Interact with the unofficial ChatGPT API chatbot and export the conversation to Markdown, Text, MP3 and more using Kodyfire.
- kodyfire-cli to be installed
npm install -g kodyfire-cli
- Node version >= 18
in .env these are your Openai credentials.- The package uses chatgpt-api. Puppeteer is used to handle the authentication. You will need to manually handle any recaptcha. This will probably change once Openai releases the official api.
npm i chatgpt-kodyfire
In order to generate your exports, run the generate
command. As an example, run the following command from your terminal:
kody generate chatgpt:md topic-no-space
Initiate a new chat session and saves the output to an md file.
kody g chatgpt:md topic
Initiate a new chat session and saves the output to a text file.
kody g chatgpt:text topic
Initiate a new chat session, save and reads out the response using Google Text-to-speech. The output is also saved to a text file. Requires a google cloud project with the text-to-speech API enabled. Also You need to login using the google cli
gcloud auth application-default login
kody g chatgpt:tts topic
string - The name of the kody. chatgpt in our case. You can have multiple kodies installed. To list your installed kodies with your project runkody list
string - The name of the concept you want to execute. To list the concepts of your installed kody (chatgpt), runkody list chatgpt
string - The topic question to start the conversation with no spaces. This will be used as filename
- ~~Output conversation to a text file ~~
- ~~Use Google ~~
- ~~Generate an audio file using Google text-to-speech api ~~
- Extract code and save it to [a] file(s)
- Generate an image using
|other and a description provided by chatgpt - Generate a video using
API and Chatgpt - Output conversation to Excel or CSV
- Live run code and feedback output back to Chatgpt
Anis Marrouchi
- Website:
- Twitter: @anis_marrouchi
- GitHub: @anis-marrouchi
- LinkedIn: @marrouchi
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
- chatgpt-api by transitive-bullshit Node.js client for the unofficial ChatGPT API.
- kodyfire by nooqta The kodyfire generator.
Copyright Β© 2022 Anis Marrouchi.
This project is MIT licensed.
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