In this example, we will demonstrate training a mnist model in PyTorch and compile, run it using only C++.
An already trained mnist.onnx model is provided for your convenience.
If you want to train the model yourself, make sure that dependent python packages specified in requirements.txt
are installed.
Run the training script using the following command:
./ --epochs=1 --batch-size=128 --export-onnx --save-model
Which basically says, train the model for 1 epoch using a batch size of 128. Such configuration encourages a speedy training process.
The flag --export-onnx
will export the trained model to an ONNX protobuf object.
The flag --save-model
will save a snapshot of the trained model.
The model is a simple neural network defined as such:
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(14*14, 128)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2)
x = x.reshape(-1, 1*14*14)
x = self.fc1(x)
x = F.relu(x)
x = self.fc2(x)
output = F.softmax(x, dim=1)
return output
After training is complete, an onnx model named mnist.onnx
should appear.
If you are interested in knowing how to export a pytorch model, here's the relevant code snippet:
model = Net()
# ...
# Train...
# ...
input_names = ["image"]
output_names = ["prediction"]
dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 1, 28, 28)
Upon inspection, it should look like:
Now we are ready to compile the model! To make it easier to invoke commands and include header files, I updated my environment variables as such:
# ONNX_MLIR_ROOT points to the root of the onnx-mlir,
# under which the include and the build directory lies.
export ONNX_MLIR_ROOT=$(pwd)/../..
# Define the include directory where onnx-mlir runtime include files resides.
# Change only if you have a non-standard install.
# Define the bin directory where onnx-mlir binary resides. Change only if you
# have a non-standard install.
export ONNX_MLIR_BIN=$ONNX_MLIR_ROOT/build/Debug/bin
# Include ONNX-MLIR executable directories part of $PATH.
export PATH=$ONNX_MLIR_ROOT/build/Debug/bin:$PATH
Run these commands directly in the docs/docs/mnist_example and everything should work fine. You may also simply execute .
To compile the model into a shared library that can be used with C/C++ and Python drivers, we invoke onnx-mlir
with the -EmitLib
option (it can be omitted since it's the default):
onnx-mlir -O3 [-EmitLib] mnist.onnx
should appear, which corresponds to the compiled model object file.
To compile the model into a jar archive that can be used with Java drivers, we invoke onnx-mlir
with the -EmitJNI
onnx-mlir -O3 -EmitJNI mnist.onnx
A mnist.jar
should appear, which corresponds to the compiled model object file along with Java API classes.
onnx-mlir provides a multi-thread safe parallel compilation mode. Whether each thread is given a name or not by the user, onnx-mlir is multi-threaded safe. If you would like to give a name to a thread, use the -customEnvFlags
keyword and an example can be found as follows.
export MNIST_WITH_O3="-O3"
onnx-mlir -O3 -customEnvFlags=MNIST_WITH_O3 [--EmitLib] mnist.onnx -o mnist03
A multi-threaded experiment from command line written in Python is provided.
import datetime
import os
import threading
def execCmd(cmd):
print("command " + cmd + " starts at " + str(
print("command " + cmd + " is finished at " + str(
print("command " + cmd + " meets errors")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# define 2 different commands
cmds = ['onnx-mlir -O3 mnist.onnx -o mnist03','onnx-mlir -O1 mnist.onnx -o mnist01']
threads = []
print("program starts at " + str(
# run the commands
for cmd in cmds:
th = threading.Thread(target=execCmd, args=(cmd,))
# wait for all the commands finish
for th in threads:
print("program is finished at " + str(
You can execute python3
under the current directory to test.
Documentation of the APIs are found here, with the C interface for Tensor here and TensorList here.
To invoke the compiled model, we need to know the entry point signature with which to call into the model inference function, and based on it, engineer a C++ driver that feeds test data into this inference function and retrieve the prediction results.
The signature of the model inference function for all models is:
extern "C" OMTensorList *run_main_graph(OMTensorList *);
I.e., all models ingests an OMTensorList*
, and returns an OMTensorList*
. Documentation of the APIs are found here, with the C interface for Tensor here and TensorList here.
To invoke the inference function, we use the following code to communicate with the compiled model inference function.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "OnnxMlirRuntime.h"
// Declare the inference entry point.
extern "C" OMTensorList *run_main_graph(OMTensorList *);
static float img_data[] = {...};
int main() {
// Create an input tensor list of 1 tensor.
int inputNum = 1;
OMTensor **inputTensors = (OMTensor **)malloc(inputNum * sizeof(OMTensor *));
// The first input is of tensor<1x1x28x28xf32>.
int64_t rank = 4;
int64_t shape[] = {1, 1, 28, 28};
OMTensor *tensor = omTensorCreate(img_data, shape, rank, ONNX_TYPE_FLOAT);
// Create a tensor list.
inputTensors[0] = tensor;
OMTensorList *tensorListIn = omTensorListCreate(inputTensors, inputNum);
// Compute outputs.
OMTensorList *tensorListOut = run_main_graph(tensorListIn);
// Extract the output. The model defines one output of type tensor<1x10xf32>.
OMTensor *y = omTensorListGetOmtByIndex(tensorListOut, 0);
float *prediction = (float *)omTensorGetDataPtr(y);
// Analyze the output.
int digit = -1;
float prob = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("prediction[%d] = %f\n", i, prediction[i]);
if (prediction[i] > prob) {
digit = i;
prob = prediction[i];
printf("The digit is %d\n", digit);
return 0;
Now, putting everything together, we invoke g++ to compile and link together the driver code, C runtime API and the compiled model inference function:
g++ --std=c++11 -O3 mnist.cpp ./ -o mnist -I $ONNX_MLIR_INCLUDE
Now run it by calling ./mnist
! It outputs the following for the image in the test:
prediction[0] = 1.000000
prediction[1] = 0.000000
prediction[2] = 0.000000
prediction[3] = 0.000000
prediction[4] = 0.000000
prediction[5] = 0.000000
prediction[6] = 0.000000
prediction[7] = 0.000000
prediction[8] = 0.000000
prediction[9] = 0.000000
The digit is 0.
The full code is available here.
You will find most of the details of the Python driver interface described here. We summarize here quickly how to execute mnist in python.
First, we include the necessary Python runtime library. The library path can be set by using the PYTHONPATH or simply creating a soft link in the current directory to the Python shared library (typically: build/Debug/lib/PyRuntime.cpython-<target>.so
import numpy as np
from PyRuntime import ExecutionSession
The runtime use an ExecutionSession
object to hold a specific model and entry point. On this object, we can perform in inference using the run(input)
call where input
is a list of numpy arrays. The signature of the input and output model can be extracted using, respectively, the input_signature()
and output_signature()
formatted as JSON strings. The code is shown below.
# Load the model compiled with onnx-mlir.
model = ''
session = ExecutionSession(model)
# Print the models input/output signature, for display.
# If there are problems with the signature functions, they can be simply commented out.
print("input signature in json", session.input_signature())
print("output signature in json", session.output_signature())
# Create an input arbitrarily filled of 1.0 values (file has the actual values).
input = np.full((1, 1, 28, 28), 1, np.dtype(np.float32))
# Run the model. It is best to always use the [] around the inputs as the inputs
# are an vector of numpy arrays.
outputs =[input])
The outputs can then be analyzed by inspecting the values inside the output
list of numpy arrays.
The full code is available here. It finds that 0
is the most likely digit for the given input. The command is:
and produces an output similar to the following (you may see slightly different prediction numbers if you train the model yourself):
input signature in json [ { "type" : "f32" , "dims" : [1 , 1 , 28 , 28] , "name" : "image" }
output signature in json [ { "type" : "f32" , "dims" : [1 , 10] , "name" : "prediction" }
prediction 0 = 0.9999999
prediction 1 = 6.470239e-17
prediction 2 = 5.3113327e-09
prediction 3 = 2.3830837e-10
prediction 4 = 1.54674e-15
prediction 5 = 1.6361314e-07
prediction 6 = 2.7768482e-11
prediction 7 = 8.211209e-13
prediction 8 = 2.9605862e-09
prediction 9 = 8.650948e-15
The digit is 0
Inference APIs and data structures for Java closely mirror those for C/C++. Documentation of the APIs are found here, with the Java interface for Tensor here and TensorList here.
An example Java driver for the mnist model is given below.
public class Mnist {
static float[] img_data = {...};
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an input tensor list of 1 tensor.
// The first input is of tensor<1x1x28x28xf32>.
OMTensor tensor = new OMTensor(img_data, new long[]{1, 1, 28, 28});
OMTensor[] inputTensors = new OMTensor[]{ tensor };
// Create a tensor list
OMTensorList tensorListIn = new OMTensorList(inputTensors);
// Compute outputs.
OMTensorList tensorListOut = OMModel.mainGraph(tensorListIn);
// Extract the output. The model defines one output of type tensor<1x10xf32>.
OMTensor y = tensorListOut.getOmtByIndex(0);
float[] prediction = y.getFloatData();
// Analyze the output.
int digit = -1;
float prob = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < prediction.length; i++) {
System.out.println("prediction[" + i +"] = " + prediction[i]);
if (prediction[i] > prob) {
digit = i;
prob = prediction[i];
System.out.println("The digit is " + digit);
The full code is here.
To compile the driver:
javac -cp mnist.jar
To run the driver:
java -cp .:mnist.jar Mnist
It should produce an output similar to the following:
prediction[0] = 0.9999999
prediction[1] = 6.470239E-17
prediction[2] = 5.3113327E-9
prediction[3] = 2.3830837E-10
prediction[4] = 1.54674E-15
prediction[5] = 1.6361314E-7
prediction[6] = 2.7768482E-11
prediction[7] = 8.211209E-13
prediction[8] = 2.9605862E-9
prediction[9] = 8.650948E-15
The digit is 0