This project is mainly use javax.mail and javax.activation packages to configure mail plugin and send email to target email address.
Also, this project uses android.os and java.util.concurrent to utilize efficient background work processing.
You need to add following code in your app level build.gradle file:
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.nurujjamanpollob.androidmailer:androidmailer:2.2.1'
You also need to use packagingOptions option, in your app module, in order to fix duplicated NOTICE.TXT COPYRIGHT.TXT files inside this library module, which is stops you from compiling this app.
To do so, add this code:
android {
packagingOptions {
resources.excludes += 'META-INF/LICENSE*'
resources.excludes += 'META-INF/NOTICE*'
This library needs internet permission to send data from phone to remote email server. So in your app module AndroidManifest.xml file, add this following code:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
So, as far, your project configuration is done. Let's dive into implementation part!
It's very easy to use this library to send email, and listen on email sending event, you can configure this library in your own way, and this library is designed to help save your time.
First, you need to import following packages and classes:
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.entity.Attachment;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.MailSendWrapper;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.Provider;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.Providers;
Then, send email like this, in this example, we gonna send email with or without attachment file. This logic flow is depending on if the Attachment instance is null or not null.
private final String MAIL_SENDER_SEND_FROM_ADDRESS = "";
private final String MAIL_HOST = "";
private final String MAIL_PASSWORD = "mailbosspasswordhere";
private final String smtpPortAddress = "465";
private final String socketFactoryPortAddress = "465";
private String receiverMailAdd = "";
private String subject = "Mail subject goes here";
private String message = "Mail message body goes here, supports HTML markup";
// to create Attachment instance from android intent Uri, keep following
private Attachment attachment = new Attachment(byte[] fileByte, String fileNameIncludingExtension, String fileMimeType);
// Create service provider configuration
Provider serviceProviderConfig = new Provider(
MAIL_HOST, // SMTP Host name
smtpPortAddress, // SMTP Host port number
socketFactoryPortAddress, // java mail socket factory address, should be same as smtp port
Providers.getSecureSocketFactoryName(), // Java secure socket factory name
isUseAuth, // use auth or no flag
isUseTls // Use TLS to securely transfer mail flag
Basic mail credentials is provided, if you need to provide additional mail properties,
use: serviceProviderConfig.putConfiguration(String propertyKey, String propertyValue);
This can also be used to Override current mail service configuration
// send email to server using wrapper
MailSendWrapper mailSendWrapper = new MailSendWrapper(
receiverMailAdd, // Receiver mail address
MAIL_PASSWORD, // Mail box password for authorization purposes
subject, // Mail subject
message, // Mail body, supports HTML markup
serviceProviderConfig // Service provider configuration
// Listen to event
mailSendWrapper.setMailSendEventListener(new MailSendWrapper.MessageSendListener() {
// Invokes when the background thread started running
public void whileSendingEmail() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Sending Mail...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Invokes when the mail sender plugin finishes sending email
public void onEmailSent(String toRecipientAddress) {
// reset attachment
attachment = null;
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Mail sent to " + toRecipientAddress, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Invokes when mail sending failes
public void onEmailSendFailed(String errorMessage) {
// reset attachment
attachment = null;
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Mail send Exception " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// Send email to client
// When attachment is not null
// Call mailSendWrapper.setSendFileWithAttachment(attachment); to send the attached attachment
if(attachment != null && attachment.isAttachmentNotNull()){
// When attachment is null
else {
So simple to work!
Anyway, to send Attachment or Attachment array, you need a instance of Attachment.Java,
Which needs a byte[], File Name with extension , File Mime Type as a constructor parameter, So the libarary plugin can process your attachment.
Now, in this example, I gonna show you how to use Android File Picker to pick a file, and use to process the Android File Intent Uri to get a Attachment instance.
This class: requires Uri from intent and Your Activity instance to get all necessary parameters.
The detailed documentation will be come soon if I get enough response.
Okay, let's dive in.
Navigate to your activity file and add following import:
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.utility.AndroidUriToAttachmentUtility;
Then add this field:
private final int pickFileRequestCode = 11223344;
private Attachment attachment;
Then, add this method, firing this method will launch a file picker dialog to choose file from system.
* Method to pick file from system
private void pickFileFromSystem(){
Intent fileChooserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
fileChooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(fileChooserIntent, "Choose Attachment");
// Start Chooser
startActivityForResult(fileChooserIntent, pickFileRequestCode);
Now Override
onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
So the implementation will be like this:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == pickFileRequestCode){
if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){
// get content URI
Uri contentUri = data != null ? data.getData() : null;
// Get attachment from URI
attachment = new AndroidUriToAttachmentUtility(contentUri, MainActivity.this).getAttachmentInstance();
}else {
attachment = null;
Simple to implement!
Lets enjoy fully working email sending functionality from your app without worry about performance, crashes, compatibity.
For your help, I have a sample app module, that has contains full implementation of how to use this library. You can check that module to learn in more depth.
For quick reference, click here to see the sample activity file that implemented this following code:
To make your code more readable and organized, and to better security support, I have added support to decode the all String parameter of MailSendWrapper class with a developer provided decoding logic flow.
To achieve this, You need to Create a new class which extends SecurityPlugin class, as example here : and Override getDecodedPassword() method to implement decoding logic flow.
Code here:
import android.util.Base64;
* Class to demonstrate The String decoding strategy,
* that is up to developer,
* and developer is responsible for implement the decoding logic flow.
* Highly customizable security plugin support for AndroidMailer library.
* In this example, I gonna use android.util.Base64 to decode encoded String.
* You can use any logic flow, and a guaranteed execution is confirmed.
* Override getDecodedPassword() to implement decoding logic flow.
public class DemoDecoder extends SecurityPlugin {
private final String encodedPassword;
* Constructor Parameter to accept encoded String
* @param encodedPass the encoded String.
public DemoDecoder(String encodedPass) {
// super call is requires for SecurityPlugin class
// get encoded string from parameter and store in field for implement decoding logic flow.
this.encodedPassword = encodedPass;
* TODO: Developer Implementation part
* Override this method to customize the default implementation of super.getDecodedPassword()
* By default, it usages java.util.Base64 package to decode encoded String.
* If current device SDK is lower than Android Oreo, using super implementation can cause ClassNotFoundException.
* @return String decoded from android.util.Base64.decode(encodedString, flag).
public String getDecodedPassword() {
// Use default flag to decode from android.util.Base64
byte[] stringBytes = Base64.decode(encodedPassword, Base64.DEFAULT);
// return decoded String
return new String(stringBytes);
After that, you need to Create a new Class that extends MailSendWrapper class and in constructor parameter matching super, You need to annotate parameters where you need decoding support, with @DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class), here decoder = DemoDecoder.class is a custom decoder class.
The example here:
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.androidmailer.decoderunit.DemoDecoder;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.MailSendWrapper;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.Provider;
* A simple class to demonstrate how the @DecodeWith(decoder = Decoder.class) is works with MailSendWrapper class
* and decode the target parameter value with Decoder class before send email to client to ensure better security.
* All super parameter with String has support for @DecodeWith annotation
public class MailWrapperSecure extends MailSendWrapper {
* Constructor Parameter to Configure MailSendWrapper with basic parameters.
* Supports decoding support of all String parameters that annotated with @DecodeWith
* @param fromAddress set the email from address field,
* for example if you are sending email by,
* you should pass this value as argument.
* @param toAddress set the target address, the recipient address.
* @param password the SMTP host or POP3 host account password
* @param mailSubject set the email subject.
* @param mailMessage sets the email body message.
* @param serviceProviderConfiguration argument for Provider class, that contains SMTP or POP3 server configuration to send the email.
* For more information,
* @see Provider class for more information
public MailWrapperSecure(
@NonNull String fromAddress,
@NonNull String toAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) // decoding password from implementation of DemoDecoder class
@NonNull String password,
@NonNull String mailSubject,
@NonNull String mailMessage,
@NonNull Provider serviceProviderConfiguration
) throws Exception {
super(fromAddress, toAddress, password, mailSubject, mailMessage, serviceProviderConfiguration);
In this example, I have used only decoder in password field only, anyway, you are free to use @DecodeWith in class, and it's all String parameter has been supported.
Note: @DecodeWith only works with MailSendWrapper class and it's all String parameter. other scope will be covered in 2.1 release.
Released 2.1 version so the Provider scope is covered.
Please see 2.1 documentaion for detailed reference.
For now, I never added any encryption/decryption library. Please use your preferred library to get support.
Class MailSendWrapper |
public MailSendWrapper(@NonNull String fromAddress, @NonNull String toAddress, @NonNull String password, @NonNull String mailSubject, @NonNull String mailMessage, @NonNull Provider serviceProviderConfiguration) throws Exception |
String fromAddress | ☑️ |
String toAddress | ☑️ |
String password | ☑️ |
mailSubject | ☑️ |
mailMessage | ☑ |
serviceProviderConfiguration | ☑(See 2.1 version reference) |
The implementation is straight-forward, you need to create a new class, that extends Provider class, and create constructors matching super, and the parameter you need to decode during class initialization, then mark those with @DecodeWith.
Note: Only constructor index from 0 and 1 checked and for first constructor, the parameter index from 0 to 4, see ref Provider.Java at Line 95
and for second constructor, only parameter index from 0 to 5 is checked, see Provider.Java at Line 128
So, If you want to add additional parameter, you should add them at the end of these parameter range, and they will be not checked and processed by this library.
Why this limitation? Because, This project is not using Dependency Injection, and it will be added in the future releases.
For workaround, you can play with API from this library:
Check for guides and documentations to cover for additional scope, if you need any!
A example is a great a way how this thing will work. So, lets do it.
First step involving design the decoder class, In this case, I have used this following example:
The class source link here:
import android.util.Base64;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Class to demonstrate The String decoding strategy,
* that is up to developer,
* and developer is responsible for implement the decoding logic flow.
* Highly customizable security plugin support for AndroidMailer library.
* In this example, I gonna use android.util.Base64 to decode encoded String.
* You can use any logic flow, and a guaranteed execution is confirmed.
* Override {@link SecurityPlugin#getDecodedString()} to implement decoding logic flow.
public class DemoDecoder extends SecurityPlugin {
private final String encodedPassword;
* Parameter to accept encoded String
* @param encodedPass the encoded String.
public DemoDecoder(String encodedPass) throws SecurityDriverException {
// super call is requires for SecurityPlugin class
// get encoded string from parameter and store in field for implement decoding logic flow.
this.encodedPassword = encodedPass;
* TODO: Developer Implementation part
* Override this method to customize the default implementation of {@link SecurityPlugin#getDecodedString()}
* By default, it usages java.util.Base64 package to decode encoded String.
* If current device SDK is lower than Android Oreo, using super implementation can cause {@link ClassNotFoundException}.
* @return String decoded from {@link android.util.Base64#decode(String, int)}.
public String getDecodedString() {
// Use default flag to decode from android.util.Base64
byte[] stringBytes = Base64.decode(encodedPassword, Base64.DEFAULT);
// return decoded String
return new String(stringBytes);
So, next step is to create a new class, and inherit Provider. class, and mark parameters from constructor matching super, that needs to be decoded with @DecodeWith annotation and set newly created decoder class for decoding logic flow.
Okay, the class source is here:
The file can be found here:
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.androidmailer.decoderunit.DemoDecoder;
import dev.nurujjamanpollob.javamailer.sender.Provider;
* This class Inherits {@link Provider} class and overrides constructors to add decoder support,
* though a custom decoder class, named {@link DemoDecoder}.
* if you want to exclude a parameter from decoder, you should not mark this parameter with @DecodeWith annotation.
* This example usages {@link DemoDecoder} as example, and the decoder class is responsible for decoding the encoded String,
* you can also create your own decoder class, and can use different decoder for per parameter.
* For more information, please refer to {@link Provider} {@link} class documentation.
public class ProviderSecure extends Provider {
public ProviderSecure(
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String mailSMTPHostAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String mailSMTPPortAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String socketFactoryPortAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String javaSocketFactoryClassName,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) Boolean isUseAuth) throws Exception{
super(mailSMTPHostAddress, mailSMTPPortAddress, socketFactoryPortAddress, javaSocketFactoryClassName, isUseAuth);
public ProviderSecure(
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String mailSMTPHostAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String mailSMTPPortAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String socketFactoryPortAddress,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) String javaSocketFactoryClassName,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) Boolean isUseAuth,
@DecodeWith(decoder = DemoDecoder.class) Boolean isUseTLS) throws Exception{
super(mailSMTPHostAddress, mailSMTPPortAddress, socketFactoryPortAddress, javaSocketFactoryClassName, isUseAuth, isUseTLS);
Then, set this custom provider configuration like this:
// Create service provider configuration
ProviderSecure serviceProviderConfig = new ProviderSecure(
// Print service provider configuration
Basic mail credentials is provided, if you need to provide additional mail properties,
use: serviceProviderConfig.putConfiguration(String propertyKey, String propertyValue);
This can also be used to Override current mail service configuration
// send email to server using wrapper
MailSendWrapper mailSendWrapper = new MailWrapperSecure(
MAIL_SENDER_SEND_FROM_ADDRESS, // from address field
receiverMailAdd, // receiver mail address
MAIL_PASSWORD, // mailbox password
Anyway, a full example can be found here:
This library usages a RAW byte array to store attachment data, which stores in your application memory. Larger attachment will cause Out Of Memory Exception. To avoid this, this library measure the total attachment size, and if the total size is larger than 25MB(Single or multiple length), It will then throw exception. This check ensures consistency for your application performance.
Will be covered in my free time. Anyway, some of documentation available inside project files. Feel free to check it.
If this library helps you, please give a star 🌟. Contributions are always welcome.