Tags: noraj/unisec
0.0.6 - _Prepare a XSS payload for HTML escape bypass (HTML escape followed by NFKC / NFKD normalization)_ - Rename CLI command `normalize` into `normalize all` - Add a new method `replace_bypass` in the class `Unisec::Normalization` - Add a new CLI command `normalize replace` (using the new `replace_bypass` method)
0.0.4 - Add a new class `Unisec::Bidi::Spoof` and CLI command `bidi spoof` to craft payloads for attack using BiDi code points like RtLO, for example, for spoofing a domain name or a file name - Add a new helper method: `Unisec::Utils::String.grapheme_reverse`: Reverse a string by graphemes (not by code points) - Add an `--enc` option for `unisec hexdump` to output only in the specified encoding - `unisec hexdump` can now read from STDIN if the input equals to `-`
0.0.3 **Features** - Add a new class `Unisec::Rugrep` and CLI command `grep` to search for Unicode code point names by regular expression - Add a new method `Unisec::Properties.deccp2stdhexcp`: Convert from decimal code point to standardized format hexadecimal code point **Chore** - Enhance tests: `assert_equal(true, test)` ➡️ `assert(test)` - Enhance SEO: better description