This project aims to create a best machine learning model using java Neuroph library for QSAR fish toxicty
data. It can be train and test backpropagation model according to the options in the start menu.
or higher
click the link to go neuroph download page
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
It's required to import neuroph
jar files
- logback-classic.jar
- logback-core.jar
- neuroph-core.jar
- slf4j-api.jar
- visrec-api.jar
It can be used on whatever Java IDE. Just import the project, build and run!
In start menu:
1. training model
2. testing model
3. tesiting with single data
4. exit
1st case is training with input parameters getting from user, 2nd case is testing the model and getting the error rate, and 3th case is getting an output generated by model.
Distributed under the GPL-3 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
@noaahhh - @noah_the_turk
Project Link: