π¨βπ» All of my projects are available at https://www.oscargl.com/
π« How to reach me oscar.olara7@gmail.com
Front End Mentor Solutions: https://github.com/olara7/front-end-mentor
Contains: QR Code Component, Expenses Chart Component
Overview: This is a project built mainly to get experience using a CMS and building an e-commerce site.
Overview: This website is a pokedex. View pokemon from each generation with their details and sprites throughout the games. You can also search for a Pokemon. It is responsive and mobile friendly.
Overview: This is a web project where a user can share and view posts.
- User can login or signup.
- User can view, create, delete posts.
- User can view profiles.
Overview: This website helps you keep track of job applications. After you sign up and log in, you can create a job log of your application which includes job title, company, type, location, status and link to the website where the job application is located at. The job logs are displayed in a card grid view where they are color coded depending on the job status. Accepted job logs are green. Active job logs are blue. Inactive job logs are grey. Each job card also includes a dropdown menu button where you can delete or update the selected job log.
Overview: This is a a clone app recreating the home page from the disney plus website. I decided to replicate the disney home menu because I was interested in how they made the hover over animations for the companies Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic. I also wanted to know how to make sliders and implement them in the way that they did.
Overiew: This app is a subscription tracker with a neumorphic design that tracks the subsciptions of the user. I decided to make this app because I have subscriptions in several places and this would help me keep track of them.
Overview: This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments!
Overview: SwiftUI App that uses the Bob's Burgers API to get information about the characters. Characters information is displayed with a search function and a detail view.