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Cannot override the default minimizerOptions.plugins, I can only add new plugins #30



I was trying to override the default plugins in my project like so from nuxt.config.js;

imagemin: {
  mimizerOptions: {
    plugins: [
      [ 'gifsicle', { interlaced: false} ],
      [ 'jpegtran', { progressive: false} ],
      [ 'optipng', { optimizationLevel: 9 } ],

However, I was having issues with these changes not applying and it appears to be the case that custom imagemin plugins are getting pushed to the defaults, instead of overriding them. I was able to verify this by adding the following debug code in dist/module.js line 103 (right after defining the options)

const util = require('util')
console.log(util.inspect(options, false, null, true /* enable colors */))

Given the config from my project, this debug code outputs the following;

  minimizerOptions: {
    plugins: [
      [ 'gifsicle', { interlaced: true } ],
      [ 'jpegtran', { progressive: true } ],
      [ 'optipng', { optimizationLevel: 5 } ],
        { plugins: [ { removeViewBox: false } ] }
      [ 'gifsicle', { interlaced: false} ],
      [ 'jpegtran', { progressive: false} ],
      [ 'optipng', { optimizationLevel: 9 } ],

I would expect that I would be able to override or remove the default plugins and their options, but as it stands, it only appears I can add new ones? Or if I'm missing something here please let me know where I went wrong :)


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