require_once 'autoload.php';
use PowerTranz\PowerTranz;
try {
$gateway = new PowerTranz;
->setTestMode(true) // false to use productions links , true to use test links
// **Required and must be https://
// *** Autogen an order number UUID V4
// Set Order Number Prefix - Default PWT
// ->setOderNumberPrefix('some-string-of-chars')
// Set Order Number
// ->setOrderNumber('some-string-of-chars')
$cardData = [
'number' => '4111111111111111', //Optional
'expiryMonth' => '01', //Optional
'expiryYear' => '2025', ///Optional
'cvv' => '123', //Optional
'firstName' => 'Jonh', //Mandatory
'lastName' => 'Doe', //Mandatory
'email' => "", //Optional
'Address1' => 'main Avenue', //Optional
'Address2' => 'Main Avenue', //Optional
'City' => 'Marabella', //Mandatory
'State' => '', //Mandatory
'Postcode' => '', //Optional
'Country' => '780', //Mandatory 780
'Phone' => '', //Optional
$transactionData = [
'card' => $cardData,
'currency' => '780', //Mandatory 780
'amount' => '1.00', //Mandatory
"AddressMatch" => "false", //Optional
'validCardType' => [ //Optional
$response = $gateway->authorize($transactionData);
// $response = $gateway->getHostedPage($transactionData, $pageSet, $pageName);
// Redirect to continue 3DS verification
print( $response->redirect() );
// 3DS transaction failed setup, show error reason.
echo $response->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e){
accept-notification.php Accept transaction response from PowerTranz.
require_once 'autoload.php';
use PowerTranz\PowerTranz;
try {
$gateway = new PowerTranz;
->setTestMode(true) // false to use productions links , true to use test links
// Password is required to perform response signature verification
// Signature verification is performed implicitly once the gateway was initialized with the password.
$response = $gateway->acceptNotification($_POST);
// authorize was succussful, continue purchase the payment
$paymentResponse = $gateway->purchase($response->getSpiToken());
//return a JSON with response //Aproved = true means payment successfull
if ($paymentResponse->isSuccessful()) {
$captureResponse = $gateway->capture($paymentResponse->getDataArray());
// debug
// debug
// Transaction failed
echo $response->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// an error occurred, catch it an show something to the customer