Centro de Autonomía Digital
- Quito, Ecuador
- https://olabini.se/blog
A Clojure implementation of the Gremlin query language.
olabini / elein
Forked from remvee/eleinrunning leiningen commands from emacs
A simple CAS client for Clojure, for use as a middleware with Ring.
Our new wiki innovates three ways. It shares through federation, composes by refactoring and wraps data with visualization.
olabini / clj-blueprints
Forked from eduardoejp/clj-blueprintsWrapper for the TinkerPop Blueprints API for Graph DBMSs. It supports version 1.1 of the Blueprints API.
olabini / lein-test-out
Forked from arohner/lein-test-outA leiningen plugin for running tests with junit XML / TAP output
olabini / borneo
Forked from wagjo/borneoClojure wrapper for Neo4j, a graph database.
This wiki innovates by: 1. federated sharing, 2. drag refactoring and 3. data visualization.
olabini / HTTP-Live-Video-Stream-Segmenter-and-Distributor
Forked from carsonmcdonald/HTTP-Live-Video-Stream-Segmenter-and-DistributorSegments live video streams based on the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol and pushes the resulting files to various locations.
Wrapper for the TinkerPop Blueprints API for Graph DBMSs. It supports version 1.1 of the Blueprints API.
wagjo / borneo
Forked from tlpierce/clojure-neo4jClojure wrapper for Neo4j, a graph database.
DNode protocol implementation in Java
Seph is a language experiment for the slightly crazy lunatic
A leiningen plugin for running tests with junit XML / TAP output
ioke is a new language for the JVM, based on Io and other languages.
Mygma is an extension to MediaWiki to allow use of Pygments through the code tag.
tastapod / circumspec
Forked from stuarthalloway/circumspecI wonder what a BDD framework in Clojure would look like?
Help! Dan North has kidnapped me and is making me create a BDD framework in Clojure
A gem for JRuby containing JvYAMLb as an optional YAML library.
whymirror / hpricot
Forked from hpricot/hpricotA swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
ecarnevale / hpricot
Forked from hpricot/hpricotA swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
Yecht is a YAML processor based on Syck - it is 1.0 semi compatible.
Segments live video streams based on the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol and pushes the resulting files to various locations.