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dav1312 edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 25 revisions

Depth vs. TC

Newer and older results showing the average depth for games at fishtest conditions

New Old

Elo cost of small Hash

We measure the influence of Hash on the playing strength, using games of SF15.1 at LTC (60+0.6s) and VLTC (240+2.4s) on the UHO book. Hash is varied between 1 and 64 MB and 256MB in powers of two, leading to as average hashfull between 100 and 950 per thousand. The data suggests that keeping hashfull below 30% is best to maintain strength.

Raw data for the above graph
Hash Hashfull Elo Elo-err
64 109 0.00 0.00
32 199 -3.80 13.00
16 336 0.70 12.80
8 513 -10.70 11.00
4 689 -21.50 13.30
2 825 -29.50 13.10
1 902 -47.80 8.80
Hash Hashfull Elo Elo-err
256 131 0.00 0.00
128 239 -1.00 7.50
64 397 -0.80 6.60
32 591 -12.10 6.10
16 766 -21.40 7.30
8 865 -32.30 4.20
4 931 -52.40 6.20
2 943 -67.40 5.70
1 947 -95.20 6.60

Elo cost of using MultiPV

MultiPV provides the N best moves, and their associated principal variation. This is a great tool to understand the options available in a given position. However, this information does not come for free, and the computational cost computing it reducing the quality of the bestmove found relative to a search that only needs to find a single line.

MultiPV Elo Elo-err
1 0.0 0.0
2 -97.2 2.1
3 -156.7 2.8
4 -199.3 2.9
5 -234.5 2.8

Engine: Stockfish 15.1
Time control: 60s+0.6s
Book: UHO

Elo gain using MultiPV at fixed depth

MultiPV Elo Elo-err Points Played
1 0.0 13496.5 30614
2 45.7 3.1 15388.0 30697
3 53.9 3.5 15732.5 30722
4 59.5 3.2 15862.5 30479
5 63.7 3.6 16078.5 30604

Time control: 580s+5.8s
Depth: 18

Elo gain using syzygy

TB6 testing for various versions of SF

Consistent measurement of Elo gain (syzygy 6men vs none) for various SF versions:

TB are in RAM (so fast access), TC is 10+0.1s (STC), book UHO_XXL_+0.90_+1.19.epd. No adjudication. The introduction of NNUE (with SF12) is clearly visible. With SF15, there is just 2.7 Elo gain.

Raw data for the above graph
SF Elo Elo-err
6 14.5 1.4
7 15.6 1.3
8 15.8 1.3
9 16.5 1.5
10 16.2 1.5
11 15.8 1.5
12 7.2 1.4
13 11.1 1.4
14 7.3 1.4
15 2.7 1.4

Testing depending on number of pieces and TC

Tested at 10+0.1, with all syzygy WDL files on tmpfs (i.e. RAM), testing using none(0), 4, 5, and 6 man TB in a round-robin tournament (SF10dev).

Rank Name Elo +/- Games Score Draws
1 syzygy6 13 2 82591 51.8% 59.5%
2 syzygy5 2 2 82590 50.3% 59.4%
3 syzygy4 -7 2 82591 49.0% 59.3%
4 syzygy0 -7 2 82592 48.9% 59.4%

Tested at 60+0.6, with all syzygy WDL files on tmpfs (i.e. RAM), testing using none(0) against 6 man TB:

Score of syzygy6 vs syzygy0: 4084 - 3298 - 18510 [0.515] 25892 Elo difference: 10.55 +/- 2.25

Threading efficiency and Elo gain.


Here we look at the threading efficiency of the lazySMP parallelization scheme. To focus on the algorithm we play games with a given budget of nodes rather than at a given TC. In principle, lazySMP has excellent scaling of the nps with cores, but practical measurement is influenced by e.g. frequency adjustments, SMT/hyperthreading, and sometimes hardware limitation.

Equivalent nodestime

In these tests, matches are played at a fixed nodes budget (using the nodestime feature of SF), and equivalence in strength between the serial player and the threaded player (for x threads in the graph below) is found by adjusting the number of nodes given to the threaded player (e.g. with 16 threads, the threaded player might need 200% of the nodes of the serial player to match the strength of the serial player). This 'equivalent nodestime' is determined for various number of threads and various nodes budgets (60+0.6Mnodes/game is somewhat similar to our usual LTC at 60+0.6s/game, if we assume 1Mnps).

The interesting observation one can make immediately is that this 'equivalent nodestime' grows with the number of threads, but not too steeply, and further more that the 'equivalent nodestime' decreases with increasing nodes budget. The data shows that with 64 threads, the equivalent nodestime is about 200% for a node budget of 240+2.4Mn, i.e. despite such games being much faster than STC (10+0.1s), efficiency is still around 50%.

The curves are sufficiently smooth to be fitted with a model having 1 parameter that is different between the curves (f(x), parameter a, see caption). A smaller value of a means a higher efficiency.

A fit for the a parameter, and extrapolation to long TCs.

The above parameter a from the model, can be fit as a function of nodes budget, this allows for extrapolating the parameter, and to arrive at and estimate for the 'equivalent nodestime' at large TC / nodes budgets:

The fit is again fairly good. Taking a leap of faith, these measurements at up to 240+2.4Mn can be extrapolated to node budgets typical of TCEC or CCC (up to 500Gn). This allows us to predict speedup and/or efficiency.

Speedup Efficiency

These extrapolations suggest that even at thread counts of >300, at TCEC TCs efficiency could be 80% or higher, provided the nps scales with the number of threads.

Elo results (older)


Playing 8 threads vs 1 thread at LTC (60+0.6, 8moves_v3.pgn):

Score of t8 vs seq: 476 - 3 - 521  [0.737] 1000
Elo difference: 178.6 +/- 14.0, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 52.1 %

Playing 1 thread at 8xLTC (480+4.8) vs (60+0.6) (8moves_v3.pgn):

Score of seq8 vs seq: 561 - 5 - 434  [0.778] 1000
Elo difference: 217.9 +/- 15.8, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 43.4 %

Which is roughly 82% efficiency (178/218).


Playing 8 threads vs 1 thread at STC (10+0.1):

Score of threads vs serial: 1606 - 15 - 540  [0.868] 2161
Elo difference: 327.36 +/- 14.59

Playing 8 threads @ 10+0.1 vs 1 thread @ 80+0.8:

Score of threads vs time: 348 - 995 - 2104  [0.406] 3447
Elo difference: -66.00 +/- 7.15

So, 1 -> 8 threads has about 83% scaling efficiency (327 / (327 + 66)) using this test.

Elo from speedups

For small speedups (<~5%) the linear estimate can be used that gives Elo gain as a function of speedup percentage (x) as:

Elo_stc(x) = 2.10 x
Elo_ltc(x) = 1.43 x

To have 50% passing chance at STC<-0.5,1.5>, we need a 0.24% speedup, while at LTC<0.25,1.75> we need 0.70% speedup. A 1% speedup has nearly 85% passing chance at LTC.

Raw data:

tc 10+0.1:
16   32.42  3.06
 8   13.67  3.05
 4    8.99  3.04
 2    3.52  3.05

tc 60+0.6:
16   20.85  2.59
 8   12.20  2.57
 4    4.67  2.57

Note: Numbers will depend on the precise hardware. The model was verified quite accurately on fishtest see

Distribution of lengths of games at LTC (60+0.6) on fishtest

In a collection of a few million games, the longest was 902 plies.

Win-Draw-Loss statistics of LTC games on fishtest

The following graph gives information on the Win-Draw-Loss (WDL) statistics, relating them to score and material count. It answers the question 'What fraction of positions that have a given score (and material count) in fishtest LTC, have a Win or a Draw or a Loss ?'.

This model is used when Stockfish provides WDL statistics during analysis with the UCI_ShowWDL option set to True, as well as for the normalization of Stockfish's evaluation that ensures that a score of "100 centipawns" means the engine has a 50% probability to win from this position in selfplay at fishtest LTC time control. For details see the WDL model repo.

Equivalent time odds and normalized game pair Elo

A suitable measure to define the Elo difference between two engines is normalized game pair Elo as defined from the pentanomial statistics by:

def normalized_game_pair_elo(row):
    return -100 * np.log10((2 * row['pntl0'] + row['pntl1']) / (2 * row['pntl4'] + row['pntl3']))

It is nearly book independent, and thus a good measure of relative strength of two engines at a given TC. To express more clearly what a given strength difference implies. We use 'equivalent time odds', i.e. the TC factor needed to have equivalent strength, i.e. zero Elo difference in a match between two engines (which is independent of the definition of Elo used).

We see that at STC the equivalent time odds is about 6x for SF14 vs SF17, while at LTC this time odds factor has become 16x.

Raw data for the above graph
=======================================  UHO_Lichess_4852_v1 =======================================
   engine1        tc1    engine2        tc2        elo  pntl0  pntl1  pntl2  pntl3  pntl4    ngp_Elo
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   10.0+0.1     165.29     10    432   6509  25598   3291     185.24
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   40.0+0.4      41.74    251   5110  16632  13516    331      40.25
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   60.0+0.6       7.47    395   7724  17826   9736    159       7.22
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   80.0+0.8     -17.52    569  10075  17691   7408     97     -16.88
=======================================          noob_3moves =======================================
   engine1        tc1    engine2        tc2        elo  pntl0  pntl1  pntl2  pntl3  pntl4    ngp_Elo
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   10.0+0.1     108.47      6    610  16073  16012   3139     155.43
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   40.0+0.4      10.85    100   3004  27471   5089    176      23.00
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   60.0+0.6      -4.87    165   4048  28312   3257     58     -11.33
      sf17     10+0.1       sf14   80.0+0.8     -15.02    219   4892  28520   2184     25     -37.76
=======================================  UHO_Lichess_4852_v1 =======================================
   engine1        tc1    engine2        tc2        elo  pntl0  pntl1  pntl2  pntl3  pntl4    ngp_Elo
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14   60.0+0.6     163.96      1    194   5269  29060   1316     220.87
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  240.0+2.4      88.09     25   2021  14134  19482    178      98.13
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  360.0+3.6      63.06     41   3212  16546  15938    103      69.03
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  480.0+4.8      46.39     72   4243  17703  13760     62      50.03
=======================================          noob_3moves =======================================
   engine1        tc1    engine2        tc2        elo  pntl0  pntl1  pntl2  pntl3  pntl4    ngp_Elo
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14   60.0+0.6      71.55      0    131  22234  12279   1196     204.92
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  240.0+2.4      19.23      0    436  31090   4231     83     100.37
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  360.0+3.6      11.51      3    616  32255   2938     28      68.25
      sf17     60+0.6       sf14  480.0+4.8       7.08      6    716  32949   2149     20      47.81

Elo gain with time odds

See also:

New Old

One year of NNUE speed improvements

Presents nodes per second (nps) measurements for all SF version between the first NNUE commit (SF_NNUE, Aug 2th 2020) and end of July 2021 on a AMD Ryzen 9 3950X compiled with make -j ARCH=x86-64-avx2 profile-build. The last nps reported for a depth 22 search from startpos using NNUE (best over about 20 measurements) is shown in the graph. For reference, the last classical evaluation (SF_classical, July 30 2020) has 2.30 Mnps.

The impact of efficient (incremental) updates (NNUE)

As measured with SF17dev (dev-20230824-4c4cb185), disabling the update_accumulator_incremental() functionality.


Result of  10 runs
base (./stockfish.master       ) =    1287575  +/- 8703
test (./stockfish.patch        ) =     696064  +/- 3451
diff                             =    -591511  +/- 7318

speedup        = -0.4594
P(speedup > 0) =  0.0000

CPU: 16 x AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor

Which corresponds to -67.55 ± 9.5 Elo on fishtest with the UHO book at LTC.

Round-robin tournament with SF releases, impact of book and time odds

Measured playing games of 5+0.05s, with SF 7 - 15, using the three different books. Each version plays once with the base TC, and once with 20% time odds.

Raw data for the above graph


SF Elo 20%-odds Elo-err Odds-err
SF7 0.0 38.1 0.0 4.1
SF8 95.8 40.3 4.2 5.9
SF9 142.3 38.8 3.9 5.5
SF10 199.5 38.2 4.0 5.7
SF11 231.2 40.5 4.3 5.7
SF12 405.6 37.5 4.0 5.9
SF13 476.5 28.4 4.2 6.0
SF14 553.4 27.8 4.5 6.3
SF15 627.6 24.5 4.6 6.7


SF Elo 20%-odds Elo-err Odds-err
SF7 0.0 37.8 0.0 3.8
SF8 97.2 39.8 4.3 5.9
SF9 146.8 40.5 3.9 5.9
SF10 211.1 39.3 4.3 6.2
SF11 241.8 43.0 4.4 6.0
SF12 458.4 32.1 4.3 6.2
SF13 536.2 31.9 4.2 6.3
SF14 611.3 29.1 4.5 6.5
SF15 660.9 24.8 4.3 6.2


SF Elo 20%-odds Elo-err Odds-err
SF7 0.0 33.0 0.0 4.2
SF8 86.7 32.2 4.2 5.8
SF9 126.7 37.3 4.0 5.6
SF10 182.3 33.7 4.3 5.6
SF11 206.5 42.6 4.0 5.4
SF12 380.7 31.6 4.1 5.6
SF13 445.8 25.0 4.0 5.7
SF14 512.4 23.8 4.1 5.9
SF15 554.5 26.4 4.1 5.9

Branching factor of Stockfish

The branching factor ($B_f$) of Stockfish is defined such that $\text{nodes} = B_f^{\text{rootDepth}}$ or equivalently $B_f = \exp\left(\frac{\log(\text{nodes})}{\text{rootDepth}}\right)$. Here, this has been measured with a single search from the starting position.

The trend is the deeper one searches the lower the branching factor, and newer versions of SF have a lower branching factor. A small difference in branching factor leads to very large differences in number of nodes searched. For example, Stockfish 10 needs about 338x more nodes than Stockfish 17 to reach depth 49.


Raw data for the above graph
Depth SF_9 SF_10 SF_11 SF_Classical SF_12 SF_13 SF_14 SF_14.1 SF_15 SF_15.1 SF_16 SF_16.1 SF_17
1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
2 47 54 54 56 42 42 48 51 45 66 40 44 48
3 152 136 147 150 153 84 181 154 191 120 70 69 76
4 495 247 574 479 303 241 630 807 264 144 101 92 97
5 1036 1157 782 989 532 572 741 1061 1449 174 131 123 124
6 2148 2250 2734 1161 1004 741 2448 1761 3954 1303 489 1815 197
7 3836 4481 5780 2808 1680 1169 3488 5459 6269 3126 1560 2096 309
8 6480 7849 9568 10224 4717 1849 5172 6998 11049 5791 2105 2565 1984
9 12958 11846 14134 15801 7299 3894 10602 12053 15347 8541 4500 5901 3415
10 27933 27338 18613 25231 15571 10144 23676 28785 23259 20978 7548 7103 3634
11 89387 61978 37332 36205 32300 29662 44751 34551 40064 29040 13058 22753 8402
12 161734 80917 99541 98957 79712 57232 60151 103152 57767 41207 35836 27955 11157
13 257254 160903 161123 159227 97905 89986 99443 166195 97551 60308 59384 31553 14979
14 292516 263420 235857 188774 135890 114602 140890 226798 152736 97789 73942 47991 47967
15 619466 474032 525778 372631 239380 263818 206290 296769 214622 142447 173344 90454 82930
16 1019034 680143 654750 405644 420597 319442 327876 460525 484091 199887 302305 130482 117953
17 1273498 1065531 1154718 497031 502334 539694 700175 620141 570807 268004 358119 279903 130041
18 2090089 1736290 1333553 602794 888362 605175 1254757 674532 873460 298071 406239 378645 278301
19 3889524 2883012 2466048 1697325 1163966 849949 1461089 1086024 1119774 332202 517102 492584 479846
20 6651739 4186926 3442296 2223954 2233676 1504284 2142551 1731345 1494341 557706 768773 898610 631058
21 8289557 4805680 5139240 2921191 2445813 3168396 2296200 2217575 2170638 753633 872083 1176108 698143
22 10859418 6827891 6158594 4887298 3007878 3898518 3992124 2939401 2709915 1197489 1356583 1504022 942656
23 15123810 11731363 9742620 5254745 4135648 5354837 5163931 7071762 3144247 1586189 2240135 2486833 1239406
24 20808306 17783159 12170495 5804128 5840781 6300391 8203572 9001254 5196382 2305729 3180221 2849481 2442109
25 29432182 25759382 16577641 9887365 8616999 9226135 9663515 9575262 7230340 3251912 3441646 3582655 2851004
26 38405658 37355659 29415435 15416329 12367860 13291389 13132115 12540800 10155997 3545947 5785705 5160652 3777377
27 61348538 65193345 35334801 16892508 14200465 17614230 17260982 14253616 11757619 3840811 7477520 6713587 4182386
28 91156568 84966056 52360545 22446945 20151711 22949203 23305850 17086667 14952204 4248920 7825201 7315094 4579410
29 152014843 113526990 56749397 31024928 24336215 27545670 32590861 24537585 16522922 6665787 9338607 8935544 5542564
30 208471933 134803005 80264413 40636168 41377827 52979471 37897422 29100645 17532106 9416686 11373475 12808942 6276969
31 240772842 196015388 120969918 43679803 49872575 70001618 43511005 39989064 21326309 12481255 14291027 16399268 7084546
32 305614124 243327159 176419860 60779582 77092786 83237024 66185509 58476165 35327951 13176152 14508031 19160671 9105481
33 460341298 525261279 262818230 104196553 99594493 121678252 70265337 74720366 42781773 29047503 21536616 28320792 12975039
34 627444498 626723336 349662654 147117787 134411590 131502991 117669613 89119274 51973369 33777300 24887993 31733455 17887048
35 877803214 1117294961 437775571 244005733 167315794 172011884 149278426 110476836 55002290 39953796 32167747 36703106 21077663
36 990773530 1824606196 547475749 296743922 216932118 226846508 281527921 161111544 66188561 52697231 36605915 45026834 30184087
37 1741868476 1948381278 625189048 309340804 255329101 286768418 327695873 324326807 89076357 63613297 39166657 48749981 36650844
38 2363551706 3608706372 1432246160 358255505 378948934 428910293 415235309 419954003 104499345 81300722 43595727 57954972 39310411
39 3148966217 5554166307 1959631791 418553825 654266100 578750849 624817445 485331551 146707304 109373862 62509514 80617677 40464757
40 3652327064 10014646570 2986844761 647206461 794186607 736676898 984219044 627202823 181038342 120243575 89602927 105004273 41399955
41 5224502250 11274140350 4543685536 802616934 1476486355 945454647 1610720260 702641311 327908422 127205662 98940749 145615463 49181743
42 6127078317 13841000586 5932293513 836227440 1533085761 1746304445 1953800834 1052213918 588646348 138853511 117973493 180607180 67316394
43 16232620003 17967835068 7783862835 896362311 1962927879 2372473217 2416294925 1204729923 704287921 187144599 143353641 190606039 70823411
44 17718877503 25273820455 9652527844 1952302791 2099616405 3372924274 3072158370 1970670881 872977208 233082949 156729107 227657402 101871246
45 25741622196 30584201846 14557217345 2862286068 2534362233 4495023334 4453379221 2145570435 1125148935 286366031 203808982 286695307 139675067
46 40499236349 40789584966 15067833369 3334440078 5072562082 4943259313 8612561011 3902062051 1928316855 357211612 241777135 443906150 146118621
47 62111873752 46215215573 19558181065 9230842551 5760986205 10088353213 8788037210 7455854537 2230430028 479309517 286733914 524498432 151232944
48 86847634536 63800375952 23005194627 10641223658 7116913776 13627712965 12633107125 8190890802 3212535920 658225438 367143915 641079230 158042099
49 111558931172 120597835455 73124504606 23520860602 21079212074 15273984174 22132085123 9179551077 3418110578 839590469 543884199 887068496 356737000
50 121532848050 28477080465 33936548877 44066435831 11975030336 5444154366 1093863142 701965402 1119335316 422735554

Contempt measurements

Older SF (around SF10) had contempt that worked rather well. This data shows the dependence of Elo difference between SFdev of October 2018 and older versions of Stockfish depending on contempt value (The SFdev used is approx. 40Elo above SF9). Upper and lower bounds represent value with maximum error.

Opponent STC LTC

Full data with values

Elo change with respect to TC

Here is the result of some scaling tests with the 2moves book. 40000 games each (STC=10+0.1, LTC=60+0.6)

SF7 -> SF8 SF8 -> SF9 SF9 -> SF10
Elo STC 95.91 +-2.3 58.28 +-2.3 71.03 +-2.4
Elo LTC 100.40 +-2.1 68.55 +-2.1 65.55 +-2.2

So we see that the common wisdom that increased TC causes elo compression is not always true.


TC dependence of certain terms in search

Discussed here

Elo contributions from various evaluation terms

See spreadsheet at:

Note: The estimated elo worth for various features might be outdated, or might get outdated soon.