snap/androidsdk/current/AndroidSDK/
Install the platform tools for your target android version:
androidsdk "platform-tools" "platforms;android-29"
Compile the project. This will install all dependencies, make sure to accept licenses when prompted.
./gradlew assembleDebug
Connect your phone and install the debug APK
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk