Using a Myo armband, and an Android phone, we brought a bow and arrow firing experience to casual users in 3-Dimensional space.
##Inspiration Our team (and most people our age) spent unordinate amounts of time playing the classic flash based game "Bowman". We decided to create a hardware hack to try and bring this experience to our users in a physical world, to bring some of that childhood enjoyment into a new dimension. s ##Hardware We decided to use the motion sensors in a Myo Armband, combined with the orientation and GPS sensors in an Android phone to let users mimic firing a real life bow and arrow. Users are able to select a target that they are firing at on Google Maps, and then see their arrow fly through the air. If the user's arrow lands within a certain area of their target, the target ring changes color to show a successful hit!
##Creators This application was developed collaboratively at HackGT by Creston Bunch (@crestonbunch), Omar Mujahid (@omarmjhd) and Adam Sasine (@asasine).