A collection of Lambda related implementations, libraries, resources an useful stuff.
- lambda-boilerplate - Common boilerplate for node.js lambda deployable through RiffRaff
- auditing-store-events-lambda - Kinesis stream
- auditing-curator - Scheduled events (CloudWatch)
- auditing-store-events-lambda - Store events into ElasticSearch
- auditing-curator - Use DynamoDB as data store
- switchboard-api-lambda - Handle API GateWay requests
- front-pressed-lambda - Use STS to access resources in another AWS account
- pan-domain-lambda - Custom authenticator using pan-domain auth in AWS API GateWay
- ses-send-email-lambda - Send emails from a lambda using AWS SES
- aws-signed-request - Send AWS Signed requests
- lambda-elasticsearch - Send signed requests to ElasticSearch
- thrift-serializer - Node.js utility to serialize Thrift messages with optional compression