Welcome to my Capstone Project: Topic Modeling with Personal Finance
Here I have attached all the relevant components for the project:
- Project Proposal notebook- The proposal for the capstone project.
- Data Wrangling notebook - Collecting, cleaning and transforming the data.
- Exploratory Data Analysis notebook - Using data visualization to investigate trends and tell a story.
- Machine Learning notebook - Creating the machine learning models to predict the response variables.
- Milestone Report notebook - An update report half-way into the capstone project process.
- Final Presentation folder - A folder containing the final abstract report and the Powerpoint presentation slides.
- Images folder - A folder containing the images (data visualization, pandas dataframes) used for the final presentation.
- Data folder - A folder containing the data used for the project.
- Scripts folder - A folder containing the .py scripts used for the project. Enjoy browsing through my work and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
I will be updating this project on and off to add improvements to the ML models, presentation, data visualization, etc.
I can be reached via email: joshua.kim017@gmail.com
Thank you!